LOTS OF YEARS AT WORK - 9/31 thru 1/77---45yrs, plus 6 months
· I guess you could say it started in '28 when I recieved a Band scholarship to NYMA, in a sense, "working" in the Band to merit attendance at a prestigious private Military Academy. ( 9/28 to 5/31)
· In the summer of '31 I signed up for CMTC , a one month military training camp in upper NY State -- forerunner to ROTC -- and stayed with The 101st Cavalry, NYNG thru 1938.
Cavalry - NYNG (1931 - '38)· In Sept 31, I started work at age 17, for the Globe Indemnity Co. in downtown NYC, stayed there thru the Great Depression, until the spring of '41. (9/31 to 5/41)---9yrs,and 9 months---rounded to 10 yrs, and just 3 months shy of eligibility for a pension after 10yrs service.
· In May '41 I started work at P&WA in Hartford Conn. Worked there thru theWorld War II years, the traumatic '45 layoff after D-Day, and the rebuilding period, until Jan '61. (5/41 to 1/61)-- 19yrs, and 8mos----rounded to 20 yrs, at the P&WA main Aircraft Engine Manufacturung plant in East Hartford, Connecticut.
· Transferred to P&W's Florida Research and Development Center in West Palm Beach in Jan 61, I worked there till Jan 77, tho for all intents & purposes, I was unoficially "retired" but still on the payroll, being on "Special Assignment", from the first day I gave notice to retire in Sept 76. (1/61 thru 1/77)---- 16 yrs, plus 1 month. ( 35 yrs 9 months with P&W )
·· In total, an uninterrupted working career at two Companies, extending from 9/31 thru 1/77 --- 45yrs, plus 6 months.
· In NYC, Casualty Insurance Co.---Statistics--Acctg--Auditing--Actuarial. · 10 yrs of boring work with numbers-- to put food on the table.
· In Htfd Conn, Aircraft Engine Mfg Co.---Machine Load Analysis--Industrial Engrg/Group Supv, Shop Labor Stds . · 10 yrs of interesting work,still numbers, but learning all about shop machines, shop operation, and Supervising a group of Ind. Engrs.
· At FRDC, W.P.Beach, Fl., Research & Development, Jet Engines, Rocket Engines, Laser Military Technology, ---- Supv., Industrial Engrg Dept -- Shop/Assy Labor Stds and Cost Control Troubleshooting -- Develop/Monitor Plant Budget -- Develop/Supv Suggestion Plan -- Serve as Aide to Chief of all Engrg Operations, 5000 of 6000 Plant Employees. An interesting and challenging 16 yrs at this Hi-tech Engrg R&D plant - with new experience on Budgets, Suggestion Plan, and a long term "temporary" part time assignment as unofficial Aide to the #2 Executive at the plant.
· And now followed by 20 plus enjoyable earned years in retirement -- fishing -- golfing -- house renovating -- yard maintenance -- playing Bridge -- singing in the Church Choir -- attending Fine Arts performances -- enjoying Florida Sunshine -- watching the boats go by.
The golden years indeed.
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