The flights back were ....... long and cramped - 'nuff said.
Landed in Atlanta at 3:10PM (local time) - relcaimed bags - checked thru customs (& paid our "excess" import duty) checked the bags thru to Birmingham, and headed for the departure gate for Birmingham about 4:00. Bo & Barbara took the airlines "courtesy transport" to the departure gate - due to Bo's still gimpy leg - while Lin & Rick "walked". We arrived at about 4:20 (for the 5:22 flight) and were getting were getting concerned when Barb & Bo were not there. They finally arrived about 5:05 after boarding calls had already started being called.
Arrived in Birmingham at 5:20PM (local time), were met at the airport by Todd, and arrived home about 6:30PM. Todd and the Hawkins had decorated the deck with "welcome home" signs and balloons, and there were "licks all around" from Boz. Finally crashed about 10PM (5AM Brussels time) after a very long day chasing the sun.
PHOTO ALBUM - DAY 21 (3 Photos - 43.8Kb)
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