Rick's Korea "Trip" - Photos
Page 1 of 4
- 07 Sept 2001  - 18 February 2002

Rick's "Home" 1971 - 72
CO - Capt James L. McAllister
XO - 1Lt Richard E. Langdon
1Sgt - SFC Malcom L. Stewart
Lt. Langdon
Capt. McAllister

"Uncle Sam's" - All expenses paid .... "Trip" to Korea
- He just wanted a little work while I was there -

Camp Edwards (East) & "The Bravo Beast" ... thru the years ...
contributions from other "Bravo Beast" Veterans

Please be paitient - 42 thumbnail images loading
each "clickable" to an image ~ 4x larger

Uncle Sam sent me - but dad's good P&W engines got me there
In-flight between
McCord AFB & Anchorage

1st morning - wake up
Out my billet's window
Co C 702nd Maint Bn
Motor Pool
Camp Edwards (West)
Definately not S. Fla !!

@ Camp Howze after reporting in to -
2nd Engr Bn HQ
look out over E Co 2nd Engr
(Bridge Co) 

On the way back from
Cp Howze
Rice "Hay" stacks

Korea's "civilian" method
for driving bridge piles
(MSR 1 was being upgraded from 2 lanes to 4 lanes from Seoul to Munsan)

- Get to work now -
Foundation prep for 
two relocatable barracks
Camp Rice
(2/77 Cav)

Layout & digging for
spread footers

ME - 1971
(Sent this pic back to Lin 
and she didn't know who it was !!)

The "Turkey Farm"
Near RC 1
at Yan-ga-gol

'nuff said ?
I think so !!!

"trip"  to 2nd Engr Bn HQ
Camp Casey
Near Tong Du Chon
to put in Req. for materials

-back to work -
setting forms Cp Rice
3 KSC's & SSG Britt
KSC - Korean Service Corps (civilian craftsmen / laborers)

My "first" concrete 
placed in Korea
Cp Rice

putting the finishing touches on the formwork at the opposite end
Cp Rice

poured out on the 1st slab
forming the 2nd
Cp Rice

formwork for the 2nd slab
Cp Rice

"One tuckered out soldier"
Sp5 Fraizer
on the mixer

'gotta let 'em know
where to send the 
"Thank you note"
- ! right ! -

The "ant hill"
dry in one side -
wet out the other
and away you go
- 12S mixer - 
(~ 1/2 CY at a time)

Typical farming village
Unchon-ni (N. of Munsan)
out side Camp McKenzie
location for 
Relocatable pads # 3 & 4

Unchon Ni
~ 2Km North of Munsan
(Cp McKenzie was "home" to another Cav Unit - I don't remember which one)

Revised & faster method
@ Cp Mckenzie
put the mixer inside the forms
mix & pull it out as the pour

- brought a "dry charge" to the mixer by loader
Worked better !
(Aggregate stockpile down below)

The troops were happier too.
PFC Robertson 
on the mixer
2 of my KATUSA's in the background

Work continued on MSR 1
of hand work
All of the base rock was spread and graded by hand, then over sanded - by hand and rolled  with that old steel wheeled roller

final grading a hwy cut
- by hand -
Think that all the "Mama-san's and Papa-san's from all the adjacent villages were mobilized for this hwy work

2nd slab at Cp Mckenzie
(4th slab for us :-)
If one works good - inside -
two mixers inside worked even better

pouring out
two at a time - this time
slab #4
Cp McKenzie

In our "spare time" we started work on a new Latrine/Shower for my troops at Camp Edwards (East)

A "partial" load of Kim-chi cabbage ... you wouldn't believe what a FULL load looked like - piled about 6' higher than the cab !!

Delivering more Cement for pad #4
Cp McKenzie

My KATUSA Sgt Kang

Digging footers for "our" new Latrine/Shower
Cp Edwards (East)

Land of the Morning Calm
Sunrise at
Camp Edwards (East)

Mr Cho & Miss Ko
"The Pablo Ramos Club"
Officers Club at
Camp Edwards (West)

SGT Bang, PFC Barke, 
PFC Robertson, SGT Jenning

PVT Jordan, PVT Woofe, 
PVT Han, PVT Chun,
PFC Volmar, SP4 Miller, 
Sgt Nagen

SP4 Butler, PFC Garret, PFC Hook, PFC Toney, 
SP5 Fraizer

PVT Liberty, PFC Shipley,
PVT Yoo, PFC Stauffer
PFC Roach, SSG Britt

A Farmer plowing his rice paddy outside
Camp Edwards (East)
In December '71 we (B Co 2nd Engr's) had a basketball team in the 2ID recreation league.  One game - at Cp Howze, I think - we played against the 2nd Aviation Brigade (?) and who should I come on but my "bunkmate" from OCS at Ft. Belvoir - 1Lt Jim Briske.  He'd gone on to helicopter flight school at Ft. Rucker and was now also in "The Land of the Morning Calm" flying "Hueys".

UH1 View
Camp Edwards (East)

UH1 View
Camp Edwards (East)
It was getting near Christmas, we had little or nothing in the way of Christmas "spirit", no "decorations", and no trees available - in our neck of the woods.  We decided to put that situation right.  Jim, on "some pretext", arranged to fly down to Seoul (where it wasn't a "hardship tour" and we came back with his ship loaded to the gills with trees and decorations for our troops.

To Photo's Page 2 of 4 (More works photos)

To Photo's Page 3 of 4 (A little "touristy")

To Photo's Page 4 of 4 (Camp Edwards East & "The Bravo Beast" thru the years)


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