After breakfast, we walked about 1.5km thru the "old town", along the Inn Promanade to Innrain and caught the Tram (#1) to Igls. On the way we past by the Olympic Sprungstadion (ski jumping stadium) and skating rink and saw deer browsing in the woods going up the "front range" between Innsbruck and Igls. The station at Igls is the end of the Tram Line with a cul-de-sac for the tram to turn around, and then about a mile walk thru Igls to the cable car station - the Patscherkofel Bahn.
The cable car goes up over the Olympia BobBahn (we were to late to take a Bob Sled run - November thru February Bob Sled rides are available with an experienced driver). The upper cable car station is at virtually the same elevation - 1932m as the upper station at Seegrube - 1905m, with chair lifts to the top of Patscherkofel - 2247m. It was clear again and the view was just as spectacular. There were more skiers to watch on this side, including a group of 3 to 5 year old kids taking ski lessons. Headed back down in early afternoon and stopped in Igls for lunch, got back to the tram station in Innsbruck about mid afternoon and spent the rest of the day walking thru all the nooks and crannies of the "old town".
Ate dinner with Raimuld at the Bergtavern again - they are going to have an accordian player tomorrow night in his "root celler" tavern. Raimuld invited us to stay on with them tomorrow and have some schnapps.
Had another wonderful day. Going on a bus tour to Schloss Nueschwanstein tomorrow.
ALBUM - DAY 14 (6 Photos - 77.1Kb)
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