Subject: New England Trip
Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 13:58:06 -0500
From: Rick Langdon <sideslider@*>
To: El Langdon - eldad <eldad@*>
CC: Jim Langdon <mntndncr@*>
Hello again --
Dad - I got your ICQ message this morning that we're all back home "safe & sound" again -- What a great trip !!!
I'm REALLY glad that we could make it together.
Lin was a bit concerned that you "might" get the impression that there are problems here because she didn't make the trip - or go down to Mobile for T's race Saturday night. Rest assured, there are none. She just felt that this should be "our time" together.
I've revised our trip notes / stay locations, and also typed up some notes for the video's and the pictures from the trip - both of these are attached.
Hope that you can "rest up" a bit before you head out to Jim's. Don't overdo it with your yard work now - call in your "yardman" if you need a bunch of clean-up & mowing before you head out again.
Catch you later....
Love ya,
... New England .. 1998 TRIP ROUTING ...
Mon Sep 14 to B'ham - 690 ... 690
Tue Sep 15 Birmingham, AL - 0 ... 690
Wed Sep 16 to Wytheville, VA - 470 470 1160
Thu Sep 17 To Hanover, PA - 460 930 1620
Sun Sep 20 to West Haven, CT - 90 1360 2050
at "Butternut Farm B&B" {Jim Roets House, in the '50's}
1654 Main St
Glastonbury, CT
(203) 633-7197
at "The Puffin Inn B&B"
233 US Route 1
Ogunquit, ME
(207) 646-5496
(Visit w/ Claire (Langdon) & Francis Lamb -- cancelled -- Claire's son Linus just had his first baby on Saturday the 3rd, they were headed down to see the new baby)
at "The Lake Webb House B&B"
Church St
Weld, ME
(207) 585-2479
Thu Oct 01 to Birmingham, AL - 470 3820 4510
Fri Oct 02 Birmingham, AL - 0 3820 4510
Mon Oct 05 to Ft Pierce, FL - 640(Dad) 4420 5450
Tue Oct 06 - "chill"
Wed Oct 07 - "chill"
Thu Oct 08 - "chill"
Fri Oct 09 Dad to Denver CO (Jim's) ..... FLYING !!! .....
... New England .. 1998 TRIP Video Notes ...
Thu Sep 17 To Hershey, PA (via West Virgina & Northern Maryland)
I-77 thru Virginia & West Virginia, East River Mountain - Tunnel, West Virginia - Welcome, W. VA Turnpike (I-77) Toll Plaza, Coal Mine (near East Bank, W. VA), Charleston, W. VA.
Fri Sep 18 to Danbury, CT (Stops at NYMA & West Point)
From parking lot at Motel in Hershey PA, I-81/I-80 Stroudsburg/Bloomburg, Wilkes-Barre PA, I-81/I-84 Scranton PA, Mt. Pocono, Lords Valley, Port Jervis NY ... Newburgh NY, New York Military Academy - Cornwall-On-Hudson NY, Storm King Mountain Overlook - Hudson River, US Milatary Academy - West Point NY, Storm King Mountain - back of West Point - Ski Lift & Slopes, Leave Newburgh NY - cross Hudson River I-84
Sat Sep 19 to Brooklyn, NY
Lloyd Street / Church Ave - Brooklyn NY (where dad lived - shake sided house replaced by brick apt bldg), Harold Jost's house-Lloyd St, Rogers Ave/Erazmus Ave - Poppa Jim's (Dad's Dad's) Store (now an auto parts store), Holy Cross Church - just down Church Ave, Veronica Place - where dad lived, Down Erazmus Ave to Erazemus Hall HS, Republican Party HQ - Brooklyn on Church Ave (now a hispanic church), Bedford Ave - PS 92 & Erazmus Hall HS, 1988 New York Ave - where dad lived, The Brighton "El" BMT - Brooklyn Manhatten Transit, 1115 East 10th St & PS 99 - where mom lived (mom went to St. Brenden's Academy), Ocean Parkway -- down to Coney Island, Brighton Beach / Surf Ave - Coney Island, Coney Island Shows- Carosel, The Cyclone, Boardwalk, BMT Line, ride the big Ferris Wheel at Coney Island !!
Sun Sep 20 to West Haven, CT (Morning in Manhatten, NY)
Shell Bank Creek at the foot of Harkness & Knapp Ave - Brooklyn (down the creek from where Sutter Bros Marine / Vic Sutter's house was located), Crossing the Brooklyn Bridge to Manhatten, Fulton Market Area - Manhatten (building on Fulton where dad worked - 1930's), Front St - Manhatten - blocked off for 3/3 "BBall Hoop it Up", Louisiana Tricentenial Zydeco Band @ Pier 17 / South St Seaport, Walk up Wall St / JP Morgan Bldg / Stock Exchange / Trinity Church, Walk down Broadway to Battery Park / Brass Bull / Customs Bldg, New York Harbor - Ellis Island - Statue of Liberty - & take the Statue of Liberty Ferry, Walk back to Pier 17 up South Street, Titanic Memorial Light @ South Street Seaport Musuem
Mon Sep 21 to Glastonbury, CT
Middletown CT - down Main St to Middlesex Hosp & up Main St past "The Diner", Cross the Middletown/Portland Bridge over the Connecticut River, thru Cromwell CT (up CT-99) to Rocky Hill, Cross the CT River on the Rocky Hill / S. Glastonbury Ferry, up to S. Glastonbury from the Ferry landing, up Chestnut Hill Rd / Northview Terrace / Little Acres Rd to our house at 7 Little acres Rd (Outside & Inside) -major additions and remodeling but the "old house" can still be seen beneath the additions, Butternut Farm B&B (was Jim Roets house when we lived here - 1950's), Academy School - Main Street, Glastonbury (Rick's - 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th grades)
Tue Sep 22 Glastonbury, CT (Rainy)
Glastonbury Center & the old Wells Tavern, drive south down Main St. Glastonbury, The Old Cider Mill (Al Taylor's old mill), St. Augustine's Church, Hopewell Road Skating Pond, East Glastonbury - Angus Park Pond, Roaring Brook, Shoddy Mill Dam at Angus Park Pond, Buttonball Lane School (Rick's - 6th Grade), Glastonbury HS (Rick's 7th, 8th, & 9th grade), Hubbard Street School - a 3 room school house (Rick's 3rd Grade), Colchester CT - Art & Claudia's home (I can't believe I got NO pics of Art, Cladia, & David - their place was Uncle Art & Aunt Clara's 20x20 "lake cabin" above Lake Haywood), Our room at "Butternut Farm B&B"
Wed Sep 23 Glastonbury, CT
Rock Landing Road - Haddam Neck [Dad & Mom's (& our) first house], Brainard's House across the Road, Rock Landing Rd (the "upper Road") - past Raviches, Tom Hall's - draft horses, Haddam Neck Sign - Established 1712, Selden's Field - Rock Landing Rd/Quarry Hill Rd (where dad got his first deer), down Rock landing Rd - the hill road down to the CT River landing, Rock Landing Cemetary, The LANGDON Plot - Granny, Uncle Art, Aunt Clara, The "old" Rock Landing Inn on the Connecticut River, Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Plant (on the "back side" of the "old Farmhouse property), The "lower road" - & the start of the path up to the farmhouse, Haddam Neck Grange Hall & Fairgrounds, Stone Walls along the "Upper Road" (Quarry Hill Rd.), turn down School House Hill Rd, Bob Hoffman's house on School House Hill Rd, Haddam Neck Congregational Church & the Haddam Neck - one room schoolhouse (where Uncle Art's "Haddam Neck Band" practised), Brainard's house at the top of Jenks Hill (Cove Rd.) -wide stone wall & Apple Orchard, Captain Jenk's place (Moose Macellie's house at the bottom of Jenk's Hill), Bobby's house - built on the farms "barn lot", The "old farmhouse" - 1848 (The Langdon Place 1911 - mid 1970's, ((?? won in a poker game at Republican HQ - Brooklyn ??)), SwitchYard for "CY" - at the head end of the upper swamp about 3/4 mile down from the farmhouse, Outfall channel from CY at the tip of "The Neck", (the old dirt road below the farmhouse is now paved by CY past their Switchyard, down to their discharge channel, & out to the Connecticut River as a "Public Access") Walk back the access road to CY's Firing Range (located in the "Venture's Meadow" on the hill side above the Salmon River above what was the larger Meadow at the neck, and behind "Venture Smith's Cabin", Stone Foundation and Terrace walls at Venture Smith's Place, Stone Dam & Meadow above & behind Venture Smith's Place, Beaver Dam & Pond - just above Venture Smith's Rock Dam, Captain Jenks Place, Lake Pocotopog / East Hampton, Good Springs Opera House at the Ease Haddam Bridge, River Rd to Gillette Castle, drive up to the Castle
Wed Sep 23 (cont)
Gillette Castle Exterior, Connecticut River - the Hadlyme Ferry Crossing (below Gillette Castle), "The Orchard Hill Club / Pool" - Glastonbury
Thu Sep 24 to Ogunquit, ME
Ogunquit Lobster Pound Restaurant - Ogunquit, Me
Fri Sep 25 Ogunquit, ME
Ogunquit "Trolly" from the beach to Perkins Cove, Perkins Cove & Pedestrian Draw Bridge, Rock Beach @ Perkins Cove, "Marginal Way" - Seaside walk from Perkins Cove to Ogunquit, York Village / beach- Nubble Light, Cape Neddick Nubble Lighthouse
Sat Sep 26 to Weld, ME
Lake Webb / Mt. Blue State Park Main Beach Area, walk down to "OUR" South Shelter, South Shelter
Sun Sep 27 Weld, ME
Ham's cabin - Phillips ME, on the road back from Phillips to Weld, the cross roads - Weld ME, on the road from Weld to Wilton ME
Mon Sep 28 Weld, ME
"Fall Foliage Tour" Up ME Hwy 27, Sugarloaf Mtn ski area, Flagstaff Lake & Bog at Stratton ME, Up ME Hwy 27 - to Canada/US border at Coburn Gore ME, Border Crossing, "Moose Bog" at Stratton ME, down ME Hwy 16 to Rangely Lake, Rangely Lake Overlook on ME Hwy 17, Mooselookmeguntic Lake overlook on Me Hwy 17, down Hwy 17 to Byron ME & Coos Canyon, Coos Canyon, Gravel Road from Byron to the top end of Lake Webb (past Tumbledown Mountain & view of Mt. Blue), Birch Stand & Mt. Blue from the West side of Lake Webb
============= end of 6 hour cross taped Video #1 ============================
VIDEO #4 - ~1 HOUR
Tue Sep 29 to Newburgh, NY
across US HWY 2 - Dixfield, Rumford, Bethel ME into New Hampshire, White Mountains - New Hampshire thru Gorham NH & Jefferson Highlands NH (Golf Course view), Lancaster, NH (53rd Annual "Gliden Tour" / Antique Car Tour), Lancaster NH to East St. Johnsbury VT ("in" The Gliden Tour), I-93 to I-91 at St. Johnsbury VT, South down I-91 from St. Johnsbury VT to Ascutney VT / Claremont NH
Roll #1 -
Sep 18 NYMA, Hudson River from Storm King Mountain, West Point
Sep 19 "Specimen Fall Maple at Motel in Danbury, Ct, Coney Island, 101st Cav NYNG (now 42nd Main Support Battalion - NYNG), Right field Wall ( Ebbets Field - Home of "The Brooklyn Dogers" )
Roll #2 -
Sep 20 Manhatten, Battery Park, Fulton Market, I-95 (New York St Thruway)
Sep 21 Butternut Farm - Glastonbury
Sep 23 Haddam Neck
Sep 24 Butternut Farm & Main Street - Glastonbury
Roll #3 -
Sep 24 Bobby & Joan - Bedford NH, The Puffin Inn - Ogunquit ME, The Ogunquit Lobster Pound Restaurant
Sep 25 Perkins Cove & "Marginal Way"
Roll #4 -
Sep 25 Perkins Cove, Marginal way, Nubble Light
Roll #5 -
Sep 25 Lawn Glider @ The Puffin Inn
Sep 26 @ The Puffin - Maurice & Lee Williams, Karen & Susan, Rick & Dad, Mt. Blue SP - Main Beach & South Shelter
Sep 27 Ham's Cabin - Phillips ME (Ham, Leo, Marina, Dad), Ham's House - Phillips ME (Ham, Max, Marina, Leo, Rick & Dad)
Roll #6 -
Sep 27 Around Weld ME, Center Hill MBSP, & Park HQ, Around Dixfield ME
Sep 28 Lake Webb House B&B, "Fall Foliage Tour up to Canada"
Roll #7 -
Sep 28 "Fall Foliage Tour" - Mooselookmeguntic Lake, Coos Canyon, Mt. Blue, Tumbledown Mountains
Sep 29 "The Glidden Tour", Jenny
Sep 30 mountains in Virginia along I-81
Oct 01 Back in Forestdale
Sep 26 Mt Blue, Lake Webb & Tumbledowns
Sep 28 "Chain-of-Ponds" along ME Hwy 27 between Eustis & Coburn Gore, Rangely Lake Overlook, Mooselookmeguntic Lake overlook, Lake Webb / Mt Blue Overlook
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