- 31 August 98

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- 31 July 98

--- REC.TRAVEL LIBRARY - Travel and tourism information with an emphasis on personal travelogues - "Everything" you want to know about travel - "just about" anywhere in this world.

- 15 June 97

--- WEB TRAVEL REVIEW, Featuring the travel writings of Phillip Greenspun

A Non-Commercial Source of ideas for INDEPENDENT TRAVELLERS -- LINDA AND DON FREEDMAN - 18 June 97

- 25 April 99

-- THE BEST "Starting Point" I've found to get web information on virtually any destination --


There are a lot of these around but this is BY FAR THE BEST we've found - there WILL BE some -------"eye & ear candy" changes made (starting today) !! Thanks to "tup"-------

- 11 July 97

- 07 Sep 97

CREDITS: For permission to republish original works in our tribute to Lady Diana - Princess of Wales and the World. The following sites were immediate and enthuiastic in their support of the assembly of our memorial tribute to Lady Di - these permissions are gratefully acknowledged.

- Image: Princess Diana & English Rose - From Etcetera, The London Daily Telegraph / Sunday Telegraph - (The Electronic Telegraph) - Issue # 834, Saturday, 06 September 1997

It almost seems as if "we were led" to these sites by "a higher hand" while assembling our tribute page to Princess Diana. Without a doubt, Williamsholler is the single most beautiful and peaceful site we've visited. The site owners, Tommy and Judith Williams, have given so much, and so unselfishsly, of themselves and their creative talent. "Williamsholler" is definately worth taking the best part of a day to browse and enjoy all of it's nooks and cranies (including quite a few little "hidden treasures"). Tommy and Judith responded within hours of my request for permission to republish some of their works in a collaborative tribute saying - "You do have permission to use everything, including Missy Blue, as the page is lovely, and we are proud to be included in the lovely tribute to our lady, Princess Diana... the people's princess who will live forever in our hearts."


- Images, Floral arrangements

- Background Music, "Missy Blue" and "Gentle Lady"

- Image, Candles by Bill DeWitt

We were led to Williamsholler thru a Midi credit to Tommy Williams for "Missy Blue" on the page "For an Angel" from "Missy'sCircle of Hands", dedicated to the memory of Missy - a wonderful lady of the web who "we met" on the web in February 97, prayed with thru her good fight against cancer - but who passed away in July 1997 after touching the hearts of untold thousands thru her love of and work on the web. Missy this candle burns for you. I know the outpouring of love expressed for both Missy and Lady Di makes you kindrid spirits and you would be proud and happy to share your song together.

- PC World Magizine's assortment of free "tips" via email subscription. A wide variety of tips are available to help you learn (or keep up) with what's happening with your computer, your applications, and the internet.- 01 Jan 98

- 09 Aug 98

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