With our arrival in Zurich being late afternoon, we didn't take many pictures today except from the train. The route was beautiful again. Leaving Innsbruck we continued to travel up the valley of the River Inn, crossed it about 70 km west, just past Landeck, and climbed up to St. Anton am Arlberg. At St. Anton, there were "Ski Schules", lifts and slopes right "downtown" adjacent to the station. Shortly after leaving St. Anton, we entered a long (~10 km long) tunnel thru the alps, stopped at the exit of this tunnel at Langen am Arlberg, then down to the Rhine River Valley at Feldkirch, just north of Lichtenstein. Two final stops at Bushs SG and Sargans, then the final non-stop run of about 90 km from Sargans to Zurich, with about 40km of this along the South shore of the Zurich See.
Got cabs from the Zurich Hbf to the Hotel Zurich, which turned out to be within sight of the station, about 1km as the crow flies, at the confluence of the River Sihl and the outlet of the Zurich See - the River Limmat. After checking in and getting settled (this is the fanciest and newest hotel we stayed in) we got out for our afternoon / evening walk. Across the pedestrian bridge over the Limmat at the hotel to the Platzpromenade - a nice park at the confluence of the rivers, past the Schweiz Landesmuseum, thru the Hbf (checked on connections to Lichtenstein and Geneva) then down thru Zurich's shopping zone along the Bahnhofstrasse to the Munster Bridge and back along the Neumuhlequai to the hotel - about a 6 or 7 km walk with a dinner stop.
Off for a day trip (train & bus) to Vaduz, Lichtenstein tomorrow.
ALBUM - DAY 16 (10 Photos - 122.8Kb)
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