- 11 May 2000 - 06 November 2000
Preliminary and final house Plans
Construction Progress Photos - INDEX (Local Link)
Construction Progress - Day & MH Summaries
Saturday - 03 July 1999
Thursday - 15 July 1999
Friday - 06 August 1999
Monday - 09 August 1999
Thursday - 19 August 1999
Friday - 27 August 1999
Picked up the survey (with the two story house) located on it from Mike McLaughlen today, and gave him a partial payment on the survey pending receipt of construction drawings, for the “Home Planners LLC - two story house" (plan revisions) , which are being prepared by Paul Welch / Mike Mennard. McLaughlin will submit for the septic tank & drain field when these plans are available (tried to submit with my “sketches” but they were not acceptable).
Thursday - 07 October 1999
Tuesday - 19 October 1999
We are now working with Peck Construction to come to terms with them for a modification of their model home plans (a combination of the floor plan from their model home / office and the exterior look of their more "ranch" style model next door for the exterior "look") to place on our lot.
Friday - 29 October 1999
Monday - 01 November 1999
Wednesday - 03 November 1999
Stopped in at Staples and got a copy of "3-D Home Architect" .... if everyone's "to busy" I'll make the plan rev's myself and give a copy of the output, or file copy, to Welch & Mennard for final plan prep.
Tuesday - 09 November 1999
Friday - 03 December 1999
Stopped at McLaughlin Land Survey to have the survey revised (to show the "Peck plan house" and give him a set of plans to submit for the septic tank & drain field permit.
Sunday - 05 December 1999
Monday - 06 December 1999
Tuesday - 11 January 2000
Saturday - 15 January 2000
Monday - 17 January 2000
Friday - 21 January 2000
Had the survey revised to show the “Smithbilt Bullshed” for storage and to submit a change to the septic tank & drain field permit. Stopped at the health department and submitted this drawing change for incorporation into the septic tank and drainfield permit.
Friday - 21 January 2000
Now, it’s a bit more wait for final drawing revisions including changing the foundation plan to a “thickened slab” on the West side rather than a stem wall, elimination of a block columns at the entry porch, making this entry porch recess a cantilevered roof from the living room wall, the addition of roof truss details to be furnished by East Coast Lumber (the Truss Manufacturer) and a connection schedule for the trusses which will be added by the engineer based on wind load calculations furnished by the truss manufacturer. It will be these "final" drawings which will be submitted with the application for a building permit for the residence.
Friday - 25 February 2000
Monday - 28 February 2000
"10 working days" to process the permit applications ??? We'll see. (The applications for permits which we've submitted so far .... Demolition, Vegetation Removal, and Septic Tank / Drainfield .... have not really taken that long to be processed, approved and returned.)
Stopped at Thurman Sheds and released the “Smithbilt - Bullshed” .... got a delivery date in 4 weeks, for Monday 27 March and advised Mike D. of this delivery date.
Thursday - 16 March 2000
Manning will furnish Mike D. with a final opening schedule for their scope of supply. (Mike still intends to use his Jacksonville supplier for the entry door / sidelights / transom assembly, the door from the master bedroom to the porch, and from the laundry room to the garage - this order is not placed yet.)
Found out that the permit review for the residence was being held up pending receipt of a sketch showing attachment of the interior bearing walls to the block walls.
Community Development called and advised that the Utility Shed permit had been released (but could not be picked up until after the residence permit was released)
Friday - 17 March 2000
Tuesday - 21 March 2000
- 3
!!! ... GROUNDBREAKING DAY ... !!!
FINALLY - after almost 9 months of preliminary work
& "waiting"
Arrived ~ 9:30 to find Mike D. along with “Tommy” and his crew from South Florida Concrete at work ... laying out batter boards and string lines to start excavation for the stem wall footers. I determined that they had made their lay-out using Kraus's fence as the “North line”. This will shift the house to the North about 5” or 6”, and make it not quite so “tight” at the South side ..... so did not object. (Don’t know when or for what real “reason” the “form board” survey will be called, if not to establish the initial layout??? ...)
Dad. Lin, Helen Roesler (our friend visiting from Australia) and I held our “Groundbreaking” photo shoot with our specially prepared “GOLD SHOVEL”, and Mike D. set his “construction by” sign and permit box out front. Gave Mike the Vegetation removal permit and advised him that a “final” inspection had not yet been requested on it .... he called for this inspection before leaving , and we left this permit in the box.
Excavation started on the South side, and because I was concerned that
excavation on the North side would restrict or eliminate access for moving
in the shed to behind the Garage, I stopped at Thurman’s Sheds and asked
Mr. Thurman to run by, check, and if absolutely necessary stop the excavation
work. He did.... and stopped the work.
Tommy’s crew - 6 men x 8 hrs = 48 MH
Sunday - 26 March 2000
Wednesday - 29 March 2000
Monday - 03 April 2000
Monday - 17 April 2000
FINALLY, after nearly a month long delay, Tommy and his crew from South
Florida Concrete showed up to resume work on the stem wall footings.
One showed up ~ 10:00, another ~ 11:00, another ~ 11:15 and Tommy showed
up with his tractor and mini-backhoe about 11:30. They reestablished
their batter boards and string lines in short order and were at work by
~ 12:30. Excavation was completed, and reinforcing rods being placed
and tied when we left ~ 4:30
Tommy’s crew 4 men x 6 hrs = 24 MH (+ 48) 72 MH to date
~ 3 PM I came up from the back to find the inspector there & “muttering to himself”. Went to introduce myself and see if anything was wrong. He advised that he’d been by and signed off earlier, but had come back by to recheck and see if he could determine why Mike had left out the western stem wall. ??
I advised him that this had been changed to a thickened edge prior to the final submittal for the building permit and showed him my drawings. It turned out that he had been confused by the difference between the plans submitted for the septic tank permit and those submitted for the building permit - both sets were contained in the drawing package in the permit box. He just had not “dug deep enough” into the plans. All was determined to be “OK” in the end, and we’re ready to pour tomorrow. We both placed calls to Mike D. with the news.
Tommy’s crew - 2 men x 4 hrs = 8 MH (+72) = 80 MH to-date
Conc pump crew - 2 men x 2 hrs = 4 MH (+80) = 84 MH to-date
Wednesday - 26 April 2000
Stopped at Culligan and bought the “Good Water machine” .... Donny requested that we schedule him in for installation after the CO is issued. Also went to ABCO Doors to place the Garage Door order, but Frankie was not there and not expected back ‘till Monday.
Thursday - 27 April 2000
WEST - S/B 16’ - 4 3/16 & 75’ - 4 3/16” (from North fence
found: 15’ -6” & 74’ - 6 1/4” (59’ - 0 1/4” rear width)
“OK’d” the layout to Mike even though it will result in about a 6” narrowing of the driveway space available from the front to the back of the house .... However, it will place the house about 3 1/4” farther North on the lot and provide that much more clearance from the 10’ setback line on the South.
Checked from the 4x4 Conc. Mon. in hedge to the south - to the south string line = 10’ - 7 1/4”
FOOTER CHECK: (S/B ELEV 24.51’ .... 24’ - 6 1/8”)
@ SW Cor 24’ - 7 1/2”
@ SE Cor (Study) 24’ - 7 1/8”
@ NE Cor (Study) 24’ - 6 3/4”
@ SE Cor (Porch) 24’ - 6 3/8”
@ NE Cor (Porch) 24’ - 6 1/4”
@ NE Cor 24’ - 6”
@ N wall / Garage 24’ - 6 1/4”
@ NW Cor 24’ - 6 1/4”
The Block Mason will have to make some adjustments in his lay-up to bring the walls level but “not to bad” ... will still lay-up either 5 courses to the porch & garage recesses, or 5 1/2 courses to finished floor locations and Tommy will form (w 2 x 12) to the finished floor elev. and solid fill the block stem walls at the time that the slab(s) are placed..
I also brought the errors in the “Energy Calculation / Manual J” paperwork to Mike’s attention (they did not give “credit” in the calcs for the double glazed or double glazed & tinted windows and did not give credit for the ceiling fans ..... Mike D. will have this “Energy Calculation” reworked after Mennard gets the floor plan revised for the window & door changes. Also, advised Mike that I intend to “hire on” FP&L for their “Build Smart” Program.
Mike talked with his Mason (Doyle / Doyle Masonry), his fill guy ("Hoss" / Treasure Coast Land Clearing), and will schedule in McLaughlin for the form board survey ..... the plan now is to deliver block Friday ..... lay the walls Saturday .... fill & compact Monday ... do the plumbing / under slab rough-in ... see how that goes ... and schedule Tommy back in either toward the end of next week to form-up for the slab placement(s) or the beginning of the week of May 8th.
Saturday - 29 April 2000
Doyle’s Crew - 8 men x 3 1/2 hrs = 28 MH (+84) = 112 MH to-date
The “As-built” for the wall reinforcing was not as good. There are adjustments that will have to be made prior to the floor slab placement. Placed a call to Mike D. this evening, and left a message requesting a call back, .... but no call back. Will try again in the early morning ... as well as check to see if Thursday will be a “Stem wall inspection day” or if fill will be moved in tomorrow.
Left ~ 12:30 and passed the Doyle crew about a mile north on the Drive. Came back and found that concrete was scheduled in ~ 1330 (which is close to when it arrived - with 7 CY of pea gravel pump mix). Solid filled the stem wall cells (5.8 CY calc) deposited the balance inside the wall on the NE corner, ... cleaned up and left ~ 1435.
Doyle’s Crew - 2 men x 2 hrs = 4 MH (+112) = 116 MH to-date
Thursday - 4 May 2000
“Hoss” from Treasure Coast Land Clearing came by ~ 1030 and we talked .... scheduled in for Monday 0800 ... he called Mike and one of Mike’s men will be there to operate a plate compactor as the fill is leveled and brought to grade. TCLC will provide a back hoe/loader to move the fill around & I advised him that there is water available for compaction from next door. Hoss expects to get “moist fill” and should not need the water.
Marked up my plans with the notes and masonry RO’s from Manning and will rework my notes Re. opening sizes and reinforcement locations. Based on Tommy’s work-up and comments, they should be in the cell adjacent to the opening ... i.e. RO + 4”.
Will be “generous” and call today and Friday “cure days” for the wall rather than “lost days”
Saturday - 06 May 2000
Treasure Coast Land Clearing - 1 man x 2 hrs = 2 MH (+116) = 118 MH To-Date
TCLC - Tractor & Box Blade - 2 Hrs
(10 loads = 180 CY... my “bid estimate” = 200 cy @ $4/cy = $800 for fill, price per Mike D, & the reason for a reduction in this line item from $2000 to $800 at the final bid tally)
Around 15:30 Mike D’s man arrived with a small “Wacker Packer” (plate compactor). He said that he’d come by on Monday but left when the fill was “not ready”. I advised him that TCLC was supposed to deliver 3 more loads and that their man with the Tractor and Box blade “should” be back ~ 1600 .... or at least he expected the trucks to be coming in around then. Mike D’s man leveled off around the wall and ran the compactor around the perimeter ~ 2 times and was in process of running the center when TCLC’s man returned ~ 16:15. He called his dispatcher and was advised that no trucks were “on the way”, that it’d be in the morning. All left ~ 16:30.
Being “Generous again” ...
Treasure Coast Land Clearing - 1 man x 3 hrs (+118) = 121 MH To-Date
DiFrancisco Const - 1 man x 1 hr (+121) = 122 MH To-Date
TCLC - Tractor & Box Blade - 1 Hr (3 Hrs To-Date)
TCLC - Cat 930 Loader - 2 Hrs (2 Hrs To-Date)
DiFrancisco - Wacker Packer - 1 Hr (1 Hr To-date)
Around 1000 “Hoss” came by, and we ordered in one more load (I “think” that makes 11 x 18 = 198 CY Hoss was not sure of the load count). TCLC’s operator was finished, and left with the tractor at 1145, his time spent today was more or less equally split between the loader and tractor / box blade.
I called Mike D. around 1315 to see if Hoss had called to advise him that they were finished .... he hadn’t. I expressed my “concern” that the fill had not been compacted uniformly as it was being brought up to grade ... and asked him if he might want to hold off on sending his man with the wacker until I had a chance to soak the fill ... he opted not to, saying that there was a compaction test (95% ... he didn’t know “of what”) that had to be passed and that they didn’t usually have any problem passing that... he’d send his guys over.
It looks like Thursday & Friday will be “lost days”, the next work
scheduled is to get Tommy back in Monday to set the slab forms, call for
the compaction test, set-up McLaughlin for a “form board survey”, set-up
the plumber to come in for his “rough-in”, and call for the termite (soil)
treatment ..... Mike thought that “maybe” the slab pour could be made by
the end of next week, maybe Saturday the 20th.
We’ll see.
I set up two hoses and sprinklers from Karen’s and had it at least surface moistened by the time they (2) arrived with the wacker packer at around 2. They ran the fill with the packer, loaded up and left at 1530.
Being “Generous again” ...
Treasure Coast Land Clearing - 1 man x 4 hrs (+122) = 126 MH To-Date
DiFrancisco Const - 2 man x 1 1/2hr = 3 MH(+126) = 129 MH To-Date
Equip: (& fill totals)
TCLC - Tractor & Box Blade - 2 Hr (5 Hrs To-Date)
TCLC - Cat 930 Loader - 2 Hrs (4 Hrs To-Date) ...........................
TCLC Operator 9 Hrs
DiFrancisco - Wacker Packer - 1 1/2 Hr (2 1/2 Hr To-date) .......
DiF Labor 4 Hrs
Thursday - 11 May 2000
Friday - 12 May 2000
Comments for the week .... Although 3 days are credited as "working days", the Equip: (&fill totals) listed at Wednesday represent the sum total of this weeks work .... 13 MH AND 3 DAYS to do a one day job of work. GIVE ME A BREAK !!
On arrival Wednesday morning we found that Tommy & his South Florida Concrete crew had been by Tuesday afternoon to do the slab formwork. (Estimate for crew size & MH)
Tommy’s crew - 3 men x 4 hrs = 12 MH (+129) = 141 MH to-date
Tyron Plumbing & Mike arrived ~ 0845. After a short bit of final pre-work plans & selections ... left side drain on the master bath tub, main drain penetration / stub out thru the bottom block of the stem wall at top of footer, raw water and conditioned water - incoming service - on the South wall (behind the south sink in the master bath), raw water to hose bibs at SW, SE, and NE corners with conditioned water to hose bib at NW corner .... they were at work ~ 0915. Worked 'till around 1130 and had all of the DWV run and "most" of the water lines too. Came back for about an hour after lunch to finish and solder up the water lines and were gone at 1330. AN EXCELLENT "DAYS WORK".
Tryon Plumbing, 2 men x 4 Hrs = 8 MH(+141) = 149 MH to-date
Thursday & Friday will ... most likely ... be one inspection day
and one "work" day.
Next work "due up" -
Thursday -
"Form board survey" (S) set-up for either
this afternoon or Thursday (Provide prior to pre-pour insp sign-off)
Plumbing rough-in inspection (S)
Friday -
Backfill the plumbing ditches, level & recompact
Compaction test (S) (Provide results prior to
pre-pour insp sign-off)
Next Week:
Monday -
House & garage - sub-slab termite spray (S)
(Provide proof prior to pre-pour insp sign-off)
Complete formwork
Lay-in the sub-slab vapor barrier
Set, tie & brace slab edge & dowel reinforcement
Tuesday -
House & garage slab, pre-pour inspection (S)
Wednesday -
Place / pour house & garage slab (pumped
- 2500 psi / fibermix, "my estimate" = 51 CY)
Thursday -
Form, set reinf, & expansion joints at house
slabs "thickened edge" - for entry & front porch slabs
pre-pour insp for porches (?)
Friday -
Place / pour entry & front porch slabs (pumped
- 2500 psi / tinted fibermix, "my estimate" = 9 CY)
Thursday - 18 May 2000
No on site work today - Plumbing rough-in Inspection day
Lin & I went down this afternoon, while dad was at his Thursday
afternoon Bridge Game, to let her have a look at whats been done ... and
visualize walls and room sizes (not that it's going to change now :-).
While we were there, I checked the permit, and YES .... the plumbing rough-in
had been SIGNED! Don't know if McLaughlin has been by for the "form
board survey"... haven't talked w/ Mike today. Now, we'll just have
to see if the "plan" for the next 6 days "comes together" .... hope so.
Friday - 19 May 2000
Saturday - 20 May 2000
Monday - 22 May 2000
Spoke with Mike again a bit later this morning and Mike wanted us to get with Keith at Manning about our door selections. Lin & I went down and met with Keith at 1400 .... he (Keith) did not "have" anything about our home or doors ... therefore Mike doesn't have a "quote" from him. (As I expected, Mike was planning on getting these doors from a Jacksonville supplier, which - I think - was his source / reason for dropping his door quote in the final contract price) .... Gave Keith our originally spec'd Therma-Tru doors, sidelights, & transom call-outs (which he handles) and also looked at, and got a brochure for a "knock-off" alternate door, Distinction doors by Plastpro. Keith advised that they get the door blanks from distinction but do their own cut-outs and glazing - here in their shops. Told Keith to get a quote and RO requirements for each manufacturer to Mike and we'd just have to hash out the selection of the mfg. with him. I'm very inclined to hold a hard line with Mike for the Therna-Tru doors as we originally spec'd, and will lay out the door RO's the entry door & sidelights, and the front porch/study door based on Therma-Tru's Dimension details (in their door book). Called Mike D. when we got back to Vero and left a message requesting a call-back about this meeting with Keith.
Went by the house "on the way home" around 1545 and verified that there was no on-site work today.
Dad & I arrived ~ 0845 this morning to find Tommy (South Florida Concrete) and his crew of two hard at work. They had already backfilled and leveled the plumbing ditches and were proceeding to dig out the spread footers at the front porch recess, across the west side of the slab(s), both the main slab and the entry porch slab, and along the interior walls of the garage.
Going over the additional forming necessary at the porch recesses with Tommy (in order to extend the house side spread footers at these locations down and provide a plane surface to apply an expansion joint between the house and porch slabs) I found out that Tommy DID NOT HAVE (or was not working from) copies of the final floor plan or foundation plan sheets. He had copies of the "bid sheets" prior to being revised, as required by the truss manufacturer, to show both of the Bedroom walls as load bearing walls. It was also this "pre-permit application" revision which showed the porches to be tinted concrete and showed the expansion joints between the house slab and the porch slabs ... as separate placements. If I had not been here to point this out to Tommy, he would have prepped an "incorrect" slab and it would have been RED-TAGGED at the pre-pour inspection !! In all, Tommy and his crew of 2 probably dug out ~ 12 to 15 CY of fill (by hand) in making this prep. A HARD mornings work - to be sure! Tommy & his crew took a well deserved lunch break, while waiting for Paragon to arrive and do the sub-slab termite treatment.
Around noon, Paragon (Termite treatment) arrived, made a final compaction pass on the prepared sub-slab fill and did the termite treatment on all of the slab areas ... including the porch areas. This took the best part of an hour, including applying about 500 Gallons of prepared spray treatment. Not "sure" what his chemical was, but it smelled like the Dursban we put down as a barrier treatment around the new shed.
In the afternoon, Tommy's crew layed down the vapor barrier and started to "bust rods" in for the footing and stem wall perimeter reinforcement - while Tommy worked to extend the porch / house interface spread footer forms and started to build up floating forms for the garage recess and curbs, dad's shower recess, and the master bath shower recess. They knocked off ~ 1530 when they started to tie in the footer reinforcing and found that there were not enough "high chairs" on-site to do the job. Will be back in the morning to finish up (maybe 3 more hours) and they'll be ready for the pre-pour inspection .... which is scheduled for tomorrow.
Dad finished trimming the South hedge. When I was carrying the trimmings out to the street, I noticed that a 4x4 concrete monument had been exposed at the SE corner of the lot (centered - about 2 1/2" North and 6" West of the Iron Pipe "found" [and used by McLaughlin] to establish this corner in the original survey. They must have been out in the past few days to do the "form board survey" and exposed this monument. Will have to check with him to see what that's going to do with his survey. Glad that the house layout moved the house North about 5" from it's originally proposed location .... form boards should still be "good", i.e. inside the 10' side set-back line.
I also rechecked the survey sheet included in the permit paperwork (from the septic tank / drainfield permit application) .... thought that I remembered something changed on it ... and found that yes indeed, McLaughlin had revised it again, on January 24th (after I'd had him revise the layout, on January 20th, to take to the Health Dept. to reflect the change in orientation of the drainfield) .... for "some" reason, he changed the drainfield from 12' x 31' to 18' x 31' and added notations of alternating 3' trenches and 2' spaces. The septic tank / drainfield permit paperwork, that I gave to Mike D., which established the drainfield size and bottom elevation, is not stapled in with the plans in the permit box ... will have to check this out ???
Tommy's Crew (South Florida Concrete) - 3 men x 8 hrs = 24(+149) = 173
Paragon - Termite Treatment & final compaction pass - 1 man x 1
hour = 1 MH(+173) = 174 MH to-date
Tommy & Bob finished setting the forms for the Garage recess, the Master Bath shower recess, dad's shower recess, tied in the dowels for the front Porch wall and finished up right at noon. The pour is set for 9AM tomorrow. Depending on how much help Tommy can "round-up" for the pour, he may do all of it, including the tinted concrete porches, tomorrow. If not, he'll have to come back next week to do them.
On the way back to Vero, I stopped in to try to talk with Mike McLaughlin. He wasn't in his office to ask him about the 4x4 conc mon vs. the iron pipe found at the SE corner and what that may have "done" with his survey. His receptionist said that Mike D. had picked up, and paid for, the form board survey ... yesterday afternoon. (Will try to get with Mike - the surveyor - again tomorrow afternoon after the pour.)
Tommy's Crew (South Florida Concrete) - 2 men x 4 1/2 hrs = 9 (+174) = 183 MH to-date
Tommy had a gas powered screed, first time I'd seen one in 30 years around concrete. A BIG labor and time saver to be sure. That one little machine probably cut the required prep time, setting screeds, by 10 MH and cut 2 from the placing crew needed to pull a manual screed, another 10 MH savings. At 20 MH per job, more or less, or about 1 MH per 100 SF, it doesn't take long for that machine to pay for itself!
Tommy's Crew, placing - 5 x 4 = 20 MH (+183) = 203
+ 4 x 1 = 4 MH (+203) = 207
+ Pump Operator ........ 1 x 5 = 5 MH (+207) = 212
This left Tommy, Bob, and Jason to finish, strip forms, and load up for the rest of the afternoon. It looks like it finished out well.... a good days work!
Tommy's Crew - finish & strip = 3 x 4 = 12 MH (+212) = 224 MH to-date
Mike D. has opted to place the tinted concrete porch slabs - after the block walls have been layed up - to avoid having masonry mortar to clean off of the finished porch slabs.
Friday - 26 May 2000
Monday - 29 May 2000
Tuesday - 30 May 2000
Wednesday - 31 May 2000
Thursday - 01 June 2000
Mike brought with him, copies of the "Form Board" Survey by McLaughlin. McLaughlins location of the house (Stem wall) - relative to the South property line are "suspect" in my opinion showing this to be 10.2' from the property line when my own observations and checks re. layout indicate that the house is slightly turned relative to this line and should be shown as approximately 10.4' or 10.5' at the East and 10.8' or 10.9' at the West side. I also wonder about the "location" of the SE corner, i.e. "found Iron Pipe" Used in his first "Lot survey" vs "found 4x4 concrete monument" which may have been used in the "Form Board" survey - at least it was at this time that it was uncovered... in any case the house appears to be inside the 10' set-back and this inspection requirement has been satisfied ... if not signed-off as yet.
Mike also brought with him the density test report by Federal Engineering & Testing. Field density test by ASTM D-2922 Method (Shallow depth Nuclear - In Place) ... so my prior thoughts about "maybe" it being "pencil whipped" are almost certainly not true .... we could not have detected, by observation, if these tests were, or were not, performed. The comparison (Proctor) density test is to A.A.S.H.T.O. T-180. I believe this is a "Highway" variation of ASTM D-1557 - the Modified Proctor test.
Discussed with Mike, what appeared to me, to be errors in the truss design (at least differences from what I intended)... he says that as they are laid out - he can accomodate ceiling heights and recess details that we intend.
Discussed what will be done at the West wall of the front porch, i.e. how he intends to accomodate the pocket sliding door and pocket sliding kitchen window (the notations of RO's from Manning did not indicate an extended track for the window). The track recess can be accomodated here either in the false wall framing, or in the case of the door, in the forming / pouring of a curb at this wall for a "false wall". Discussed the lack of a track recess at the Family Room sliding door, and the fact that we do not want the "rain lip / wind lip" of a sliding door track to extend above the interior floor finish treatment - wether that treatment is carpet or tile.
Also gave him a copy of the revised plan sheet from Mennard showing the Family Room and Living Room window and lintel changes from CO#1, and again discussed the need for the Energy Calculations and Form J paperwork to be redone ... to reflect the actual double glazed (and in some cases - double glazed & tinted) windows which we are (and always have been) putting in, along with the lack of credit given for all the ceiling fans that we're putting in. .... these calc sheets go to the final selection and sizing of the HVAC system and need to be "correct". .... Mike took the copy he'd given me and will stop by the Energy Rater's to have it reworked. (and give me back both the original and final calc sheet sets for comparison). Just got a call from Mike at the Raters office -- and the calcs will be reworked, called to verify that both sliding door sizes are 6080 (Mike M put an erroneous 6068 notation on his revised plan sheet for the Family room door).
On the "Progress" front .... (or maybe rather ... lack of progress front) .... Mike says that Doyle intends to have the block delivered / dropped at the house tomorrow (Friday) but does not think that they'll be able to put a crew on the job until the "middle to end" of NEXT WEEK. We are all "just waiting" for the work to get into MIKE'S hands and control rather than his "Subs". ................... Oh well ..............
Friday - 02 June 2000
We also went out by Mike D's OWN house to have a look at IT'S construction stage. For comparison, when we signed the contract with Mike to construct ours he'd just accepted an offer on his current place and was in process of modifying plans for his new house - he now has site work done, slabs in, and block up on three structures! A Residence structure (that's about 1.7 x the size of ours), a Garage & Office structure (that's nearly the size of our house) and some other structure ~ 20 x 20 which may be a pool pump house or some such. In his own defence, Mike says that he paid Doyle's men - himself - to come out on the weekend(s) and lay his own block up.
Monday - 05 June 2000
Tuesday - 06 June 2000
Wednesday - 07 June 2000
Doyle came in this morning and finished up the South wall (with reclaimed block or block surplus from other jobs) ... the workmanship does not compare with the workmanship on the balance of the job, don't know who "did the work" looks like comparitively unskilled workman. Both Dad & I had doctors appointments this morning - so we weren't here with them. I came by on the way to Dr. Clarks ~ 10 AM and they were here... dad came by ~ 1115 and they were loading up to leave. I came back by at Noon and everyone was gone. While I was here, Rinker's block truck came by to deliver 5 cubes of block that had been called in to finish up .... my impression is that Doyle may have been pissed at his estimator for missing on the job and finished up "just as cheap" as he could.
Doyle Masonry - Exterior wall blockwork
4 men x 4 hrs = 16 MH (+352) = 368 MH To-Date
Tuesday - 13 June 2000 - Inspection Day #2
Also, one of Doyle's trucks backed into our well head while it was manuvering
behind the house.... will have to point this out to Mike D .... won't know
if the well is damaged untill we try to start it up again!
Doyle Masonry - Prep for Bond Beam (& clean-up)
2 men x 8 hrs = 16 MH (+368) = 384 MH To-Date
DiFrancisco Const - 1 x 3 hrs = 3 MH (+384) = 387 MH To-Date
Doyle - Bond beam, 4 x 3 = 12 MH (+387) = 399 MH To-Date
Monday - 19 June 2000
DiFrancisco Const - 2 x 1/2 Hr = 1 MH (+399) = 400 MH To-Date
I had checked with the St. Lucie County Community development office to get a listing of Mike's work in progress back on May 1st and again on May 30th and found the following (master) permits issued this year. Out of curiousity, and frustration, I went by the Lakewood Park "Spec homes" this afternoon to see what their progress status is .... and that is the subject of today's photos. This may be the basis of a letter to Mike to be composed this weekend. Will go back by the Community Development Office tomorrow and see if I can get copies of the permits, rather than just a listing, to get specific dates.
Permit # Address
For Appl Iss
20010298 - 3602 Chestnut Oak Dr
BR Addn 01/13 02/16 (+24) 03/09
20010299 - 620 Weatherbee Dr
New 1686 SF 01/13 02/16 (+24) 04/28 (+52 Work Days)*
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Thru Today)
20020693 - 9007 S. Indian River Drive New 2879 SF
02/28 04/03 (+26) InProg +58 Work Days*
Completed - Fdn, Fill, Slab, Block, Tie Beam,
Trusses are on-site
20040090 - 7003 Pacific Ave
New 1942 SF 04/05 05/25 (+37) InProg +19 Work Days*
Completed - Fdn, Fill, Slab, Block, Tie Beam,
Trusses are on-site
20040095 - 6905 Bayard Rd
New 2092 SF 04/05 05/26 (+38) InProg +18 Work Days*
Completed - Fdn, Fill, Slab, Block, Tie Beam,
Trusses are on-site
20040530 - 8840 Lonesome Pine Tr
New 4175 SF 04/20 05/05 (+12) InProg +33 Work Days*
Completed - Fdn, Fill, Slab, Block, Tie Beam,
Trusses, Roofing & Facia, Interior Framing,
Interior finish stage is not known .....
(Appears to be similar steps completed on a
~ 2000 SF Garage/Office and ~ 300 SF Pump House. Pond in rear excavated
/ on-site fill & ~50 Ft. dock built out into the pond area)
20050075 - 6504 Salerno Rd
New 1632 SF 05/02 06/02`(+23) InProg +14 Work Days*
Completed - Fdn, Fill, Slab, Block, Tie Beam
Ready to pour
* Note: +Days - Appl to Issue, and Issue to Completion, or Thru Today
"days", are Monday thru Friday "work days"
(Not including Holidays)
After reviewing the permits, dates, and progress status, it seems apparent that Mike has expedited progress on his own house to the detrement of progress on ours.
Dad advised that 2 "replacement trusses" had been dropped off today. They almost reach out to the Drive, but were to much for him to drag up away from the road. Will catch a pic of this tomorrow.
Pulled copies of Mike's permits to get the actual application, issue, and (in two cases) final dates and added this info to the table started yesterday. ..
At about 1730 this afternoon, Mike called - UPSET. It was quite obvious that he'd talked with someone at the Community Development Office and had been advised that I'd been in to pick up copies of the permits issued to him this year. Again, I was calm and explained that I was looking at dates and comparative progress status (but - he knew this) .... he knows that we're frustrated by the lack of progress on our house, and acknowledges the fact that we've been extrordinarily patient. He advised again that come next week .... they'd be on ours full steam ahead and putting his "Spec Houses" on the back burner untill his crew was finished with our work.
2000 June 23_A - A special,
comparative status report - consisting of diary entries for the 21st, 22nd,
& 23rd
with links to single page (for printing purposes) photo sets of Mikes houses
under construction.
DiFrancisco Const, Framing - 3 men x 8 Hrs = 24 MH (+400) = 424 MH To-Date
Tracy says they'll be starting at 0700 tomorrow and still says that they should get all the trusses set in about 5 hours. Guess well really see what it'll look like by tomorrow night!
After all the "whether delays", it'd be a crying shame if we should suffer a "weather delay", think - NO RAIN .... NO RAIN.
DiFrancisco Const, Framing - 3 men x 4 Hrs = 12 MH (+424) = 436 MH To-Date
Told Terry to pass on to Mike D. that the Distinction Doors would be acceptable (but not as an increase). Also to be sure to recheck Mannings quote re. quantity and swing.
I like the roof lines. From the road, the roof slope is "just" visible, it doesn't appear overpowering, and when some bushes get planted along the front that should ease the appearance of height as well.
DiFrancisco Const, Set Trusses - 3 men x 8 Hrs = 24 MH (+436) = 460
MH To-Date
AJ Crane Service - 1 man x 6 MH (+460) = 466 MH To-Date
DiFrancisco Const, Adjust / Align Trusses - 3 men x 8 Hrs = 24 MH (+466) = 490 MH To-Date
DiFrancisco Const, Adjust / Align Trusses, furring block walls - 3 men x 8 Hrs = 24 MH (+490) = 514 MH To-Date
Mike D. came by this morning... discussed with him the display niche we intend to put over the BR 2/3 Hall that I'd mentioned to Tracy (and showed him the Framing note on Page 17 of our finish schedule). We also discussed the door "quote" that he'd sent over with Tracy on 15 June. I advised him that the Distinction Doors would most likely be acceptable --- but not as an increase --- the doors section of his quote was a firm price not an "allowance" .... also, I really did not have a clue as to what was being offered or quoted as Manning's "quote" did not include specific door numbers - for either the ThermaTru or the Distinction Doors.. Mike was to contact Manning and set up a meeting time for me to go in and finalize our selections. He did not call out to the job before the work day ended ... so I'll follow this up Wednesday.
We also discussed our contract requirement that partial Lein Releases be furnished as the work progresses and Draws are made .... the fact that none were furnished with the last Draw Request and that they, the partial releases, would be required prior to paying the upcoming draw .... Mike said "no problem ... just give him a list of the releases that we needed". (Now that's a bit "bass-ackwards" ... but I do know generally all the subs & suppliers who have furnished materials or services ... so will draw up this letter tonight and hand deliver it to Tracy tomorrow. By FS Chapter 713.165 the contractor must furnish US a listing of all subs and suppliers upon OUR written request - this will be done, and accounts investigated per 713.16 prior to the final Draw.)
Mike advised his crew that he'd pay overtime for them to work on the 4th .... The last I heard was that they intend to work tomorrow putting up roof decking.
DiFrancisco Const, Sub-Facia - 3 men x 8 Hrs = 24 MH (+514) = 538 MH To-Date
Tuesday - 04 July 2000
Mike gave me the revised energy calcs and a copy of the "EXTRA HOSE BIBB HARD WATER" Invoice that he'd received from Tryon Plumbing. This is not settled yet, the extra claimed is outrageous ! According to my diary notes for 17 May, Mike came by with Tryon Plumbing that morning and the water entry locations and treated wated / raw water Hose bibb locations were among the items finalized that morning prior to the work starting. No mention was made at the time that an "EXTRA" would be involved for running raw water hose bibbs.
We also discussed the ceiling treatment, Beam, Soffit & Railing at the Entry Porch & the Ceiling treatment at the Front Porch. Mike suggested using "Soffit Board" rather than Hardi Panel - Stucco in these ceiling areas. (Which he described as similar to, but a step above, "Green Board" - intended for use in exposed areas - and finish it with the same ceiling finish as the rest of the house, i.e. Taped, Sanded, California Knockdown Textured & Painted. Rechecking the Hardi booklets, the Hardi Panel is described as "verticle siding" .... so ... Using "Soffit Board" as a Porch Ceiling alternate appears to be a better material choice and we'll "OK" this tomorrow..) At the Entry Porch, we'll put in a false/boxed beam at the soffit line and one 4x4 post (full height) to anchor a 16' Cedar picket railing.
Put up Roof Decking today (~ 1/2 finished)
DiFrancisco Const, Roof Decking - 3 men x 8 Hrs = 24 MH (+538) = 562 MH To-Date
Entry door AG62 (with the top two panels cut out and double glazed colonial windows inserted), Side lites AS12 (with the "top half" cut and double glazed colonial windows inserted, 3 lites), Transom ??? - cannot determine from "the book" but our intention is for an Entry similar to that illustrated on Page 29(double glazed w/ 5 lites)
Garage to Laundry door AG62
Study / MBR door, no "half glass" raised panel door is illustrated, the closest illustrated door is AG32 (with the upper part cut out and double glazed with 9 colonial lites)
Mike called after I arrived at the house and verified our master bath tub selection from Cabinet Connection - 5' Cast Marble Roman Tub w/ whirlpool jets, left drain in White Verde.
Finished decking the roof today .... tomorrow will bring out the pneumatic nailers .... rat-a-tat-tat ... going to sound like machine guns around nailing all THAT on 6" centers! Tracy expects to have the felt on by or shortly after noon, then we'll all celebrate with some of my "Que from the 4th" - baked beans, slaw, Texas Toast, homemade pound cake and .... well, gotta have something cold to drink too .....
DiFrancisco Const, Roof Decking - 3 men x 8 Hrs = 24 MH (+562) = 586 MH To-Date
We also gave Mike D. a letter concerning our objection to the "extra" claimed by Tryon plumbing .... he will discuss our feelings with them and let us know the outcome. Initially, Mike became a bit agitated, combatative, and let slip some things that I hope he didn't really intend to say. (I basically attribute this reaction to the stress he's under trying to finish up his house, and having to move out of his current house before his new one is ready ... I did my best to not become combatative myself.). After a bit of discussion and "cooling down", I think and hope we're still on OK terms.
I also discussed with Mike a possible revision in the area above the Laundry Room, i.e. framing the ceiling in this room down to 8', framing a 16" deep x 24" high niche here on the Breakfast Nook wall and adding a cabinet type access door to the remaining space created above the Laundry Room as an inside storage space, accessable from the Entry Hall ..... this in "trade", or partial "trade", for the deletion of the 1 x 6 Cedar Facia and encasing the Facia / sub Facia in Chocolate Aluminium. We'll still keep the prefinished Aluminium Facia ... but just encasing the treated 2 x 4.
Mike advised that his crew will be in Monday (afternoon) & Tuesday to finish the interior framing and that his "trade" subs are due in starting Wednesday ... plumbers to "top out" & extend stubs thru walls, as well as Electrician & HVAC Trades to do their rough-in. Additional framing materials delivered this morning along with a pull down attic access door and what appears to be the prefinished tracks for the interior pocket doors.
DiFrancisco Const, Final nail down of Roof Decking & Dry-in - 3 men x 5 Hrs = 15 MH (+586) = 601 MH To-Date
Mike D's crew showed up about 1330 to resume work on the interior framing. Mentioned the Laundry door miscue to Tracy as well as the ceiling drop / display niche over the Laundry that I'd discussed with Mike last Friday. (With A/C ducting to the Laundry Room coming down thru the ceiling and the Dryer Vent going up thru the roof, we decided to forgo having access to this ceiling space above the Laundry.) Also had the door frame location into dad's BR moved East about 14" to come off of the angled wall in the BR in order to provide the desired niche length over the door pocket and the BR 2/3 Hall and provide some wall space in this hall on both sides of the Bathroom door.
DiFrancisco Const, Interior framing - 3 men x 3 Hrs = 9 MH (+601) = 610 MH To-Date
Expect the Windows, the sliding doors, the Kitchen sliding window, and the Kitchen transom windows to be delivered tomorrow. It'll be a few days on the doors still, not sure if their even ordered, but Manning will have to put the window glass in them first in any case. Also, trades are due to start coming out tomorrow.
DiFrancisco Const, Interior framing - 3 men x 8 Hrs = 24 MH (+610) = 634 MH To-Date
Found a few more (minor) "oops" .... no drain for the A/C unit was put in - will clear this by double furring (2x2 rather than 1x2) the South Garage wall & carry this drain out to the West, near the front of the Garage then thru the South wall. Also, the return air register is/has been scheduled to be 24" x 24" and will have to spread the framing in the Foyer wall to accomodate it. I discussed the revised "Energy Calcs" with Frankie with the thought that maybe a smaller unit might be in order. His recommendation is to still put in the 5 Ton unit, and if necessary for humidity control - the Air Handler has multiple fan speeds (belt/pulley combinations) available to lower the air flow and increase the unit "on" duration. His recommendation for the outside unit placement is "as close as possible" to the air handler for efficiency's sake and we're considering placing it West of the Garage, just South of the Garage door. This area was intended as a planting area ... and still might be, but now maybe with some concealing hedge.
Re. the slider tracks that were delivered with the windows this AM, the kitchen window track delivered is not an exterior pocketing track as intended (similar to the DR sliding door). Tracy called Manning and they think.... they may have sent the wrong track & were looking around their warehouse/yard.
Tracy expects to complete the deadwood framing tomorrow and they may start on window installation.
DiFrancisco Const, Interior framing - 3 men x 8 Hrs = 24 MH (+634) = 658 MH To-Date
When we got back to the house ~ 1000, D&H Air Conditioning was there too, had put up the difuser cans and were working on the rigid duct / main trunk line. Completed it, got the supply duct set and between them (Mike's crew and the A/C duct worker) got the return air plenum built & insulated.
Mike's crew finished out the deadwood work, completed the inside furring, furred the Garage, got the Garage door bucks set, and have almost all of the bearing wall bolting done.
Setting windows, completeing A/C duct work, and Plumbing top-out tomorrow (I think).
DiFrancisco Const, Interior framing - 3 men x 8 Hrs = 24 MH (+658) =
682 MH To-Date
D&H Air Conditioning - A/C ductwork - 2 men x 5 Hrs + 1 man x 8
Hrs = 18 MH (+682) = 700 MH To-Date
Almost all of the preliminary HVAC work is completed. I think one man will be back (possibly tomorrow, but more likely Monday) to finish putting mastic on the branch duct joints and to install the Range vent for the "MicroHood".
Tryon's plumbing crew finished the plumbing "top out" work, extending drain system vents thru the roof and topping out the supply plumbing stubs thru walls, shower mixing valves and stubs to the shower heads. Before leaving, he hooked up a hose from Karen's and fed the water lines to check for leaks (cold water & hot water were interconnected at the Master Bath Tub stubs) had one leak show up at the Garage / water heater location, an "ok" preliminary check, but not exactly a full system pressure test.
I arranged with Tom Scherer (the lead plumber) to make the tie in to the supply lines at the well pump shed on a "freelance basis". I'll dig the ditch (& find out from the Electrician next week how deep it has to be - we think his conduit has to be lower than the water lines, but can be run in the same trench) and Tom will pick up materials he needs from Lowes or Home Depot.
DiFrancisco Const, Windows & Pkt Door Framing - 3 men x 8 Hrs =
24 MH (+700) = 724 MH To-Date
D&H Air Conditioning - A/C ductwork - 1 man x 8 Hrs + 2 men x 1
1/2 Hrs = 11 MH (+724) = 735 MH To-Date
Tryon Plumbing - Top Out - 2 men x 4 1/2 Hrs = 9 MH (+735) = 744 MH
Jerry informed me that there was not sufficient room in the North MBR Closet (with the attic access and the A/C vent) to install a ceiling mount light fixture - that a wall mounted flourescent fixture would be "ok" .... and I said "that would be ok - they're your fixtures". He informed me that they furnish no fixtures - except for the recessed fixtures, lamps, and trim, and the bathroom exhaust vent fan/light combination fixtures. ...... This still leaves eight or ten light fixtures and lamps to be supplied by "someone" .... besides the specific fixtures identified in the contract to be "Owner Furnished Materials" (that list had already grown, after the creation of our finish schedule and notes, i.e. "The Book", and Mikes original quote ... just prior to drawing up the contract) WILL HAVE TO REVIEW THIS WITH MIKE.
Re. The Service Entrance / Main Panel (and feeds to the Separate Garage and Storage Shed) Jerry opined that what Mennard/Welsh showed on the Electric Plan Sheet was entirely unnecessary (the wiring trough, outside disconnects, and conduit runs from the service entrance location back to the Garage) to accomplish what we want/need. He got a 225 Amp, 42 Breaker - Main Panel - from which he'll sub-feed (underground from the SW corner of the Residence Garage) to a panel in the existing Garage to serve it and the pump shed then feed from it (underground) to the Storage Shed. I asked him if this would require a drawing change ... and he said he didn't think it would. He felt that he could work with the inspector and clear what he's recommended ... has done / and has plans to do. Opening the Main Breaker in the big panel will disconnect from commercial power in order to backfeed 110V from our emergency generator in either the Shed or the Garage and provide service to the well pump, the referigerator(s), and maybe a few lights as well. NEED TO REVIEW THIS WITH MIKE AS WELL.
Mike D's crew set the Family Room triple window (the Mull Bar material was delivered sometime Friday after we'd all left - but they still have not furnished the drip cap for the top of this set of windows). They also got a start on the boxed beam at the Entry Porch, Arched the opening Arches at the Kitchen / Dining Room, and put up furring boards at the sliding doors to the Front Porch. (A "light" day - compared to what they've been doing these past three weeks!)
There are still some inconsistancies between the Mennard/Welsh Electrical Drawing sheet and the electrical sketch and finish notes that we furnished to them to make the drawing - and furnished Mike to make his bid. I've mentioned this to Mike and think he understands that our sketch and finish notes include what we intend and what he based his bid on. During that "bid and negotiation period" we confirmed with Mike numerous times - have you furnished our sketches and finish notes to your subs?
We also discussed "how" the Dining Room Pocket Sliding Door and the Kitchen Pocket Sliding Window could be installed. Tracy recommended "boxing" a 6" or 8" frame around each location - with the Kitchen sliders bottom track on top of the Pass Thru Counter - boxed above, and the Dining Room Slider on a raised curb integral with the porch slab pour - boxed above .... and finishing all of the interior Front Porch with Stucco rather than trying to finish these interior porch walls with furring, Hardi Plank siding & trim, caulking, & painting. Tracy also recommended Stucco finish for the Boxed Beam at the Entry Porch. These recommendations seem reasonable and considerably simpler. I asked Tracy to discuss them with Mike to get him thinking about what he might offer as a credit for the change.
DiFrancisco Const - Framing - 3 men x 6 Hrs = 18 MH (+744) = 762 MH
Fitzpatrick Electric - Electrical Rough in - 3 men x 6 Hrs = 18 MH
(+762) = 780 MH To-Date
Mikes crew finished the boxed beam at the Entry Porch, the arched opening at the Foyer/Living Room, and the door bucks at the Entry and the Study doors. In taking a final framing walk thru, we found that the medicine cabinet spaces needed to be boxed to fit the 16" x 20" cabinets being supplied by Gale - and they did this. We think that this is all of the framing and "rough carpentry" work that can be done until the Porches are poured and the doors delivered, and they headed out about 1300.
Jerry's Crew was busy all day - preparing to, routing, and pulling cable. By about mid afternoon , all the home runs to the main panel had been pulled and they started running switch cables and preping the cable ends. It's QUITE the maze of "spagetti" where all the home runs come together!
Fitzpatrick Electric - Electrical Rough in - 2 men x 8 Hrs + 2
man x 5 Hrs = 26 MH (+780) = 806 MH To-Date
DiFrancisco Const - Framing - 3 men x 6 Hrs = 18 MH (+806) = 824 MH
D&H Air Conditioning - 1 man x 2 Hrs = 2 MH (+824) = 826 MH To-Date
Checked the recess light / frame in kit cartons, (what caught my eye
initially was the info on the box about available trims, what concerned
me most after reading the labeling was the fact that they are labeled as
"Non-IC" Frame in kits) & jotted down the info - Lightolier - LYTENING
# 10041C
Described as: Recessed Downlight - LYTECASTER
Convertible Non-IC Frame in kit
Thermally protected, airseal ready, suitable
for damp locations
Use with 1000 series reflector trims
compatible with over 40 LYTECASTER reflector trims
When I got home I looked in my Lightolier catalog and find that we have a material problem. The Lightolier recessed cans may or may not be suitable for use in our blown insulated ceilings, and are smaller than called for in our finish schedule.
When we made out our finish schedule, and called for 6" recessed lights, this was based on information readily available at retail (Home Depot) and their Cooper Lighting line of HALO Recessed Lights. Recessed lighting selection is based on a combination of lighting task (which predominately determines trim selection, and to a lesser degree - can size) and ceiling height (which predomominately determines can size selection). The HALO lights are available in 4", 5", AND 6" can sizes. We were advised that the 4" size is generally used for accent lighting, the 5" size for 8' ceilings, and the 6" size for high ceilings. Based on having 10' ceilings in almost all areas where we're using recessed lights, we called for 6" recessed lights in our finish schedule.
The Lightolier catalog confirms this information on page 9 where they
describe their line of "3 SEPARATE SIZES":
3 3/4" (for accent lighting), 5" for ceilings to 9 feet, and 6 3/4"
for ceilings over 9 feet.
During the bid period (3 December 1999 - 18 January 2000) after delivering the Mennard/Welsh plans to Mike for bid we realized that they had done a poor job of transferring our Electrical Plans from the "3D Home Architect to AutoCad file furnished to them for plan preparation, and the plans they prepared for bid. Actually, they did not use the electrical "layer" of the autocad file at all in preparing their electrical plan sheet. (We supplemented the plans furnished for bid, on 5 December with space by space electrical notes, taken off from our plan file. This became the start of "The Book".) This finish schedule was expanded and revised with notes identifying other finishes, details, and selections of materials as we visited Mikes various suppliers. We asked numerous times to meet with Mike's electrician to finalize selections, get his input, and clarify questions he might have had, but no pre bid meeting with the electrician was ever scheduled.
Fitzpatrick Electric - Electrical Rough in - 2 men x 8 Hrs + 1 man x 6 Hrs = 22 MH (+826) = 848 MH To-Date
Thursday - 20 July 2000 - WORK DAY #36
URGENT on the resolution of the IC vs. Non IC issue.
Arrived at the house ~ 9:15 and found no one there. Called Mike and inquired if he'd called Fitzpatrick off (???). Was advised - no, that he'd asked Jerry to stop at his supplier (GrayBar) and see what info he could get on the cans. Jerry arrived ~ 1000 - acting kinda "gruff" - and went to preping cable ends. He didn't even acknowedge that I was there - sitting in the Garage. The only words from him prior to Mike arriving and and the three of us getting together were ... "Did I move one of the can cartons? .... WHY!" (They use them to gather up trash and cart it away. I'd emptied one of the three remaining cartons into another and brought it to the Garage so I'd have it handy to show Mike the carton labeling.)
Mike arrived ~1030, talked w/ Jerry a while then with me. I showed Mike the data and info that I'd gathered from the frame in kit carton & the Lightolier Catalog and explained our concerns (IC vs Non IC & can size) then we all got together. The meet went well. Jerry was willing and prepared to change the frame in kits out... we countered that that was not necessarily our goal, that the first and foremost we needed was resolution of the IC vs. Non IC issue - if that was resolved where he could show mfg data that the kit is suitable for IC installation, the size issue I expected we could "work something out" rather than change them out.
We also walked around and itentified 3 items to be reworked, Block support at Foyer Chandilier (OK - no problem), Recessed Can light in MBR Hall (OK - no problem) and one more that appeared yesterday after I came home. The punch thru & wire routed to/thru the MBR Shower / West wall - where the A/C Condensor was originally scheduled .... and which Jerry Jr. had asked about earlier Wednesday PM (prior to leaving to another job). This was apparently an "honest mistake / failure to communicate" .... Jerry Sr. ran this after Jr. had left and "failed to realize that it was not necessary".
The A/C condensor control wire and gas lines had already been run and covered (outside) with a sheet metal cover at the back of the Garage! Sort of obvious that this is where it was going to be located ... IMHO.
Jerry then went off to lunch & back to GrayBar and we discussed the remaining issues w/ Mike -
1st - The additional lighting fixtures, not furnished by Fitzpatrick
- and not included in our contract as OFM.
4 - 2 x 4, four lamp, flush ceiling mount, flourescents
in the Garage
3 - surface mount lights, Pantry & MBR Closets
1 - pull chain light at Garage/Attic Access - Pull
down stairs.
I told Mike that this is "not a big issue, we'll supply them" .... but I wanted him to understand clearly that we should not be required to do so - they are not listed as OFM in the contract. It was our understanding that lights & fixtures not specifically identified, agreed to, and listed were included in the electrical subs quote to Mike - and Mike's quote to us. Also, the Garage lights are recessed lights, bottoms flush with the ceiling (just like the round recessed lights) not surface mounted lights and should - without a doubt - be the electricians!
2nd - The slider framing for the pocket sliders at the Kitchen Window and the Dining Room Patio Door.
Mike said he's in process of pricing this out / his work framing, Hardi Plank, caulking & painting vs. the much smaller framing job & Stucco finish.
3rd - The outstanding items on CO# 1, #2 & my draft CO#3 which need to be priced and/or signed off.
Mike identified many as "No Charge / No Credit" Changes
- the items remaining to be resolved are:
CO#2, Item 1 - Hard Water Hose bibbs - ADD $250
(under dispute)
CO#2, Item 2 - Kitched Sink Dispos-all ... Plumber
- Install - ADD $75
..... Electrican - add Switch - N/C
CO#2, Item 3 - Add two 4' Off Ridge Vents on the
roof - N/C
(The attic venting area
requirements or recommendations are still under study, hopefully to be
resolved tomorrow, and this
quantity / total roof vent
area, may need to be increased.)
CO#3, Item 1 - Deletion of 1 x 6 Cedar Facia
CO#3, Item 5 - Kitchen Cabinetry revisions
All of the changes identified thus far, including the framing &
finish changes proposed for the front porch. will hopefully be priced by
next Tuesday, so we can consolidate all of then into one priced &
signed "Change order #1" before the next draw.
This draw "might" be by the end of next week, provided the Porches
can be poured, the doors are delivered and set, and the "FRAME ALL" inspection
is passed.
Around 1330 Jerry came back from GrayBar with a faxed copy of Lightolier's
IS:11041C (2 pages) -
"Installation Procedure for Convertible IC/ Non IC Frame in kits 1004IC,
11041IC, 1004SIC, 1104SIC"
The first instructions on this concerns the "convertability of these frame in kits". The extent of which is the selective removal of labels or portions of labels. That's it !!!! The can is fine - for either application, IC or Non-IC - provided the installer follows the instructions and leaves the cans appropriately "labeled" per Lightoliers instructions. In a Non-IC labeled installation, the cans are also suitable for higher wattage lamping.
Fitzpatrick Electric - Electrical Rough in - 1 men x 8 Hrs = 8 MH (+848) = 856 MH To-Date
Based on our insulated space, 3728 SF (Conditioned space + Garage + Front Porch) the recommended total attic venting area calculates to 24.85 SF (@ 1 SF vent per 150 SF of ceiling area) - which should be equally divided between intake vent area at the soffit and exhaust vent area at or near the roof peak.
Called Mike D. on the way down and advised him that the IC vs. Non IC Can issue was resolved. Advised Mike that my 2' x 4' , 4 lamp & 2 switches fixture call for the Garage lights would not work with the truss spacing (max clear space available = 22"), and that I might have to go with 6 - 1' x 4', 2 lamp fixtures & 3 switches. Asked him to approach Fitzpatrick on furninshing the Troffers in the Garage based on two points, 1. they ARE recessed lights and 2. as an alternate to removing and replacing the 18 can light frame in kits based on his installing 5" rather than 6" cans. Mikes responce / opinion was that Jerry would remove & replace before he'd consider furnishing the Garage lights.
On the way down this morning, I spent the whole morning "running around", gathering information and opinions.
Stopped at -
St. Lucie County, Building Inspection Office - to see if I could talk with an inspector or engineer to find out what the requirements are here concerning installation of recessed lighting in insulated ceiling spaces. From what I've read, there seems to be conflicting requirements in the various Codes, Bulletins, and Manufactures Data sheets about either blocking and holding insulation away from recessed light fixtures 3" (providing space for air cooling) or covering the fixture with insulation, provided the fixture is labeled for an IC application/installation. No one was available to help me. The inspectors were not expected back in the office till after 1600. ..... stopped at -
Atlantic Building Materials (Roof Vent Supplier) - picked up data sheets
on the off peak vents. They provide 26 Sq. in. of vent area per foot
of vent, and are available in 4', 6', and 8' lengths. Assuming a
balanced vent installation - as recommended by both CIMA and the Off Peak
Roof Vent Spec Sheet, this means we should have about 72 LF of Off Peak
Vent @ 26 Sq. In / LF = 1872 Sq. In. (18 @ 4', 12 @ 6', 9 @ 8' or some
combination ! ???).
..... stopped at -
East coast Lumber (Soffit & Facia Supplier ?) - They did not have any technical information available on the vented soffit panels - other than size - and advised who they get it from, they might have more information. .... stopped at -
Ashley Aluminium (Soffit & Facia distributor - manufacture at their plant in either Tampa or St. Pete) - They did not have any printed tech data available but "thought he remembered someone saying that it was about 4 Sq. In. per Sq. Ft. They did have a sample, and looking at it this seems like that may be about right. The venting area consists of a series of slits about 1/4" long stamped at about 1" centers in rows spaced about 1/2" apart..... 2.5 to 3% of the surface area looks like a good guess. Based on our soffit space - 236 LF x 2' wide @ 4 Sq. In. per SF we'll have ~ 1888 Sq. In. (13.1 SF) of soffit vent area, which is "close" to half of the 24.85 SF total venting recommended.
Based on the CIMA Recommended Practice Tech Bullitin #2, chutes for
air flow to the attic space should be provided either by a 3 1/2" x 21"
air chute every third truss space (New Construction Method) or a 1" (x
21" ?) air chute inserted in each truss space over batt insulation blocking
(Existing Structures Method). Observation at some of Mikes other
houses reveals that Gale Insulation uses the "Existing Structures Method"
of providing air vent chutes between the soffit and attic space.
Assuming that these can be started in the 3rd truss space back from the
roof corners, and plywood blocking with 3" x 21" chutes will be used across
the Entry Porch, this will provide an esitmated 11 x 63 Sq In air chute
space over the Entry Porch (693 Sq In) Leaving 1195 Sq In to be provided
by inserted air chutes (Assuming that they are 1" x 21", say 57 spaces,
evenly distributed around the balance of the perimeter, 77 spaces available).
..... stopped at -
Gale Insulation (Insulation Supplier) Spoke with Russ to see if he was aware of this or any other attic venting recommendation or spec, and ask him if they have ever installed a vapor barrier under a blown cellulose insulation job (The CIMA TB2 includes a statement that vent space can be reduced 50% with a vapor barrier installed, although the CIMA does not endorse this position.) He was not aware of any - and made a copy of the TB I'd found. His opinion was that many of the insulation specs are written for colder climates rather than semi-tropical Florida and are based on more severe differential temperatures (winter conditions), the avoidance of condensing conditions, and delta T's of 60 to 70 dF rather than the more typical Florida delta T of 20 to 30 dF. That venting in Florida was more geared to discharge of heat build up in the attic space rather than control of moisture condensing conditions and that even though soffit vs roof vent areas were rarely balanced here, the more roof vent area provided - approaching a balanced installation - the better the attic venting system would work toward reducing high, summer time, delta T's ..... stopped at -
GrayBar (Electricians supplier) and went "window shopping" for Troffers for the Garage - looking for maybe an 18" x 48", 3 lamp fixture with a dry wall flange .... didn't find any. Will check at Retail Lighting outlets & see what I can find. Most likely we'll end up with 6 - 12" x 48", 2 lamp fixtures with a drywall ceiling mount flange .... where ever we find them.
Finally arrived at the house about 1230 and found no one around. Walked thru and it was apparent the electricians had not done any more on-site work today. In walking thru, I found numerous Lightolier Installation Instruction Sheets thrown on the floor all around the house! (The same IS sheets that Jerry had copied and picked up at GrayBar.) It's very obvious that they either don't, or haven't, read them. Or, if they have, it's been so long that they don't remember what all's on them. Jerry offered that he couldn't recall ever seeing the "relabeling" instruction for the conversion of the frame-in kits from IC rated to Non-IC rated.
Found that the Master Bath Tub had been delivered. I think they installed the whirlpool kit here at the house based on all of the cut outs laying around. Now, the bad news ..... Rather than being "White Verde" (basically white with green accents) as selected ..... the tub delivered, and modified to install the whirlpool kit, was "Green Blanco" (A Dark, almost "British Racing" Green with White accents) ... also it has some relatively deep scratches on the front right corner, which they can probably "polish out". Called Lin and asked her to bring down our Tile samples and have a look .... will consider what to do with this error over the weekend ....
Went to Home Depot tonight and bought all of the OFM, and disputed OFM, electrical devices - ceiling fans, ceiling fan/light combinations, and other light fixtures, with the exception of the garage lights .... will probably find them tomorrow. Will have them at the house Monday - even though they'll be part of "Trim out" which is still weeks away ... but getting closer !! :-)
Cabinet & Marble Connections - Deliver Tub, Install whirlpool kit
- 2 men x 4 Hrs = 8 MH (+856) = 864 MH To-Date
Monday - 24 July 2000 - WORK DAY #38
Also advised Mike that Charlie had called last Friday and that we were going down to sign off with cabinet connections this AM.
Stopped at the house on the way down and put up the electrical fixtures. The plumbers had been and gone already and had the Master Bath tub plumbed up.
The electrician crew was there working, asked him to add a convience outlet in the Master Bath / Throne Room, he said he'd put in a three gang box rather than 2 (for the fan & light switches) and add the outlet in that third space ... said that would be fine. Also asked him to add an outside WP/GFCI outlet in the back wall at the shower where he'd punched thru "by mistake" ... he said "OK" but be sure to run these by Mike. We said .... will do.
Went on down to Cabinet Connections.
Charlie was all ready, had his sketches reversed and adjusted to the measurements that had been made last week. Across the East Wall, he reduced the size of the sink base cabinet from 36" to 33", reduced the size of the BWB cabinet from 18" to 15", had the revised size of the wall cabinets increased as requested from 18" to 21", and had added the 9" tall pan cabinet as requested. When we looked at the cast marble samples again, and showed him what had been delivered - and now plumbed - in the MBa tub, Verde instead of White/Verde, he had to go check to see what had happened. He admitted that a mistake had been made, and even though the "Verde" casting is usually a 15% upgrade, if we'd accept it they'd make the two Master Bath Vanity top/sink castings to match the tub at no additional charge. Finally a supplier who treats their customer right! OK'd that. We also talked about the marble sills, which we had not talked about before. Charlie brought out a sill sample, called it their "current standard shape" which is about 1/2" thick, turned down at the drywall edge about 1" with a sort of extended bullnose edge finish - OK'd this in a "Stirling Silver" pattern. He advised that there was no "extra" for the "standard" pattern/color combinations. So that is now "on order".
Spent most of the rest of the day checking electrical supply houses from Consolidated Electric in Stuart, thru Home Depot, Lowes, and GrayBar in the PSL/Ft. Pierce area and ended up at Southern Electric Supply in Vero .... all looking for 20", drywall-flanged, Troffers .... similar to the Lithonia 20SPF3 Lampfixture I'd found (which would be closest to the 2x4 4 lamp fixture that I called for). NO ONE had these in stock, only the electrical supply houses even said they could get them ... with a delivery time of 4-6 weeks! Home Depot and Lowes did not carry drywall flanged Troffers at all. Ended up ordering our 4 fixtures for the garage in a 1'x4' flanged Troffer from Southern Electric Supply in Vero who had these available from a "quick ship" supplier - not Lithonia - for pick-up this Thursday or Friday.
estimated ...
Tryon Plumbing - Plumb MBa Tub, 2 men x 2 Hrs = 4 MH (+864)
= 868 MH To-Date
Fitzpatrick Electric - Elec. Rough-in 3 men x 8 Hrs = 24 MH (+868)
= 892 MH To-Date
Tuesday - 25 July 2000 - WORK DAY #39
Fitzpatric Electric continued the elec rough in in preparation for a scheduled "FRAME ALL" inspection tomorrow. I believe all home runs are terminated in the main panel, wire end preparations in switch, outlet and junction boxes is at about 98%, (the only outlets that I know right now are not roughed in, are the three on the east wall of the Front Porch). Today they also set the meter box and weatherhead conduit thru the roof. Jerry had run a bare copper bonding wire from the incoming service to the hose bibb at this SE corner - I advised him that this was just one of three hard water hose bibbs and not connected with the residence hot/cold water system. He then also ran a bare copper bond from the panel to the water piping "topped out" for the water heater and is now ground bonded to all of the copper water piping and the reinforcing steel. They also went around foam sealing the electrical penetrations. Asked Jerry to add switches in the bedroom walls to make the two exterior outlets in the front of the house switchable from inside ("Ran this by" Mike D. when he came by this afternoon.)
Mid day, Tryon's plumber came by, pumped up (portable air pump) the house water system (not including the 3 "hard water hose bibbs") to check for and repair a few leaks (mostly at the tub that was roughed in yesterday). Said that he air checked it at 80 psi, don't know - didn't check the gauge, and he was not sure if the inspector would need to see a pressure check at the "top out" inspection .... that I surely don't know. I hope so - at some point - and this is a really good one before things get covered up! He also grouted in the shower drains and the tub drain.
Mike came by ~ 1545 for his own pre-inspection walk thru. We discussed a few things ... see above ... and he did a bit more strapping himself ... I suppose in areas that he may have been "caught short" before. While his crew was here, all three of them seemed to be constantly looking up while walking thru and when things may have been slow for a moment ... and adding some strapping here and there. I also called Mike aside after overhearing he & jerry talking about pricing the 4 minor electrical changes which have been added and asked him again, before he got back with me, to take into consideration the concessions which we have agreed to - so far - on not changing out 18 recessed light cans - for the size error - and not pressing him about furnishing the unscheduled light fixtures. Some not inconsiderable "concessions" on our part for 2 switches, one convience outlet and one outside WP/GFCI receptacle.
Asked again about the off-peak vents, Mike claims that Atlantic Building Materials told him they are not available in factory finished "chocolate" .... despite them telling us when we checked on them on 05 July that they were .... and we "OK'd" two in chocolate and asked them to get with Mike. Also told Mike that the data sheets for these vents that they gave me 21 July list them as available in 26 Ga Galv./Brown or .019 Aluminium/Brown. (Will recheck on this tomorrow - and even go pick them up myself, if possible and if reasonable. With the rest of the misc. metal trim - dripstop, soffit, & facia - coming in factory finished Chocolate ... we don't want plain galv roof vents with a coat of spray paint!)
Reviewed with Mike the "oops" and resoultion concerning the Master Bath tub color selection / color delivered, and now installed. Mike called and confirmed what Charlie had told us - that they, Cabinet Connections, would eat this mistake and also furnish the Master Bath Vanity top castings to match the tub .... the color selection for these items is now "Verde" rather than "White/Verde".
Scheduled in in the next few days:
Wednesday - pour the tinted concrete at the Entry Porch and the Front
Porch, "FRAME ALL" Inspection
Thursday - Roofers due in
Friday - Insulators due in - Fi-foil wall wrap, Batt Insulation/blocking
& other blocking at wall lines / low clearance areas
and air channel chutes from the soffit to attic
Friday or Monday - stock in and get started with drywall (the drywall
sub was out this PM for a look at the job)
(Overheard this being discussed as possably a 2 week job to hang, tape,
mud, sand & finish .... our high humidity here
is a bit of a killer on drying time)
Called Mike when I got back to Vero and asked him to have his quotes ready by 1000 tomorrow for three items - the hard water hose bibbs "change" (remains as invoiced by Tryon), the four electrical additions (Mike will absorbe these, N/C to us), and the framing and finish changes on the Front Porch. A decision is needed here prior to proceeding with preparations for the front porch pour.
J.P.Antoon from "The Absolute Protection Team" / Dealers for ADT Security Systems had left his card and a "New Construction Package" System installation promo flyer stuck on the front window. I called him, discussed the "offer" and and asked him to do what preliminary work or investigation might be necessary to make the installation --- if and only if --- their work can be done Thursday so as to not impact my contractors schedule. Checked this with Mike when he came by and Mike advised that Thursday would be "OK", that he'd just used them for the security system at his new house, and that the price quoted was a "good price". J.P. stopped by again ~ 1630, said yes, he'd tentatively locked in for a Thursday install and he's coming up to Vero -0830 tomorrow - to discuss the installation and service with all of us. Will either go or nogo then.
Tryon Plumbing - Grout drains, Air Pres check house water sys. 1 men
x 2 Hrs = 2 MH (+892) = 894 MH To-Date
Fitzpatrick Electric - Elec. Rough-in 3 men x 8 Hrs = 24 MH (+894)
= 918 MH To-Date
Electricians roughed in the 3 outlets on the East side of the Front Porch and misc finish up work in preparation for inspection.
Mike's crew helped Tommy with the RePrep and placing of the tinted Porch concrete then built and put up the recesses for the four Garage lights. It was the first tinted concrete that Tommy had worked, and although he "had reservations" about how it would turn out, he liked the finished result ..... so do we!
Had a mishap with the Poloroid digital camera - went to open the battery compartment cover to replace the batteries (2nd time) and one of the "hinge ears" broke off (a plastic piece) :-( ..... very happy with the digital camera results though so we went and "upgraded" it at Wal Mart ... It was less than 90 days since we got the Poloroid so there were no questions on the return and upgrade. Traded it for a Kodak DC215, a similar (pocket sized) camera but "better" - higher resolution and more features - including, among many others, date stamping.
Fitzpatrick Electric - Elec. Rough-in 2 men x 4 Hrs = 8 MH (+918) =
926 MH To-Date
DiFrancisco Const - Conc work-Porches, Garage Light recesses 3 men
x 8 Hrs = 24 MH (+926) = 950 MH To-Date
South Florida Concrete - RePrep, Pour & Finish Porches 1 men x
10Hrs = 10 MH (+950) = 960 MH To-Date
Absolute Protection/ADT - Security Sys Rough-in 1 men x 8Hrs = 8 MH (+960) = 968 MH To-Date
The Drywallers sent out two men late to take delivery & stock out the drywall materials.
Pulled off the installation instructions from one of the Hurd Vinyl windows ... and there's a little rework necessary - will tell Mike D the next time I talk with him, maybe tonight. The top nail fin is not supposed to be nailed ... needs to be free to "grow". Also there are some pretty specific instructions Re. stucco hold off, caulking, and NO painting.
Roofing by Steve - Roofing, flashing, & dripstop 7 men x 8Hrs
= 56 MH (+968) = 1024 MH To-Date
Kieth Donahue Drywall - Stock out drywall matls 2 men x 2Hrs = 4 MH
(+1024) = 1028 MH To-Date
Took some pics of the drywall stacked around, the "left over" shingle bundles stacked on the roof to go back, and cleaned up a bit.
On arrival Tuesday morning ~ 1000, found that the Insulation rough-in had been done ... either late Monday or early Tuesday or a combination of both .... will credit today as a "Work Day" and log July as 100% available days worked, and as many days worked (43) as there have been days lost (43) !
Estimate ......
Gale Insulation - Insulation Rough in 4 men x 5Hrs = 20 MH (+1028)
= 1048 MH To-Date
On a closer look before Mike arrived, I found that R-11 batts had been used in the Garage wall (rather than R-19 scheduled & called for on the plans) ... the insulation put in the Bedroom wall in error was R-11 rather that R-19 scheduled (R-11 on the plans ... Welsh/Mennard error), that the sloped Bedroom ceilings was ALL done with R-30 batts (rather than batt blocking "as necessary" and the balance blown celulose as scheduled, and that the over batt blocking "air chutes" installed ... rather than being 1" x the available width between roof joists were instead slide in (what appears to be molded styrofoam air chutes) approximately 1"x12" ... and not installed between every truss space. These detail comparisons are based on the CIMA Tech Bulletin #2 "Standard Practice for Installing Celllulose Building Insulation" (a copy of which was given to Russ Sobczak at Gale Insulation when I visited with him on 21 July to discuss my attic venting concerns).
At 1500, after waiting for Mike to show up 5 hrs today and 4 hrs yesterday I called him again to offer to come to where he was if necessary ... he said he was on Midway on the way in so I waited 'till he got here ~ 1530. Thanked him first for the month of July being 100% work days.... then started to go over things with him.
Pointed out the insulation discrepancies and offered to leave the insulation in the Master Bedroom Suite walls if he'd authorize a direct sale from Gale to me for ~ 850 SF of R-11 batts for me to install in the Kitchen walls, the North Bedroom walls, and the Laundry room walls (sound insulation) tomorrow. Mike made the call & OK (~$195 for the added insulation which I'll pay when I pick it up) and asked that I not do the work untill after the inspector had signed off on the Insulation Inspection..
Hand delivered some correspondence to Mike -
1. Our Lein Release Request to go along with Draw #4
2. The consolidated Change Order #1 which includes "all" changes
to date (which has not yet been fully "priced out".)
The three unpriced items are -
Item 7. Delete 1 x
6 Cedar Facia (Mike has not committed to a price here yet, the work has
proceeded past this point)
(NOTE: HD price =
$10.05 for a 1x6x10' ceader board plus some considerable savings in bent
metal facia)
Item11. Kitchen cabinetry
revisions & addition (Mike called Charlie at Cabinet & Marble Connections,
to confirm that
there was no "dollar change"
on this item ... which is what Mike thought he remembered Charlie saying
.... but charlie
could not say "for sure"
someone else had the "final say" and they were not there right then.)
Item14B Front Porch framing and finish changes (Mike has verbally quoted this item as "about a $648 Deduct")
3. Our "Request for Quote" on Screening changes proposed for the
Front Porch, and the Railing Change proposed for the
Entry Porch. Mike called Patty Carter at King
Carter Aluminum, who is scheduled to come out tomorrow to check out &
price this "Architectual Metals" work. Also
advised Mike that we would want the front porch screen work to be mounted
toward the outside of the blockwork and finish the
inside sills with the cast marble sill profile from Cabinet & Marble
Connections ... at least on the big / front screen
openings, maybe at the screen "sidelight" on the South side too, but not
necessarily ... we'd see what Patty has to reccomend
or suggest.
4. The separate "Management Contract" that Mike wanted for his
"fee". Pointed out the differences between what he'd
drafted and what we drafted and OK ... Mike signed
5. Showed Mike the Installation Instructions which were attached to the Hurd Vinyl windows and their instruction in all bold type on a line by itself advising to not nail thru the nail fin at the head. I believe the instruction is clear as written. Mike's "interpretation" was to not punch the nail head thru the nailing fin ... he called to Manning and they sort of tossed this off as something to be concerned about "up North where it's cold" and that the nailing should be thru the slots provided in the nail fin - not thru the vinyl fin itself. Well.... I've brought it to Mike's attention, he's "checked it out" with his supplier and if Mike's installation is wrong, and something goes bad with these expensive windows and voids the Hurd Warrenty .... it's on Mike's back.
When I gave mike the first of these, The Lein Release Request Letter, I advised him that we were not satisfied with what had been furnished at the last draw.... Lein releases with the amount "cut out" or stated as "$10.00", that his contract was fixed, he shouldn't be concerned that we "find out" what he's paid his subs or suppliers.. which we have a right to know - by the Lein Law - that our concern is that the total amounts due to date have been paid. The amount blank is supposed to be filled in with the total amount that sub or supplier had been paid to date - thru the date he states his release as being effective thru. And, that the form of the releases furnished to Mike to use are straight from the Florida Construction Lein Law..... at which point Mike went ballistic again about even being asked to go thru such BULL SHIT .... that in all the time he's been building houses he'd never been asked to .... that he was a BUSY MAN .... we could keep our F....kin' money and proceeded to head BACK TO HIS TRUCK TO LEAVE.
Called him back, calmed him down, I think / thought, and told him that provided all the final releases are furnished along with his final Draw request, we could probably live with that (will discuss this with dad tonight and see if he goes along with slacking off on our contract requirement for "Release of Lein on Progress Payments", and we went on thru the rest of our business.
Mike advised that Manning now had our doors ready and that his crew would be in tomorrow to install them, along with the sliders and Kitchen transom window that Manning had delivered either late yesterday or earlier today. (Completion of this work and a successful insulation inspection is what will trigger the next draw.) I offered, if he was concerned about possible damage to the doors during the following work ... that he could take them off their hinges and store them in either the Garage or Storage Shed out back ... both of which either are or can be locked.
In what seems like a "parting shot", Mike asked if I had a check for him. I replied ... when the doors and windows are in ... to which he replied ... Well, if you're going to stick with that technicality", that he would not proceed with scheduling in the drywall work until the draw is paid..... got in his truck & left ~ 1630. All of that took all of about 1 hour.... after I'd been cooling MY heels waiting for HIM to show up for 9+ hours and two trips down & back from Vero.
When Dad & I got back from dinner (~2030) we got a call from Mike in which he curtly advised that if we wanted Jerry (Fitzpatric) to put in the additional outlet required for the ADT Security System to be prepared to pay him $75 directly to put it in .... or we could get some other licensed electrician to do it ... but if we did that it would void his warrenty on the electrical work. This was among the five electrical additions, 2 switches & 3 receptacles, that I was under the impression Mike was going to "absorb" in trade for us not insisting that the 18 recessed light cans be removed and replaced with 6" (or 6 3/4" - Lightolier, frame in kits) and us not holding Mike to the contract schedule of OFM related to lights and fixtures. There was no "discussion", just the delivery of this message as an ultimatium and .... GOOD-BYE.
To say that this "frosted my nuts" would be the understatement of the year! (AND IT HAS NOW BEEN EXACTLY ONE YEAR SINCE WE CLOSED THE SALE ON OUR HOME IN BIRMINGHAM !) We don't have a contract with this electrical Sub-Contractor, we have a contract with Mike DiFrancescoConstruction! Maybe we've been overly patient, to forgiving, and to accomodating in our desire to get on with the job, get us into our new house, and get dad BACK into HIS new house. Went out to Home Depot and checked on their prices and availability of R-11 (sound insulation) batts. Not very much more that quoted from Gale ... will pick it up from HD in the morning early early - they open at 0600 - not be "beholdin" to Mike for using his supplier and his "purchasing power" as a contractor, and maybe call Mike back to the house for a heart to heart and find out just what the H... is going on with him & his subs.
Went back to HD at 0615 and got 7 rolls (135 SF each) of 22" x 7' R-11 Owens Corning Kraft Faced batts to do our additional sound deadening insulation. Brought this down to have here to show the inspector and install after the inspection.
Arrived ~ 0930 expecting Mike's crew to be there busy with the remaining windows and the doors, expecting the electrician to be there sometime today to put in the ADT outlet (and prepared to pay him directly, although this is really against my better judgement), expecting Mike's Misc. metals people some time today to take a look at what we've proposed and and get back with Mike on the RFQ for the proposed changes on the porchs, and finally, expecting the Insulation Inspector sometime today to come by and sign-off on the Insulation Installation and planning to advise him that we've come to an agreement with Mike to clear the wrong interior wall being insulated.
So much for expectations again. No one was around, there was no evidence in the sand that any one had been around and up to lunch time when dad went up to BK no one had showed up. I stayed around just in case the inspector showed up - which he did. He looked around and pointed out a few things that I should be sure to have Mike fix - fire block sealing at the Dryer & Kitchen exhaust vents, what may be a wire nick at the light recess next to the AC Supply Duct and also commented that "good" the insulation had been held back from the ceiling recessed light cans ... this lead to a discussion about what we'd found out about that made these Lightolier Frame in kits "Convertable - IC/Non-IC" kits ... he didn't know and "couldn't believe" that it was just removing tags. I pointed out the error in not insulating the Kitchen wall ... but said that we'd come to an agreement do this work ourselves and more..
When dad came back with lunch ~ 1345 I checked the permit box ... and found the inspection RED TAGGED ...
1. Plan notes call for R-19
at Garage & Kitchen walls
2 Missed draftstopping
at Kitchen hood & dryer vents
3. Found damaged wiring above
truss between panel & A/H unit * Please check closely.
Wrote the info down, unloaded the insulation we'd brought down, and came back to Vero. Called Mike to ask him why no work was being done and advise him that the inspection had been REJECTED. Had no good explanation why no one showed up and claimed he did not know about the "red tag" .... mumbeled something about it must be from something before, that he hadn't called for the inspection, maybe Gale had called it in ??? (SAY WHAT !!!)
Mike called back later in the evening saying that Gale advised him that R-19 would not fit in a 2x4 wall, where was I getting the impression it would? Told him ... signage at HD when I picked up the insulation this morning .... he thought I was mistaken and would I call and talk with Russ at Gale ... or go back to HD and recheck ... that he'd checked at HD in Ft. Pierce and they had R-13 batts that would but that R-19 was for 6" walls ... he'd furr out if necessary in the Garage with 2x2's in addition to the 2x4's there (5" net vs 5 1/2" for a 2x6) but that the door would not exactly be "right" recessed in a furred out frame.
We went back to HD here and rechecked ... Mikes right. The R-19 and R-13 were side by side ... I'd misread the signage. Came back and drafted a letter for dad to Mike tracing the history of the series of changes and errors which lead to the Garage Wall "as-built" condition ... on my part ... on the part of Welch/Mennard ... and on Mikes part .... that this Garage wall "as-built" was acceptable to us, and that we'd come to an agreement / made a proposal to Mike to clear the error Re. the Kitchen wall insulation omission / MBR wall insullation installation error. Closed this letter with ..... "We trust that this letter will serve to clear this Inspection Rejection Item."
Called Mike early this morning and read our letter to him accepting the Garage wall insulation "as-built" etc. ... he advised that he and Tracy came out last night, removed the insulation from the MBR wall and moved it to the Kitchen wall .. & that our letter was "nice" but it wouldn't do any "good" ... that Welsh had to issue and seal the letter to clear the garage wall discrepancy ... told him we'd leave it in the permit box / permit package for him anyway.
Went down ~ 1130 to pick up the insulation we'd gotton to bring it back & exchange it for 14" batts (no one on-site) and found that the exterior doors had been delivered. Another heart sink !!!
The Glazing installed is not double pane insulating glass (Entry sidelights & Entry Door), The Transom is not Glazed at all - just a frame, and the Study door is a solid 6 panel door rather than being 1/2 Glass - double pane insulating glass, 9 pane colonial. Called Mike and advised him that "we" had another error / problem .....
Also found that the wire & box stub for the Cabinet end receptacle had been put in ... but not the receptacle for the security system panel.
Friday - 04 August 2000
- 1 (+ 4 "OTHERS" - I've already "stopped & smelled the flowers" this
Mike called this morning from Manning Re. the doors problem... tried to put it off on us ... but it's another case of him not furnishing his suppliers with the necessary information from our finish schedule or leaving it up to us to do his work. ... He then started to go off on another tantrum saying (& putting the conversation on and off of his speaker phone) ... if we weren't happy with him & what he's doing he'd be happy to to have us fire him ... etc. etc. I told him we have no intention of firing him, we just expect him to do what he was contracted to do ... and I hung up.
Diary Notes Re. Manning's Scope of Supply - Windows & Exterior doors
16 March
Lin and I met with Mike D. at Manning Building Supply to place the
order for windows (and deliver “Change order #1” - related to window and
sliding door final selections). Manning’s supply scope will include
the sliding window and the sliding doors to the porch and these, as well
as a fixed "transom" window over the kitchen pass thru window, were ordered
as Bronze Aluminum, with the balance of the windows being “Herd Monument”
vinyl windows in Almond. This is a block work / structural change
and will require a floor plan drawing revision be submitted to show the
final openings and lintel schedule.
Manning will furnish Mike D. with a final opening schedule for their scope of supply. (Mike still intends to use his Jacksonville supplier for the entry door / sidelights / transom assembly, the door from the master bedroom to the porch, and from the laundry room to the garage - this order is not placed yet.)
22 May
... Spoke with Mike again a bit later this morning and Mike wanted
us to get with Keith at Manning about our door selections. Lin &
I went down and met with Keith at 1400 .... he (Keith) did not "have" anything
about our home or doors ... therefore Mike doesn't have a "quote" from
him. (As I expected, Mike was planning on getting these doors from a Jacksonville
supplier, which - I think - was his source / reason for dropping his door
quote in the final contract price) .... Gave Keith our originally spec'd
Therma-Tru doors, sidelights, & transom call-outs (which he handles)
and also looked at, and got a brochure for a "knock-off" alternate door,
Distinction doors by Plastpro. Keith advised that they get the door
blanks from distinction but do their own cut-outs and glazing - here in
their shops. Told Keith to get a quote and RO requirements for each
manufacturer to Mike and we'd just have to hash out the selection of the
mfg. with him. I'm very inclined to hold a hard line with Mike for
the Therna-Tru doors as we originally spec'd, and will lay out the door
RO's the entry door & sidelights, and the front porch/study door based
on Therma-Tru's Dimension details (in their door book). Called Mike
D. when we got back to Vero and left a message requesting a call-back about
this meeting with Keith. ...
15 June
....... Tracy also gave me a copy of a quote from Manning for doors,
Thera-Tru vs. Distinction. .....
03 July
Mike D. came by this morning... We also discussed the door "quote"
that he'd sent over with Tracy on 15 June. I advised him that the
Distinction Doors would most likely be acceptable --- but not as an increase
--- the doors section of his quote was a firm price not an "allowance"
.... also, I really did not have a clue as to what was being offered or
quoted as Manning's "quote" did not include specific door numbers - for
either the ThermaTru or the Distinction Doors.. Mike was to contact
Manning and set up a meeting time for me to go in and finalize our selections.
06 July
Stopped by Manning on the way down this morning to "finalize the doors".
Keith was not in. Talked with "Mike" (?) in the office next door,
he called Keith and we determined that the doors intended are the Wood
Grain Series illustrated in the Distinction Book and that Manning will
cut in and mount the lites ....
Entry door AG62 (with the top two panels cut out and double glazed colonial windows inserted), Side lites AS12 (with the "top half" cut and double glazed colonial windows inserted, 3 lites), Transom ??? - cannot determine from "the book" but our intention is for an Entry similar to that illustrated on Page 29(double glazed w/ 5 lites)
Garage to Laundry door AG62
Study / MBR door, no "half glass" raised panel door is illustrated, the closest illustrated door is AG32 (with the upper part cut out and double glazed with 9 colonial lites)
03 August
Went down ~ 1130 ... and found that the exterior doors had been delivered.
heart sink !!!
The Glazing installed is not double pane insulating glass (Entry sidelights & Entry Door), The Transom is not Glazed at all - just a frame, and the Study door is a solid 6 panel door rather than being 1/2 Glass - double pane insulating glass, 9 pane colonial. Called Mike and advised him that "we" had another error / problem .....
Estimate -
Fitzpatrick Electric - Add receptacle Rough-in 1 men x 1Hr = 1 MH (+1048)
= 1049 MH To-Date
Monday - 07 August 2000
Tuesday - 08 August 2000
Mike's crew - Mike & Jason came in and hung doors, sliders, and are almost finished with the kitchen window (the reglazing necessary will either be done on-site or maybe the doors removed and returned to Manning).
Keith's drywall crew started their drywall hanging.
DeFrancesco Const. - Hang doors, sliders & Kitchen window 2 men
x 8Hr = 16 MH (+1049) = 1065 MH To-Date
Keith Donahue Drywall - Drywall 4 men x 10Hr = 40 MH (+1065) = 1105
MH To-Date
Thursday - 10 August 2000
Drywall hanging continued - will complete either tomorrow or Saturday, finishers are due in Monday. Keith brought out some more Durock for the bath & shower areas (tile backer).
Keith Donahue Drywall - Drywall 3 men x 8Hr = 24 MH (+1105) = 1129 MH To-Date
Drywall hanging continued - looks like they'll finish up tomorrow. At ~1600 they moved into the BR 2/3 end and still have the Garage to hang also.
Draw day for Mike - we "TARGETED" a revised / estimated completion date of 22 September. (Still don't know how much I "trust" this date as far as rental in Vero goes or trying to schedule a move goes .... think we'll just have to "play it by ear" and let it get done when it will .... then .... make moving arrangements. Fortunately, Lief is being very good with us as far as allowing us an open ended lease in Vero!!
Keith Donahue Drywall - Drywall 3 men x 10Hr = 30 MH (+1129) = 1159 MH To-Date
Saturday - 12 August 2000
About 1100 the drywallers came back to finished up the Garage and cleaned
up a bit .... ready for the finishers on Monday, the drywall is all hung.
Maybe it's a good sign - the first time that "Work Days" exceed "Lost Days"
... and it comes on a Saturday!
Talking with Mike D. on Friday ... he feels confident that we'll be
in in September ... six weeks "tops".
Stopped at Sunshine Paints and borrowed the carpet samples again for the weekend ... time to pick interior paints. Will also go back to the tile people Monday and let them know that drywall is in and that Mike will be calling soon for the tile.
Keith Donahue Drywall - Drywall 4 men x 3Hr = 12 MH (+1159) = 1171 MH To-Date
Monday - 14 August 2000
Drywall crew was there when we got there ~ 1100 ... and were still there when we left ~ 1700 ... taping & mudding.
Keith Donahue Drywall - Drywall 2 men x 10Hr = 20 MH (+1171) = 1191 MH To-Date
Tuesday - 15 August 2000
Wednesday - 16 August 2000
Keith Donahue Drywall - Drywall 2 men x 8 Hr = 16 MH (+1191) = 1207
MH To-Date
DiFrancesco Const - Window framing 2 men x 2 Hr = 4 MH (+1207) = 1211
MH To-Date
Thursday - 17 August 2000
Keith Donahue Drywall - Drywall 2 men x 8 Hr = 16 MH (+1207) = 1223 MH To-Date
Keith Donahue Drywall - Drywall 1 men x 8 Hr = 8 MH (+1223) = 1231 MH
Keith Donahue Drywall - Drywall 3 men x 2 Hr = 6 MH (+1231) = 1237
MH To-Date
Keith Donahue Drywall - Drywall 2 men x 8 Hr = 16 MH (+1237) = 1253 MH To-Date
Keith Donahue Drywall - Drywall 2 men x 6 Hr = 12 MH (+1253) = 1265
MH To-Date
Keith Donahue Drywall - Drywall 1 man x 3 Hr = 3 MH (+1265) = 1268
MH To-Date
Tuesday - 22 August 2000
Today was a "fixin' to go to work day" ... but goes into the record as LWD #49
The King -Carter Aluminium lady came by this AM to check the job out - Railing at the Entry Porch & screen work on the Front Porch (in lieu of Cedar railing & screen framework). Also had her measure up for storm panels - to be quoted directly to us as an addition.
Tracy & Jason delivered most of the interior doors and trim molding. Will furnish the crown mold, cap, & trim for the display shelf at the Kitchen Wall and the Chair Rail in the Dining Room to them for installation ... found these trim items that we liked at Home Depot.... maybe Mike D. will gives us credit for them. Expect to be trimmed out by Thursday.
The Painter came by to check things out - expects to start Friday and be finished Monday (prime & 2 coats).
The Carpet layer came by & measured for carpet.
The Tile setter came by and measured for tile.
(I have an uneasy feeling that cabinets - or lack of cabinets - may be the interior finish hold-up ... it seems like they have waited and waited to place the order .... worrying to much about "how" the Kitchen Window pass-thru counter will be done ... But, that's not CABINETS ... to be ordered, but Counter Tops that they do in their own shop locally!!!)
Tracy & Jason set about installing interior doors & trim molding. Well on the way by the time we left ~ 1500.
DiFrancesco Const - Interior Trim, 2 men x 8 Hr = 16 MH (+1268) = 1284 MH To-Date
Thursday - 24 August 2000
DiFrancesco Const - Interior Trim, 2 men x 8 Hr = 16 MH (+1284) = 1300 MH To-Date
Friday - 25 August 2000
Sears delivered our appliances ~1330, secured them in the Garage.
Mike D. came by ~ 1430 with copies of some quotes from Cabinet connection, Sunrise Paints (carpet - installed) and Creative Tile (tile only, nic the Kitchen backsplash tile), and his responce to our "Request for Quote" Re. Screening and Railing "specialty metals" work (which was "due" to be returned by 02 August) .. will study on these over the weekend but something seems "rotten in the State of Denmark" as the saying goes. Will get back together w/ Mike Monday and see if maybe we can decipher ... what!.
Suncoast Painting - Interior Paint, 2 men x 3 Hr = 6 MH (+1300) = 1306 MH To-Date
Suncoast painting was back, wasn't there all day with them but at noon they'd primed the whole house .... expect that this afternoon they got the first finish coat on as well. Think that they plan on being back tomorrow for the second overall coat. The lead painter asked how the doors were to be finished and I told him "a Natural Oak" stain (acutally Distinction Doors lists two "Oak" finishes in their prefinished doors, "Medium Oak" and "Spanish Oak" ... the "Natural Oak" finish call originated with the Therma-Tru Doors. The Distinction Catalog includes a Staining Guide which lists Gel Stain, such as ZAR Stain, Wood Kote, Jel'd Stain, Minwax, Gel Stain, etc. .... and the painter said to get a Stain "kit" from East Coast Lumber. He also said that this is a three step process ... stain (and don't touch the door for 24 hrs) so this needs to be when no one will be around, then two finish coats of sealer (think that he said shellac).
We went down to get S/N's off the appliances and take some pics of the painting progress and of things that I hadn't gotten pics of yet, like the work in the shed, the door in the garage, the appliances, and the river bank clean-up.
Suncoast Painting - Interior Paint, 3 men x 8 Hr = 24 MH (+1306) = 1330
MH To-Date
DiFrancesco Const - Interior Trim, 2 men x 2 Hr = 4 MH (+1330) = 1334
MH To-Date
Sunday - 27 August 2000
Suncoast Painting - Interior Paint, 2 men x 8 Hr = 16 MH (+1334) = 1350 MH To-Date
Monday - 28 August 2000
In early November, after we had recontacted Mike about bidding on our house and advised him that we had new plans in process of being drafted and sealed by Mennard & Welsh ... he provided us with a list of his subcontractors and suppliers and advised us to visit them and make our selections of materials and finishes, similar to the process which we'd recently gone thru with Alden Peck, ... which we did. (With the exception of his electrician - we asked to meet with him a number of times but no pre-bid meeting was arranged. The first time I ever saw Jerry Fitzpatrick, "Mr. personality", was when he arrived on the job to go to work.) As we visited these various vendors and got more detail as to finish materials and sources for these materials, I generated a finish schedule based on our selections and a room by room detail check list to accompany it. We delivered the plans from Welsh's office to Mike on December 3rd and delivered him our consolidated "Finish Schedule Book" to supplement Welsh's drawings on December 6th.
This process - of visiting with suppliers - is/was extreamly frustrating to me (as one who has always had access, first hand, to cost information as a portion of the construction decision making process) in that, for the most part, none of them would talk to us about cost of the items we were "selecting" ... this information was delivered only to Mike for use in "making up his bid". What we had to use for comparison purposes, for the most part, was costs for "similar" items available at retail ... Sears, Home Depot, Lowes, etc.
Back to the specific issue of the day .... Carpet ....
We'd visited Sears and had "selected" a carpet type and quality
A sculptured carpet called "Imagery" ... 100% nylon
pile, Dupont Stainmaster, xtra life
Warrenties - Stain & Soil 5 yr / Texture Retention
5 yr / Wear 10 yr
"Carpet Assurence Rating" = 8.2
Installed w/ sears best pad ... $3.59/SF (Reg. $4.59/SF)
.... $32.31/SY (Reg. 41.31/SY)
Then we visited with Mike's carpet supplier, Sunrise Paint & Wallcovering
in Ft. Pierce, and looked at similar carpets with their "best pad".
This was, I believe, the only one of the suppliers who volunteered price
information to aid in our decision making process.
Columbus "Voluptuous" @ $24.30/SY
Columbus "Inviting" @ $21.09/SY
& Columbus "Luscious" @ $16.55/SY
We selected, and included in our finish schedule book, the "Columbus Voluptuous" carpet, and advised Sunrise Paint of our selection when we brought the carpet samples back to them. What happened at this point is "anybody's guess" ... I don't know if Sunrise advised Mike of our selection for use in preparing his bid ... or not. They were supposed to. And, it seems like all of the other vendors visited did feed quote information to Mike for his use in preparing his bid to us. Based on a conversation with them today, they "can't recall" if they did or not. (This was 9 or 10 months ago after all.)
Mike included in his quote breakdown to us ... $2040 as an "allowance" for carpet ... as well as "allowances" for the other floor finishes i.e. tile and pergo flooring. I had calculated SF for the various floor and ceiling finishes scheduled and included these, "for information purposes" in our finish schedule book. I had no reason to expect that Mike's quote breakdown for these floor finish items were not based on our selected and scheduled finishes and did not "double check" his extensions. (It's the only one that I "could have checked" in any case.)
The quote from Sunrise to Mike, that Mike delivered to me on Friday, is now for 147.33 SY of Columbus "Voluptuous" Carpet, installed with a 1/2" 6 lb. pad @ $26.95/SY (+6.5% Tax) .... = $4228.63 ..... more than double the "allowance" included in our contract. Sunrise explained away the 21% increase in quoted area (based on my estimate of 1096 SF / 121.77 SY) as a "standard practice" cutting waste estimate. They also "explained away" the 11% carpet cost increase as typical from this and many of their other suppliers over the recent months as "due to energy and petroleum products cost increases".
The language that I included in our contract Re. "Allowance Items" reads
as follows -
"Said contract total includes ALLOWANCES for the following work items
based on the Contractors estimate or estimates furnished by Contractors
suppliers or subcontractors which are subject to revision based of (sic)
on final quantities of materials furnished or services performed, as evidenced
by copies of paid invoices from the Contractors supplier, vendor, or subcontractor
as applicable." My intent here was to limit "allowance item " cost
variation to varitiations in quantities - not expecting variations in the
underlying "quoted price".
Mikes position now is to accept no responsibility for this "quote error", to place all burden for this "mistake" on our shoulders, and say that he won't place the order for our carpet until we accept the full $2,188.63 "overrun", change our carpet selection, or go get it from someone else ... on our own. Don't know what to expect on the cost of the other floor finishes (Tile & Pergo) .... Mike is supposed to be in process of working with his tile guy (another "Mike") to put together a full cost "quote" for the tile work. Sure hope that it's not another "surprise" like this one.
Oh well !!!!!! What can we do - when our contractor has that attitude. We brought home three other carpet samples from Sunrise to look at tonight and we'll "sign off" on one or the other tomorrow.
Meanwhile, at the house, work continued -
King-Carter Aluminium - Soffit & Facia, 2 men x 8 Hr = 16 MH (+1350)
= 1366 MH To-Date
When we arrived at the house, the HVAC people were finishing up their installation.... the outside condensor unit, the AHU, and Thermostat, and the vent difussers w/ volume dampers. Also, the specialty metals contractor was there again to continue their soffit & facia work.
Dad trimmed up the headge on the South side again while I terminated the new wiring in the existing Garage in the new breaker box. Will do this in the shed tomorrow then all that will be left out back will be conduit from the house to the back, supply cable pulls and terminations in the the new breaker panels. Test ran the well pump from the generator and hope to prime the well pump and check it out tomorrow from generator power.
King-Carter Aluminium - Soffit & Facia, 2 men x 8 Hr = 16 MH (+1366)
= 1382 MH To-Date
D&H Air Conditioning - HVAC "trim out", 3 men x 4 Hr = 12 MH (+1382)
= 1394 MH To-Date
Wednesday - 30 August 2000
King-Carter Aluminium - Soffit & Facia, 2 men x 8 Hr = 16 MH (+1394) = 1410 MH To-Date
Mike D. & Jason came by to help with the floor clean-up and do a bit of chipping to prep the outside of the block walls for the Stucco work (scheduled to start next Tuesday, Sept 5th). Mike also said that the Septic Tank & drainfield installation work is scheduled to start a week from Tuesday, Sept 12th ... and called "Hoss" with Treasure Coast Land Clearing to come out tomorrow to take a look at the work necessary to take out the existing Asphalt driveway in preparation for putting in the new concrete drive & turn-around. Mike also said that the Cabinets are "due in" Tuesday of next week, Sept 5th.
The youngest Fitzpatrick came by this afternoon and started the electrical trim-out .... putting in convience outlets.
I cleared the path for the electrical conduit to the "outback" buildings today and stopped at HD this afternoon to get the conduit & fittings .... plan to run this tomorrow ... to tie into Fitzpartick's stub-out at the new Garage.
Mike Johnson - Tile, 2 men x 6 Hr = 12 MH (+1410) = 1422 MH To-Date
DeFrancesco Const - Floor & Wall prep, 2 men x 2 Hr = 4 MH (+1422)
= 1426 MH To-Date
Fitzpartick Electric - Trim-out, 1 men x 4 Hr = 4 MH (+1426) = 1430
MH To-Date
Friday - 01 September 2000
Almost complete with the conduit run from the Existing Garage to the new Storage Shed ... had to "shift" the penetration thru the floor to avoid a floor joist and needed to get 2- 45 d sweeps to put in this riser run to the panel box. Asked Jerry about the wire size that he was planning to bring out from the main panel thru the 1" conduit that he's stubbed out .... and got a bit of a "run around"answer about having to check on what wire size would be needed, check on "conduit fill", and that maybe a larger ?? panel box might be needed in the Existing Garage ???? We'll see .....
Tony advised me that 10-3 w/ ground would be big enough and if we wanted to go bigger, we could put in 8-3 w/ ground and still make the pull thru the 1" conduit. We've done the work in the Garage based on this advise - installed a junction box below the panel to join the feeder branch and split the feeds to each panel and have now done the conduit work here in the Garage ..... based on the 1" conduit stub that Fitzgerald brought out from the main panel to feed the two outbuildings!!
Mike D. came by ~ 1430 just as we were leaving. I told him yesterday that we'd go ahead and make a draw, even though the cabinets (scheduled to be in by this draw) are not delivered or installed. He is proceeding with work "past" this draw ... the tile work, completing the HVAC installation, etc. Mike started off with a "yellow sheet" listing of "extras" revolving mainly around the cabinet order. The base specifications for these cabinets, our selections of components and finish details has not changed since we made the selections from Cabinet Connection - for Peck - on November 1, 1999! We were never "privy" to what or how they furnished or worded their quote to the builder - either Peck or Mike. The quote that Cabinet Connections has given Mike now (Mike gave me a copy of portions of this August 21st proposal along with their December 9th 1999 - original - proposal to him) has gone up since December and Mike was trying to "pass it on" to us .... (The cabinets are not an "allowance item") ... and what minor adjustments were made to the cabinets based on field measurements and final size adjustments was signed off at the last draw / CO#1 as a "no cost change". I may have pulled a "bit of a Mike" at this myself and flatly informed him "no way - no how"! With the exception of verbally accepting a $75 increase for changing the wall cabinet to the right of the window from 21" to 27" ..... based on the opening size of this slider window being scheduled as 4' but framed at about 3'-6" or 3'-7" which gave us that much more wall space to fill with this cabinet. Actually I shouldn't agree to even accepting this "change" because it's based on how the window was offset framed in the opening .... but it did occur, and we did agree with Cabinet Connection to change this cabinet size after we signed CO#1, and, after they had told Mike that all of the minor resizing amounted to a "no cost change". Went ahead and made Mike's "Fee" draw and will revisit the scheduled Draw #5 next Tuesday after Mike has had a chance to get back with CC and take his fight Re. the quotes back to them.
Mike Johnson - Tile, 2 men x 5 Hr = 10 MH (+1430) = 1440 MH To-Date
DeFrancesco Const - Wall prep, 2 men x 3 Hr = 6 MH (+1440) = 1446 MH
Fitzpartick Electric - Trim-out, 1 men x 8 Hr = 8 MH (+1446) = 1454
MH To-Date
Dad & I finished the conduit run from the Existing Garage to the shed, pulled a string thru, and laid the sweep and first joint out toward joining up with Fitzpatrick's stub-out .... will finish (our part of ) this run Monday.
Mike Johnson - Tile, 3 men x 6 Hr = 18 MH (+1454) = 1472 MH To-Date
Monday - 04 September 2000
Tuesday - 05 September 2000
Lin went by ABCo Doors and put the order in for the new garage door, expect ~ 10 days or ~ 15 Sept for installation.
Mike Johnson - Tile, 3 men x 6 Hr = 18 MH (+1472) = 1490 MH To-Date
Wednesday - 06 September 2000
No tile setters today. What's in looks good ... even ungrouted!
The Stucco sub was here today ... preparing to start the stucco scratch coat tomorrow ... had his materials delivered, sand stucco mix, and his mortar mixer and had dug out around the base of the house.
Tracy & Jason showed up ~ 1030 and installed the Kitchen window head track, lock jamb and pocket jamb so the stucco work could be done around the window frame and pocket recess... need a drywall patch & repaint job here now. They also made a list of door hardware needed, interior & exterior doors and will be back this week to do that. Made a note, or a call,. about the transom window at the entry not being installed yet (5 lite - colonial - double glazed) and I pointed out the error (?) made in assembly of the Living Room Window unit --- that the movable sash on the Northern most window was not tinted (by the factory) and we all made note that 5 of the 6 window units (not including the one not tinted) have a round sticker on the window that says "Glaze this side in". This had not been noticed before ... because untill recently the windows have been open and the discrepancy was not "noticable".
While I was down - Mike D. called and advised that he'd spoken with Cabinet Connections again .... 1st he doesn't expect to have the cabinets until "some time next week" now ... interior finish work is now to some extent "on hold" due to the lack of cabinets. He's still going round & round with them about the "revised qoute" pricing. Expect to take out the asphalt this week in prep for the new driveway, septic tank & drainfield. (Don't know if "Hoss" at Treasure Coast Land Clearing "gets" all of this work or not but Mike was to get together with him about the asphalt tear out work to firm up this "allowance item".
Checked in the Study, and Keith had been by to cut in the recessed light can that they had missed ... need a ceiling patch & paint repair job here.
ABCo Doors called this morning, they were setting up the "field measurement" visit prior to ordering the door and realized that it was a "Ft. Pierce" address .... called to advise that they do not service that far South any more, they stopped about 6 months ago. Went by and talked with Frankie and she was going to "check with the boss" to see if maybe they would or could in our case ... because we'd already gotten the two doors for the existing garage from them. She advised that Home Depot - Ft. Pierce carries the Clopay Door we had ordered and advised the door Spec info from them (also advised that HD does not use or carry the Genie ProMax operator that we'd spec'd with ABCo) She also advised that another alternate, if it comes to this, would be Treasure Coast Garage Doors - Helen or Mark - (561)879-0487. Frankie has been good to work with - hope that they can still do the job.
Stucco Sub - Stucco prep, 2 men x 4 Hr = 8 MH (+1490) = 1498 MH To-Date
DiFrancesco Const - Misc finish work, 2 men x 2 hrs = 4 MH (+1498)
= 1502 MH To-Date
The Tile setters showed up ~ 1100 and just about have the bathrooms tiled out ... about all that's lacking is tileing the window returns, the shower pans, shower curbs & tile caps, and setting some ceramic towel bars in the master bath recess.
The electrician wired in the smoke alarms this morning then started on the lights and fan / light combo's this afternoon... got up the fan/lights in Bedroom 2&3, and the "Ships Wheel" light (from Dad's old house - refinished by Lin and rewired by Tony & Lin) over the Breakfast Nook.
Mike D. came by this afternoon ~ 1500 and after taking care of business (Draw time) patched up the drywall at the Kitchen window pass-thru. We signed off on CO#2 which included $75 for the cabinet change to the right of the Kitchen pass-thru window .... but have not come to terms yet on the "ReQuote" for the cabinet work by Cabinet Connections. I also signed the application for the driveway permit, and the application for "30 Day Power for Testing". I asked Mike about the 4- 20' lengths of 1" and 3-20' lengths of 3/4" PVC water pipe that was in the back yard ... "who's pipe is it" ... I think Tryon dropped it the last time they were onsite ... Mike opined that it's "ours" and I said ... OK, I'd run it in and stub it up tomorrow. (Went to HD tonight and got fittings and 2-10' lenghts of 3/4" pipe to complete the runs in from the pump shed.) Mike expects that TCLC will be out tomorrow to strip up the Asphalt Driveway materials and haul it off. He is still "expecting" the cabinets in Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday of next week and the plumbers are ready to come out the day after the cabinets are installed. He's also expecting the septic tank & drainfield work to start either Monday or Tuesday of next week.
"Jim" from Gale Insulation and Specialties came by around Noon to measure up what he could ... got the wire shelving measurements and the Shower enclosures but could not measure for the bathroom vanity mirrors untill the vanities and vanity lights are in .... will cut the mirrors to fit "what's left".
I'll call Cabinet Connections tomorrow and verify the vanity top heights w/ back splash and set the bottom of the vanity lights based on a 42" high mirror .... provided the electricians wire stub out will allow that much mirror height. I think that all of the light bar / mirror units will have to be 36" wide and will need to exchange the 48" light bar that we got for the larger of the two Master Bath Vanities for a 36" light bar.
DiFrancesco Const - Misc finish work, 1 men x 2 hrs = 2 MH (+1502) =
1504 MH To-Date
Mike Johnson - Tile Work, 3 men x 5 hrs = 15 MH (+1504) = 1519 MH To-Date
Fitzpartick Elect - Elec Trim, 1 men x 6 hrs = 6 MH (+1519) = 1525
MH To-Date
Limberis Plastering - Stucco Work, 3 men x 8 hrs = 24 MH (+1525) =
1549 MH To-Date
Limberis Plastering - Stucco Work, 1 men x 10 hrs = 10 MH (+1549) =
1559 MH To-Date
Limberis Plastering - Stucco Work, 1 men x 6 hrs = 6 MH (+1559) = 1565
MH To-Date
The Plasterers continued work on their "brown or scratch coat" ... got about 95% done and are planning to be back in the morning to finish up on the interior of the Front Porch.
The Electrician is almost finished putting up lights & fans and started trimming the recessed lights.
Tile setters finished up in dad's bathroom and are almost done in the Master Bath.
Tracy & Jason came by early to saw cut the driveway joint at the Garage and at the street .... TCLC is "due" in today to take out the Asphalt (They didn't show up today.)
I had a bit of a restless night last night ... concerned about the stucco work going onto the Front Porch without the Kitchen pass-thru window and shelf being installed. Discussed this with Tracy while they were here and decided to go get the plywood for the shelf, cut the shelf myself (while there is still good square, bare masonry surfaces), mark it up with the track recess location, and TAKE it to Cabinet Connections to be completed with the solid surface counter top. Really a very simple cut-out for the counter substrate ... I find it impossible to understand all the hemming, hawing, and "oh my" that's taken place about this pass-thru counter!! Cut the blank from a piece of cabinet grade, 7-Ply, Oak Plywood - and will finish the visable bottom after it gets installed. Had the plasterers "rake out" a 1 1/2" joint adjacent to the window opening that the shelf will insert into and will finish out the counter / masonry joint with a "matching" caulk.
DiFrancesco Const - Misc finish work, 2 men x 2 hrs = 4 MH (+1565) =
1569 MH To-Date
Mike Johnson - Tile Work, 3 men x 6 hrs = 18 MH (+1569) = 1587 MH To-Date
Fitzpartick Elect - Elec Trim, 1 men x 6 hrs = 6 MH (+1587) = 1593
MH To-Date
Limberis Plastering - Stucco Work, 4 men x 10 hrs = 40 MH (+1593) =
1633 MH To-Date
Saturday - 09 September 2000
Limberis Plastering - Stucco Work, 3 men x 6 hrs = 18 MH (+1633) = 1651 MH To-Date
The insulation sub came and blew in the celulose insulation (40 bags) and ran out .... still lacking the 8' ceiling area over the Master Bath, Closets, and Hallway.
I trenched in from the pump shed and installed the water lines to connect up with Tryon's stub-outs.
Fitzpartick Elect - Elec Trim, 1 men x 4 hrs = 4 MH (+1651) = 1655 MH
Fitzpatrick Elect - Elec Trim, 1 men x 6 hrs = 6 MH (+1655) = 1661
MH To-Date
Gale Insulation - Blow-in Insulation, 2 men x 2 hrs = 4 MH (+1661)
= 1665 MH To-Date
Tuesday - 12 September 2000
The Tile setters were in (prior to 1100) to put in the shower pans and
Cabinet Connection was in (prior to 1100) and installed the Kitchen
cabinets, the three Bathroom vanity cabinets, and the Counter base for
the Kitchen Pass-thru counter.
The plasterers were in and put the Marblecrete final stucco coat on
the North and West sides.
Mike Johnson - Tile Work, 3 men x 3 hrs = 9 MH (+1665) = 1674 MH To-Date
Cabinet Connection - Cabinet Work, 2 men x 4 hrs = 8 MH (+1674) = 1682
MH To-Date
Limberis Plastering - Stucco Work, 4 men x 6 hrs = 24 MH (+1682) =
1706 MH To-Date
The Tile setters were in and grouted both bathrooms - the main house tile grout is "on hold" till after the plumbers are in, the Kitchen counter tops are on, and the appliances set ... be back "one more time" to do this grout work and the Kitchen counter backsplash tile.
Fitzpartick Elect - Elec Trim, 1 men x 6 hrs = 6 MH (+1706) = 1712 MH
Fitzpartick Elect - Elec Trim, 1 men x 4 hrs = 4 MH (+1712) = 1716
MH To-Date
Mike Johnson - Tile Work, 3 men x 6 hrs = 18 MH (+1716) = 1739 MH To-Date
2. The soffit installer "forgot" to cut in the opening for the dual floodlight at the SW corner. Per MD - OK will take care of it.
3. The Kitchen Cabinet - scheduled to be a dual base wastbasket cabinet - is not. Advised Mike that the last time we went down to see Charlie he HAD these baskets, the holders, and the full extension guides - at his desk with our name on them. Most likely the cabinets arrived and were "rushed out" for installation before they had a chance to do this scheduled in-shop modification. Per MD - will check with Cabinet Connections & get them to correct it.
4. The Family Room - 3 window assembly - shipped unassembled - is still missing the "Z flashing" that goes across the head of the assembly. Per MD - he is aware of this and has "been after" Manning for the flashing piece since the window was installed.
5. Advised Mike that I "felt uncomfortable" with the house unsecure and so much "finish" materials installed. Per MD - he expects to be able to get Tracy & Jason by this PM to install the locks & the Kitchen pass-thru window. Asked him to get two additional passage lock-sets (keyed alike) for me to install in the new - existing garage door and the storage shed door.
Went down & arrived at the house ~ 0900, the Plasterers were just
getting set up to put on the "bands" around the three front windows - advised
them that the band could not be put on the head of the FR window because
it still lacked the "Z Flashing".
I procedded to clean-up a bit inside - picking up papers etc. from
the electricians trim-out. Went thru each box & piece of packing
and put all materials that may be useful or needed i.e. instruction sheets,
wiring devices, "pocket" nuts bolts screws, fan dynamic balance kits &
mounting hardware (not used) into one consolidated box. Was just
going to sweep out and vacuum the window sills when Treasure Coast Land
Clearing arrived to take out the driveway asphalt - 1000.
TCLC got their machine unloaded and I got that operator started to work when the Septic Tank & Drain field crew arrived ~ 1015 - to start their installation.
The plan they had - was "my" site layout sheet, not McLaughlin's "latest" sight layout sheet submitted when we changed the orientation of the drainlines to avoid the two Oaks in front. They were aware that "something" was "amiss", called the Health Dept. and confirmed what the final - revised & approved - drain line configuration was to be, 4 - 31' long x 3' wide drain trenches w/ 2' spacing between trenches. (The copy of this McLaughlin drawing that WAS in Mike's permit box is no longer there?)
Had the plasterers relocate their materials to south of the Oak tree in front. Then they decided rather than try to compete for space they'd knock off, or move off, to another location.
Around Noon - the painter came by and was "going" to stain the Entry door and the Study door. Advised him that Mike was expecting to be by today to install latch sets & locks and with that and the dirt work going on .... that it might not be a "good" time. Gave him the Gel-Stain and Top coat, one can each and he opined he may just do it over the weekend.
Both "dirt" crews knocked off ~ 1600
TCLC - completed - also had them pick-up and haul away all of the concrete wash-out & dump out's, the excess fill from behind the new garage, and had them dig out the palm tree "root balls" that would be under new construction - NE of the existing garage (under the new driveway) and S of the Porch (under the new steps). Loader w/operator & dump truck w/driver (3 loads hauled) .... will pick up their BH/Loader in the morning.
Septic Tank - set, and 2 of 4 drain lines installed. Expect to finish in the morning, get inspected, and cover up tomorrow PM.
The electrician continued their trim out, installed 2 of the new Garage lights (4 flourescent light bars).
Limberis Plastering - Window bands, 4 men x 3 hrs = 12 MH (+1739) =
1751 MH To-Date
Treasure Coast Land Clearing - Driveway removal, etc., 2 men x 6 hrs
= 12 MH(1751) = 1763 MH To-Date
?? - Septic Tank & Drainfield Install, 2 men x 6 hrs = 12 MH(+1763)=1775
MH To-Date
Fitzpatrick Elec - Trim out, 1 man x 2 hrs= 2 MH(+1775)=1777 MH To-Date
The septic tank & drainfield crew completed the drainfield installation ~ 0930, it was inspected ~ 1130 - OK'd - covered over & rough dressed by ~ 1300.
Tracy & Jason came by and installed locks and latch sets on all the doors including the Front Porch sliders. (Not including the Kitchen Window Slider .... and the latch on the East Slider in the Family Room does not latch.)
The painter came by - cleaned, preped and stained the Front and Study doors. We discussed the wood trim color for the doors and he advised us to go by and select the color at Sunrise Paint. Will do this tomorrow (to match as nearly as possible - the Almond Vinyl window frame color) and also ask if he'd paint the window frame at the Master Bath Tub - the only one that's White Vinyl rather than Almond Vinyl. He also advised that they would have some of each of the paints used left over and that he'd lable each and give them to us when they are finished.
Treasure Coast Land Clearing - Tractor work / rough grade, 1 men x 5
hrs = 5 MH(1777) = 1782 MH To-Date
Mike ?? - Septic Tank & Drainfield Install, 2 men x 5 hrs = 10
MH(+1782)=1792 MH To-Date
DiFrancesco Const - Install Door Hardware, 2 men x 3 hrs = 6 MH(1792)
= 1798 MH To-Date
Suncoast Painting - Stain Doors, 1 man x 3 hrs = 3 MH(+1798) = 1801
MH To-Date
Saturday - 16 September 2000
Suncoast Painting - Topcoat Doors, 1 man x 2 hrs = 2 MH(+1801) = 1803 MH To-Date
Busy when I arrived ~ 0900.
Gale (Specialties) was there installing shelving. (Had the shower
enclosures & shelving on the truck but knocked off" after installing
the shelf brackets. Could not install the shower enclosures yet -
no sills to set them on.)
Tryon was there doing what plumbing trim they could - installed the commodes, the Laundry Tub, & Water Heater and made up the tie-ins for the water supply & waste disposal lines. Vanities were not in so could not plumb them up. Put in shower heads (both should be hand helds with a slide bar). They left the Kitchen Sink so it's counter top cut-out can be sized correctly.
Mike the Tile Setter was there and grouted the main house tile.
Afternoon - The Electricians showed up and continued their Trim-out.
The "Marble Connection" crew showed up & installed the Vanity Sinks/Tops/Trim and Window Sills. The window sill installation was not made over a grout filled sill pocket as I had been told it would be - but rather the cast "marble" sill spans over this grout pocket and is attached with "globs" of Liquid Nails Construction Adhesive to the window buck.
Dad & I filled in the palm tree root hole at the Front Steps, graded where the steps will go & "laid out" the steps & landings on the front wall.
Mike Johnson - Grout Tile, 2 men x 3 hrs = 6 MH(+1803) = 1809 MH To-Date
Gale - Shelf Brackets, 1 man x 2 hrs = 2 MH(+1809) = 1811 MH To-Date
Tryon - Plumbing Trim, 2 men x 3 hrs = 6 MH(+1811) = 1817 MH To-Date
Fitzpatrick Elec - Elec Trim, 2 men x 3 hrs = 6 MH(+1817) = 1823 MH
Cabinet Connection - Install Vanities & Window Sills, 2 men x 3
hrs = 6 MH(+1823) = 1829 MH To-Date
Tuesday - 19 September 2000
The electricians arrived ~ 0830 to complete their interior trim-out (didn't know it yesterday, but the "30-Day Power for Testing" inspection was done yesterday - must have been real early - and was RED TAGGED!). They finished up the outlets on the porch, put on some cover plates in the Garage, installed the "coach lamp" at the Front Entry and hung the fans on the Front Porch (We have one bad fan, to be replaced, sounds like it has no bearings!)
Stayed untill ~ 1330, nothing more was happening and came home.
Fitzpatrick Elec - Elec Trim, 2 men x 3 hrs = 6 MH(+1829) = 1835 MH To-Date
Mike's crew had been in and set in the Transom window at the entry and set in the Kitchen window track on the pass-thru counter substrate. Still no counter tops, shower sills, or driveway forming..
The plasterers were there to finish up the Marblecrete / colored stucco coat on the South and East sides.
DiFrancesco Const. - Misc Trim-out, 2 men x 2 hrs = 4 MH(+1835) = 1839
MH To-Date
Limberis Plastering - Stucco Work, 4 men x 8 hrs = 32 MH(+1839) = 1871
MH To-Date
Around 1100, one guy from Cabinet Connections came by, checked out the pass-thru counter, put the slider window in the track, added t3 screws to the inner sill, I gave him some 1/2" plywood scrap to pad the outer columns and he attached the outer counter thru the bottom into the flanking column framing ... he also cut in the end cabinet for the "required" cabinet end outlet.
waited ........ and waited .........
~ 1400 the first of the driveway crew arrived with the balance arriving ~ 1415. They laid out and formed the back side (turn around / parking area & entry walk, and down the North side - to the front of the house. I "worked" with them to get things laid out & started" .... Extended the parking space ~ 8' (x 16') to the south end of the entry porch, revised the walkway alignment, deleted the "rear planting area" on the North side, moved the drive closer to the house (2' off rather than 3.4') and added about 20'x5' at the street as a "mailman pull-off" space. They "opined" that it would probably be Tuesday or Wednesday next week before they'll be ready to make the placement and will need the tractor & box blade back for a little final grading.
Also, ~ 1400, the Cabinet Connections Counter Top person showed up .... not with the counter top .... but to make a "Template" to make the counter tops !
~ 1430 Mike D. came by to see how the drive crew was getting on ..... it's a new concrete & forming crew (not Tommy White / South Florida Concrete). Marty Limberis also showed up to finish off the Front Porch / Screen Sills.
Limberis Plastering - Stucco Work, 1 men x 2 hrs = 2 MH(+1871) = 1873
MH To-Date
Cabinet Connections - Pass Thru Counter, 1 man x 1 hr = 1 MH(+1873)
= 1874 MH To-Date
Cabinet Connections - Counter Top "Template", 1 man x 2 hrs = 2 MH(+1874)
= 1876 MH To-Date
?? - Driveway, 6 men x 2 hrs = 12 MH(+1876) = 1888 MH To-Date
Around 1315, Mike D. came by, asked if TCLC had been by with the tractor to do the final grading in back ... no .... and called them. Also, a "30 day test power" reinspection had been scheduled .... but they hadn't been by yet either. He expects to have power on by next wednesday and scheduled the driveway pre-pour inspection for Monday. Advised that the carpet is in (and being "stored" at the vendors house) .... maybe "everything" will be coming together next week. The painters are supposed to be here tomorrow to clean off the overspray on the Front & Entry Porch - tinted concrete slabs.
At 1400 TCLC showed up with the tractor .... worked for ~ 20 minutes .... was loaded up and gone at 1430. He only "fine graded" from the front of the house back. The driveway is not formed from the front of the house to the street.
I stuck around 'till ~ 1500, the inspector had not showed up at that time, and headed back to Vero.
TCLC - Driveway grading, 1 man x 1 hr = 1 MH(+1888) = 1889 MH To-Date
Saturday - 23 September 2000
5 (Local Link)
2 of the driveway crew were there forming up the front end of the driveway. Got there "just in time" as they were just setting the curved form on the south side headed to the street - had them pull this in 2' to "hold off" from the Azelea bush at the end (dad's request) and widen the mailman's pull off strip from 5' to 7' (mailman's suggestion) .... so the mailbox can be positioned behind (and be "guarded by" a Palm Tree). Also, they had the front end of the drive sloping to the North rather then level across (it had not been "fine graded") had them raise the North edge level with the South edge so the center trough can direct the water flow down the middle of the driveway and across the street to the culvert.
Suncoast Painting - Clean overspray from Porches, 1 man x 2 hr = 2 MH(+1889)
= 1891 MH To-Date
?? Driveway - Driveway forming, 2 men x 3 hr = 6 MH(+1891) = 1897 MH
Monday - 25 September 2000
2 (Local Link)
"Marble" Connection was in, for ~ 1 1/2 hrs, had "Verde" flat work & put on the Tub facing, the Shower wall caps and the curb cap in the Master Bath .... did not have the "Sterling Silver" Curb Cap for dad's shower.
Cabinet Connection was in, for ~ 1/2 hr, and fixed up the Kitchen - Base Wastebasket Cabinet.
Mike D. came by and drywall patched at the MBa/Shower
Cabinet Connection - Marble Work, MBa, 2 men x 2 hr = 4 MH(+1897) =
1901 MH To-Date
Cabinet Connection - Kitchen Cab rework, 2 men x 1 hr = 2 MH(+1901)
= 1903 MH To-Date
DiFrancesco Const - Misc Finish, 1 man x 1 hr = 1 MH(+1903) = 1904
MH To-Date
Tuesday - 26 September 2000
13 (Local Link)
Marble Connection came out and installed the Curb Cap in dad's shower ... also buffed out the Master Bath Tub some more.
Mike's Grass Sub was supposed to meet me at the house "sometime" between 1400 & 1700, I stayed around 'till 1730 and he had not shown.
Treefeller Concrete - Driveway Placement, 5 men x 8 hr = 40 MH(+1904)
= 1944 MH To-Date
Treefeller Concrete - Driveway Placement, 1 man x 10 hr = 10 MH(+1944)
= 1954 MH To-Date
Cabinet Connection - Marble Work, MBa, 1 men x 2 hr = 2 MH(+1954) =
1956 MH To-Date
Wednesday - 27 September 2000
13 (Local Link)
The driveway crew was in - finished forming the steps and placed both the steps and the finish-up section of the drivewy at the road.
Cabinet Connection came in and put on the Kitchen Counter Tops and the Pass-Thru Counter top.
Tryon Plumbing was in - installed the Kitchen sink, the dishwasher, put up the sliding hand-held shower head in dad's shower, and put up two of the three grab bars scheduled for this bath. (The two installed are installed vertical rather than horizontal - will accept these as-is .... but the inside shower back grab bar will be put in horizontal!)
Gale specialties was in and installed their wire shelving and the shower enclosures in both dad's bath and the Master Bath.
Treefeller Concrete - Driveway Placement, 3 men x 6 hr = 18 MH(+1956)
= 1974 MH To-Date
Treefeller Concrete - Driveway Placement, 2 men x 8 hr = 16 MH(+1974)
= 1990 MH To-Date
Cabinet Connection - Counter Tops, 2 men x 4 hr = 8 MH(+1990) = 1998
MH To-Date
Tryon - Plumbing Trimout, 2 men x 6 hr = 12 MH(+1998) = 2010 MH To-Date
Tryon - Plumbing Trimout, 2 men x 2 hr = 4 MH(+2010) = 2014 MH To-Date
Gale Specialties - Wire Shelving & Shwr. Encl., 2 men x 6 hr =
12 MH(+2014) = 2026 MH To-Date
Gale Specialties - Wire Shelving & Shwr. Encl., 1 man x 1 hr =
1 MH(+2026) = 2027 MH To-Date
Thursday - 28 September 2000
3 (Local Link)
Had a look over what had been done yesterday ... :-) a good day.
I had called Bowen water services before I came down (at Mike's request) to check out the well and he arrived ~ 1000 - tried to prime the pump thru the pressure gauge tap, could not get a prime and suggested that we have the well itself checked. Asked him to call Mike and let him know what he'd found and suggested. Waited a bit, then called Mike Re. the Grab bars in dad's shower(still need a 36" horizontal at the back of the shower - and the 2 that were installed were installed vertical rather than horizontal), the flairs at the driveway/street intersection - they were not reformed & poured perpendicular to the street, the "tips" will have to be sawcut off now & we'll lose about a foot of flair on each end, and the well/pump situation. Mike said he'd call his well person and see if he could get out to have a look today. Also asked if the power was on yet .... no ... then suggested that I follow-up on the turn on with the FPL office. Went over to their office on Village Green and found the reconnect is scheduled for tomorrow ... Friday ... and asked them to reactivate dad's account along with the turn on.
Mike and his well person (A-1 Water Service) came by ~ 1230 and ..... got the well reprimed after about 20 minutes of "tinkering" ... filled the well thru the well head - then primed the pump thru the pressure gauge tap. Ran it for 15 or 20 minutes and ran out some water thru the hose bibb at the well shed and thru the 3 "raw water" hose bibbs at the house ... did not open the house supply bibb - will let Tryon do this after we get permanent power on the pump. Looks "OK" ... but will most likely have to reprime again after the power is hooked up and pulled out to the Garage. Then we should be "in business".
Mike asked that I go by Gale and have a look at what they have to offer for medicine cabinets and also maybe go by Home Depot to see what they have available "off the shelf". Seems a bit late, but will do this tomorrow. Mike also called his grass man ... who didn't show on Tuesday ... he opined that the "Palmetto" breed of St. Augistine sod has a two week or more waiting period and suggested the "Bitter Blue" breed as a good, shade tolerant alternate. Will check this out tonight.
Found (Ref. 1 | 2 ) that "Bitter Blue" will probably be acceptable as a sod substitute, both are listed as St. Augustine varities with good shade tolerance the breed difference is basically in their growth habit and blade characteristics - Bitter Blue has a coarser blade and a higher growth habit (mowing height 3 - 4") than the Palmetto breed (mowing height 1 1/2 - 2 1/2"). Palmetto is also noted for it's dark green color and rapid spread rate. This would seem to make it, the Palmetto breed, a better "donor" turf for spreading into the back area of our lot. Will have Lin check out "Bitter Blue" with Janel (Sut's wife - "Weekly Sod") and check with Chris too at the County Extension Agent's Office - the source of our original selection of the Palmetto / St. Augustine breed for sod
King-Carter Aluminium - Porch Screens, 2 men x 5 hr = 10 MH(+2027) =
2037 MH To-Date
A-1 Water Systems - Check out & Reprime well, 1 man x 1 hr = 1
MH (added to here & totals)
Friday - 29 September 2000
18 (Local Link)
Stopped at Gale on the way down this AM, talked with Russ and picked up a brochure on his line of American Pride MedCabs. Tried to call Mike D. again .... answering machine.
Also stopped at McLaughlin's to try to talk with him about the "Final Survey" - what it will include, the fact that the south line is defined by 4x4 conc monuments - including both the SE (not noted as a "found point) and SW (noted as a "found point) corners as well as at least one "line post" about 150 feet West in the middle of the hedge - South of the house. Also the fact that the 6" conc. Monument which he noted as a "found point" for the NE corner - has been knocked out by construction traffic and needs to be re-established. (I've previously mentioned this to Mike and the fact we expect this corner to be re-established at his expence.)
Arrived at the house ~ 0845 this morning and found that Gale had already been - installed 3 vanity mirrors - and left. Found Tryon's plumber there finishing up his work at the Kitchen Sink. He finished up and was gone by ~ 0930.
Waited for FPL to show up to make their "reconnection". Telephone reconnect is scheduled for October 9th, and Lin is to call Adelphia Cable today (the drive is not served by AT&T Cable).
Looked over Russ's brochure, made a selection of a white, louvered door, MedCab with 2 adjustable shelves (American Pride - #9606DD-1B), called Gale and asked them to check availability and I'd call back. Then decided to go check out what Lowes and Home Depot had to offer - "off the shelf" .... nothing similar, all their MedCabs are mirrored. With the big vanity mirrors and the position of the MedCabs - to the side, and having to hinge toward the back - we don't want or need mirrored MedCabs. Called Russ back after looking at Lowes & Home Depot (he "quoted" 2 week delivery) and told him to check with Mike and put these on order. Tried to call Mike D. Re. sod & MedCabs .... answering machine.
Got back to the house ~ 1145 (Almost 2 hours - just to get out to HD & back !! .... What a bummer!!!)
Waited ..... and waited ..... cleaned up some of the "salvaged materials" from out back, dug out two sections of our hose that the tractor man had covered up and flow tested the driveway --- NOT SATISFACTORY --- at the curve to the street (where the forms were pulled to get the truck back for the first days placement .... they apparently were not re-leveled across ... form to form ... in order to get an invert down the center. At the 9' section down the side of the house, this trough is about 1 - 1 1/4" ... across this widening curved section, the trough should have been ~ 2 - 2 1/2". About 30% of the water - from the hose - flows straight off the north side of the drive, and you can already see washouts and undercuts starting from the rains that have fallen .... not even hard rains at that (I don't think).
FP&L Linemen showed up ~ 1445 and had this little service drop knocked
out in about 20 minutes. They found an error in the electricians
installation of the meter base (see pics) .... could have pulled out and
said "have it fixed and reschedule the connection" ... but I asked nicely,
they corrected the error, and we're "hot thru the meter" now.
New meter - initial reading "00000". Tried to call Mike D. Re.
sod, MedCab's, Driveway problem, & power connected .... answering machine.
Tried to call Mike D. again after getting home ... &^#*&)) answering machine msg. ...... that makes 5 or 6 times today and no contact! We'll just have to see if anyone is working tomorrow.
We're definately going into October .... made a new calander page for it
Gale Specialties - 3 Vanity mirrors, 2 men x 1 hr = 2 MH(+2037) = 2039
MH To-Date
Tryon Plumbing - Trim out, 1 man x 2 hr = 2 MH(+2039) = 2041 MH To-Date
Saturday - 30 September 2000
Monday - 02 October 2000
8 (Local Link)
Mike (the tile setter) showed up ~ 1030 to put in the Counter backsplash tile. The Microwave / Range hood has not been installed yet ... so we took it out of the box so he could measure it for size and leave an appropriate "block out" for it. He will have to come back to finish up and grout this tile in. Asked if he'd remembered to bring two towel holders for the MBa Vanity hand towel holders ... no, but he'll bring them back when he comes back ... can be cut down from 24" to whatever we want / need. Also asked him if they would be sealing the tile grout .... he says no they don't do that.
Picked up a dozen or so cart loads of concrete, asphalt rubble, and loose roots from down the driveway and around the house .... general clean-up .... don't want all that "crud" under the new grass. I'm sure there will be considerably more root picking to be done as the final grading is being done.
Stopped on the way home and got another utility trailer along with a "Gorilla Guard" hitch lock. Tried a Green one this time ... maybe we'll have better luck with the Green .... seems like "other people" want the Black ones to much. Went out to HD and got a pallet of 1-3" River Rock to put down between the driveway & the house.
Mike Johnson - Kitchen Backsplash Tile, 2 man x 3 hr = 6 MH(+2041) = 2047 MH To-Date
Tuesday - 03 October 2000
The slide switch / variable speed fan controls that have been put in cause quite a bit of "hum" that I did not expect. (They did not install the Lutron Diva Series controls .... I'm not sure just what they are other than "some" Lutron dimmer control or variable speed fan control.) Did not list a fully variable fan control ... listed a 3 speed fan control, Off. Low, Med. High ... The Lutron catalog fan speed control selection guide recommends a "quiet (step) fan conrol" as the best choice for control of a single fan ... "quiet fan-speed controls will not cause fan-motor hum..."
Stopped and talked with Mike McLaughlin on the way home, advised him that Mike D. should be calling for the final survey soon and that the NE corner monument needs to be re-established.
Went out to Home Depot, got 7 Lutron quiet - 3 speed step fan controls and will ask that the variable fan control be replaced with these and that the 5 light 3-way Kitchen light switches, and the 2 light 3-way Foyer/Entry Hall light switches be replaced with dimmer and "smart remote" dimmer switches - as scheduled.
Went back this evening to check out the outside "lantern" lights and so Lin could have a look around ... found one of the porch lights on, the Dining Room Slider open, and that Mike D's crew had been by - mounted the Microwave / Range Hood and put the latch in the Kitchen window slider. Also found the Dining Room light (which was working this afternoon) is not working tonight ... and the exhaust fan on the microhood "just barely" draws ... ???
Fitzpatrick Elec. - Turn on & check out, 2 men x 3 hr = 6 MH(+2047)
= 2053 MH To-Date
DiFrancesco Const - Misc Finish, 2 men x 2 hr = 4 MH(+2053) = 2057
MH To-Date
Wednesday - 04 October 2000
The HVAC crew was out to check-out and turn on the A/C.
Mike D. (himself) came out this afternoon to make the RO adjustments for the MedCabs. Could tell that he was still "hacked" about them so let him be .... while I moved dirt to fill out the North side of the drive. About 1745 I asked him to move his truck so I could get out and he started in on the MedCabs again ... "demanding" a CO for the "extra" involved in getting the MedCabs that we selected before he'd put them on order. Told him bluntly ... no way ... and we got into another round-and round. Have no idea what he'll do.
Advised Mike that we'd just gotten, and Fitzpartick (the boys) accepted and swapped the fan controls which were not as scheduled. Advised him that they would still have to change out 4 more switches, not as scheduled, in addition to ones that Jerry had found to be defective.
Mike was also grousing about how they were going to have to case around the Garage lights to hold a difusser lens - told him that, after seeing them on now (both day & night) they would be "OK" as is w/o the diffuser lens - just repair the hole ripped out when they were wired in. Asked him if he'd patched the wiring holes above the vanity lights - his responce was that he'd have Fitzgerald raise the vanity lights to about 2-3" above the mirror to cover the holes up. (I don't think so ... will run this by Lin & Dad tonight. Right now they have all been installed ~ 1/2" above the mirrors ... the wiring was stubbed out to high.) He was also grousing about the grab bars in dad's shower ... that the plumber told him that "the owner & his daughter" were there when they were put in and showed him where to put them ... guess I hadn't talked to Mike about this again ... said Yes that's true and I told the plumber when he was back finishing up at the Kitchen sink that they were OK" as-is but we were still due a 36" horizontal grab bar at the back of this shower.
Mike advised that we get ADT in before next Monday .... he'd scheduled his cleaning crew in for then .... I suppose that means that he'll be installing the Pergo and Carpet before Monday. Advised him that both ADT & Culligan had asked to be called in - after - we'd gotten the CO.
Mike also said that his grass mans quote for Bitter Blue was ... $195 over the allowance, for 10000SF (vs. the 1/3 Acre - 14,500SF "Allowance Item") Guess this is another case of "allowance item gotcha". Told him that we had a quote for ~ $400 less than that - using Palmetto with a 3 day call time. He said "OK, do it yourself then ... they may lie to the homeowner but not to a contractor." No comment .... other than we'd be taking care of the grassing .... as soon as he gets the dumper and Port-A-John gone and the lot regraded for grassing.
Never got to the driveway / invert problem ... joy ... joy ... something more to look forward to.
Fitzpatrick Electric - Elec. Check-out, 3 men x 3 hr = 6 MH(+2057) =
2063 MH To-Date
D&H Air Conditioning - HVAC Check-out, 2 men x 1 hr = 2 MH(+2063)
= 2065 MH To-Date
DiFrancesco Const - Misc Finish, 1 man x 4 hr = 4 MH(+2065) = 2069
MH To-Date
Thursday - 05 October 2000
6 (Local Link)
The electrical crew was in and finished up - installed the three floodlights. They brought 7 "replacement" fan control switches for me to take back to HD for a refund - agreed that the original controls were the cause of the fan hum and needed to be swapped out. I mentioned the four 3-way dimmers for the Kitchen and the Foyer/Hall circuits .... then decided that because I wasn't expecting to receive the 7 replacement switches from them ... these would be "OK" as is ... if we want to put dimmers on these light circuits, I'll do it later. They also made the pulls and terminations to the "barn" and shed (direct work - extra - but this was expected).
D&H Air was back for a follow-up check on the HVAC unit.
ABCo Doors was in and installed the Garage door at the house. (Direct work / OFM)
Marty Limberis was by to do a little Stucco touch-up at the Kitchen Pass-thru counter, the steps, and at a chip-out from the screen installation.
Treefeller Concrete came by to check-up on the driveway. Showed him the pictures of the "flowtest" and we looked at the washing that was occuring at the end of the drive. He agreed to add 15' of 6" x 12" curb to turn the water .... down the driveway.
Choice sanitation came by ~ 1400, "everyone" had pulled out by then, and picked up the dumpster.
Just before leaving, I called Mike D. to let him know what all had happened today, and to approve the extra requested for the MedCabs. He "thinks" that TCLC will be in tomorrow for the finish grading. I advised him that I didn't really want a tractor & box blade dragging dirt across and up the driveway, that it may be necessary to get a bobcat loader in for an hour or so first to do that digging and hauling. I've been doing this for the past 3 days with "Deere John", it's trailer, and my "Mexican Backhoe" - tough work & I've only gotten down about 45' from "the barn".
Mike Johnson - Tile work, 2 man x 1 hr = 2 MH(+2069) = 2071 MH To-Date
Fitzpatrick Elec. - Electrical Trim, 3 man x 1 hr = 3 MH(+2071) = 2074
MH To-Date
Fitzpatrick Elec. - Cable runs to back, 3 man x 3 hr = 9 MH (Direct
Work)(+2074) = 2083 MH To-Date
D&H Air Conditioning, HVAC check-out, 2 man x 1 hr = 2 MH(+2083)
= 2085 MH To-Date
ABCo Doors - Garage Door, 2 men x 2 hr = 4 MH(Direct Work)(+2085)
= 2089 MH To-Date
Limberis Plastering - Stucco trim-out, 1 man x 2 hr = 2 MH(+2089) =
2091 MH To-Date
Friday - 06 October 2000
10 (Local Link)
Sunrise Paint & Carpet delivered & installed the pad & carpet.
Mike D. & Tracy delivered the Pergo flooring, trimmed door bottoms, turned on the house water, then Tracy & I moved the Fridge & Range inside.
Sunrise Paint & Carpet - Install Carpet, 2 men x 5 hr = 10 MH(+2091)
= 2101 MH To-Date
DiFrancesco Const. - Trim Doors, 2 men x 2 hr = 4 MH(+2101) = 2105
MH To-Date
Saturday - 07 October 2000
Inside - Install Grab bar in dad's shower, (3) MedCabs, Pergo flooring,
Range, Refrigerator, Washer, & Dryer
Outside - Install gutters, add 15' of curb at the driveway, final grading,
& sodding (direct contract )
General - cleaning, caulking, sealing, trim paint & paint touchup
US - Call in Culligan to install the "Good Water Machine" and to check
out / recharge / restart the water primary filter and conditioner..
We "expect" to have the final inspections completed, the CO prepared, settle up with Mike D. and have the turn-over by or before this coming weekend (October 14th), call in ADT to do their work Oct 16/17 and have scheduled Mayflower in to make the move on October 19th.
Sunday - 08 October 2000
10 (Local Link)
After reviewing our drawings and finish schedule, all outside and porch receptacles are scheduled to be GFCI receptacles with WaterProof boxes/covers ... I did not remember them being GFCI receptacles and went back tonight to double check before adding this to the punchlist. They all have waterproof boxes or covers, but none are GFCI protected. While there, at night, and thinking of nothing but "electrical", I went around again and found a number of switch "functional" errors, i.e. no nightlight function when this function was scheduled and/or possibly defective or miswired switches .... added these to the punchlist.
Review of the prepared punchlist and review of the permits has raised a couple of "Code" and/or permit questions than can only be resolved by getting the answer directly from the plan review, or code enforcement, or inspection people (not sure which) will go there first thing in the morning and get these questions answered and probably will not deliver the punchlist now until Tuesday.
Added to total - not work done "today"
Gale Insulation - Blow insulation MBR Closets & MBa, 2 men x 2
hr = 4 MH(+2105) = 2109 MH To-Date
Monday - 09 October 2000
Lin had come down while I was doing my running around, the phone man was scheduled to hook us up today, and Mike's "cleaning lady" was already there .... not a complete cleaning ... that will come with the "final cleaning" but a cleaning of the windows and window sills so the painter can come in and caulk the interior of the windows and do his touch-up & trim work.
I got to the house ~ 1130 and the phone man had just arrived and started his connection work. Didn't take long outside then he had to go down to the corner of Walton & SIRD to "get a dial tone" (???) came back ~ 1330 and finished up - both lines check out "OK" at all inside outlets & all are connected for both a primary and secondary line. Line 1 (primary) = 561-873-4575 ("almost" the same as dad's old number), Line 2 (secondary) = 561-873-5366, # test line = 780-2411
WINDY today and had a short power outage while we were testing phone lines .... decided to check out the "emergency generator" as long as the power was already out. Found that even though (2) #3 wires were pulled as "hot legs" to the garage, only one was connected (???) and only one leg is backfeeding to the house. Will have to check this out some more tomorrow and get with Fitzpatrick's boys when they come back.
Went to lock up and come back to vero ~ 1400, checked to verify that the key was "where it was supposed to be" and found no key ... checked the doors and not there either ... Mike called tonight to ask that I be at the house tomorrow that Tryon was scheduled to come in ~ 0930 to put in the grab bar in dad's shower and check out the water. He also asked where the key was and I let him know that the last time I saw it was when I took it out of the Study door last Friday and put in on top of the meter box.
Finished up the completion punchlist tonight based on questions answered by the floks at Community Development.
??? Cleaning Service - pre cleaning, 1 lady x 5 hr = 5 MH(+2109) = 2114 MH To-Date
Got to the house about 0815 this morning, Mike had said that Tryon would be out today ~ 0930 to check the water and put in the grab bar in dad's shower and wanted "the owner" to be there to show him "where". Tracy showed up ~ 1000 and tinkered around a bit with a few punch list items while waiting for Mike D. to show up with the rest of the Pergo installation materials - vapor barrier, underlayment foam, glue, straps etc. Mike showed up ~ 1130, picked up his copy of the completion punch list ... read thru it and started commenting about what he did not intend to do. I left that alone and didn't comment or argue back.
We fully intend that what has been entered to the completion/punchlist .... WILL BE DONE.
Tryon finally showed up around 1 or 1:30, put up the grab bar, checked out the water supply at the sink, tied in the icemaker line on the fridge and plugged it in, and asked if there was anything else. This is the first time the plumber has been here since the pump was turned on and Mike D. turned on the water to the house last Friday. The plumber had made the comment earlier (when they were here "topping out") that they should be here when the water was turned on to flush and check for leaks. This one today made the comment that he thought we might need to turn up the pressure. (It's currently set at 20 psi on/40 psi off)
The Sink protective covers had not been removed prior to the cleaning lady taking them off, Tracy or Mike just cut a slit in them and turned on the taps to see that water was coming through. Other than observing that - and flushing toilets - I had not checked out any of the inside water system before the plumber had his chance to "check it out". (I do know that the house lines were never properly flushed.) Before Tryon left I went thru and checked flow, hot & cold at each sink, the Mba Tub, and both showers. Also vacummed out the tub, filled it above the discharge outlets, and checked out the whirlpool function and air mixing valve function - looks good, can't wait to try it out. The flow in dad's vanity is not good, and the flow at his shower is terrible, almost non-existant on the hot side. We (the plumber & I) went and checked the flow in the Master Bath Shower, and it's fine ... he said that he'd take the other one apart and see what the problem is. Next thing I knew, he was gone.
Mike & Tracy were working on the Pergo flooring, had it about half in, and I asked Mike what the plumber had said about fixing the flow in dad's bathroom .... he came back with "it's a pressure or well problem... you heard what he said" (He wasn't there to hear what the plumber said when we were checking flows ... and apparently was not told before the plumber left ??)
TCLC had not shown up for the final grading before I left ~ 1530 to go by the inspection office and check on some "code" questions that Mike had raised .... Access to the tub pump, receptacle, & drain and the orientation of the range and dryer receptacles. Talked with Joe Cicio again, and he consulted with his supervisor re. the tub access question. He had been using the term "readily accessible" and his supervisor even went as far as saying that he had in the past even gone as far as requiring an access opening be cut thru a block wall - from the outside. Joe pulled the copy of the plumbing code currently adopted and looked up the requirements for whirlpool tubs ... the terms used there are "installation per manufactures instructions" and "accessible" ... (I don't think I have the installation instructions, remember seeing them in the tub and/or in the bathroom for a long time) Joe likened this to to the question of accessibility to the attic space - where access openings and/or pull down access ladders are what have been required to satisy a "readily accessible" interpretation. On the Range & Dryer receptacle orientation question, neither Joe nor his supervisor thought that receptacle orientation was a code "requirement" but he'd check with the electrical inspector in the morning and have an answer for me.
Will amend the punchlist to include the unacceptable flow at dad's bathroom .... and installing the window screens.
DiFrancesco Const. - Misc. punchlist workoff, 1 man x 2 hr = 2 MH(+2114)
= 2116 MH To-Date
DiFrancesco Const. - Install Pergo Flooring, 2 men x 5 hr = 10 MH(+2116)
= 2126 MH To-Date
Tryon Plumbing - plumbing trim & check-out, 1 man x 2 hr = 2 MH(+2126)
= 2128 MH To-Date
Wednesday - 11 October 2000
8 (Local Link)
Left the "Contractors Copy" of the punchlist addendum dated 10 October 2000 on the Kitchen Counter.
Called Culligan and confirmed we were on the schedule to install our "Good Water Machine", a final filtration system and storage tank installed under the Kitchen sink supplying a sink top "drinking water" tap and the Ice maker line consisting of - a 5 micron filter, charcoal filter, reverse osmosis filter, a final charcoal polishing filter, and a 3 gallon storage tank. He arrived ~ 1230, installed the final filter and also restarted the primary conditioning system in the pump shed.
Tracy was in and reworked the Master bath tub skirt, installed a 2x4 frame behind the face closure panel (skirt) and will reinstall the skirt with cabinet screws & washers to provide "readily accessible" access to the circulating pump, receptacle, and under tub plumbing. He and Mike are almost finished with the Pergo flooring except for perimeter trim molding.
Cabinet connection came in and fixed the pot stack drawer that would not fully extend - the drawer had been misinstalled in the track and the track "racked" . They also "checked-out" the vanity cabinet installations..
The electricians were in and worked off most of the punchlist items that were wiring related - still have to come back for some that are materials related.
The cleaning service lady was back and finished up on some windows that she couldn't get without a ladder and with a can of "Goof-Off" cleaner to remove a bit of paint over spray.
After the TCLC Tractor left, dad & I did some handwork and raking to prep for sodding Friday.
TCLC - Final Grading, 1 man x 4 hr = 4 MH(+2128) = 2132 MH To-Date
DiFrancisco Const. - Rework Tub skirt for access, 1 man x 3 hr = 3
MH(+2132) = 2135 MH To-Date
Cabinet Conn. - Correct Drawer Pull & check-out cabs, 2 men x 1
hr = 2 MH(+2135) = 2137 MH To-Date
Fitzpatrick Elec. - Punch list work-off, 2 man x 2 hr = 4 MH(+2137)
= 2141 MH To-Date
??? Cleaning - Pre-clean, 1 lady x 2 hr = 2 MH(+2141) = 2143 MH To-Date
Culligan - Install final filter, restart primary conditioner, 1 man
x 2 hr = 2 MH(+2143) = 2145 MH To-Date
Thursday - 12 October 2000
Flow tested each faucet, Hot, Cold, & Mid-Point (at faucets with mixing valves). Started with a 5 minute flush of the washer hose bibbs (then hooked up the washer) will leave the dryer for the contractor to change the 3 wire plug to a 4 wire plug (to match what the electrician installed). Found a low flow condition in the Master Bath Shower (Cold side) in addition to the low flow in the Bath 2 Shower (Hot side). Also, with the Whirlpool tub skirt off, and the plumbing and electrical now accessible, tested the whirlpool tub and found the pump suction union to be leaking. Shut it down - don't know if any other fittings are leaking.
Suncoast Specialties came by to install the gutters - and informed me that the front gutters "were Mike's" .... but if we wanted any more they would be "mine". Asked how much for gutters across the Entry Porch and Garage - West side and got a quote. Called Mike on this, there was no restriction or qualification in his bid re. gutters only on the front, just the item "Gutters" and an amount (interestingly, equal to what was quoted for the West Side x 2.7) Wasn't getting anywhere with him - (as if I expected to - "Buckley's Mate"). Just another case - as he commented last week - "he only does as little as he needs to, to get by" - and OK'd the gutters on the back - separately as OFM to the Gutter man. Let Mike know about the tub plumbing leaking.
Spent the afternoon hand grading, raking, and picking roots, concrete & mortar debris, and asphalt debris - getting ready for sod tomorrow.
Suncoast Painting - Touch-up & Punchlist work, 2 men x 4 hr = 8
MH(+2145) = 2153 MH To-Date
Suncoast Specialties (Barry Aluminium) - Gutters, 2 men x 3 hr = 6
MH(+2153) = 2159 MH To-Date
Friday - 13 October 2000
12 (Local Link)
The punch list addendum, page 6 dated 10 October, is still on the Kitchen counter. Left punchlist addendum, page 7 dated 12 October, on the counter with it.
Around 1030, Tryon showed up - said he was called to fix a leak at the tub - found that it was not his plumbing and said he'd call mike and let him know that "belongs to" Marble Connection. Showed him the fixture flow test results and he took apart and cleaned "trash" out of both of the shower mixing valve cartridges - fixed the flow problem. Then he went out to the pump shed and adjusted up the set point on the pressure control switch (was set at 20psi on, 40 psi off) set it up to 50 psi off with the system shut off ball valve at the pump - closed. Now the pump is constantly running, @ 44 psi with 00.0 flow indicated. Think that this is the output capacity of the pump - and that's the reason the switch set-points were set where they were! I did not readjust the set-points, but did read the electric meter (00352 Kwh @ 1245) and will read it again tomorrow when I get down there. The only things running when we left were the fridge and the well pump.
Sod is being harvested today - at a field South of South Bay - and will be delivered and laid tomorrow.
DiFrancesco Const. - punch list work, 1 man x 1 hr = 1 MH(+2159) = 2160
MH To-Date
Tryon - punch list work, 1 man x 2 hr = 2 MH(+2160) = 2162 MH To-Date
Saturday - 14 October 2000
12 (Local Link)
The Sod & sod crew arrived at 0940 and proceeded to make the yard green. Laid 20 pallets, were cleaned up & gone by 1430. LOOKS SOOOOO GOOD! (After more than a year of sand - where there's supposed to be a home!)
I found ITT-Goulds Pumps online last night, and the specifications for our well pump. It appears that the pump is performing exactely as designed - delivering between 5 & 6 GPM @ 35 psi with switch pressure set at 20 ON/40 OFF. Readjusted the set points back where they belong. Also found that the motor is rated for continuous duty - so the 24 hour run should not have "hurt" it, and neither will the extensive lawn watering duty that it will be delivering for the next few weeks.
DiFrancesco Const. - punch list work, 2 men x 2 hr = 4 MH(+2162) = 2166
MH To-Date
B & S Sod - Sod, 5 men x 5 hr = 25 MH(+2166) = 2191 MH To-Date
Monday - 16 October 2000
2 (Local Link)
I got the water to going, put down three splash blocks at gutter downspouts then went to cutting in the back end. Sometime while I was in back, Marble Connection came and reinstalled the whirlpool tub pump. It turns out that the original pump had a cracked pump casing. (Double glad now that I had "provide access to the under tub area" as a punchlist item!)
Called Mike D. ~ 1330 and he's supposed to be calling for FINALS for tomorrow.
King - Carter Aluminium - Railings, 2 men x 2 hr = 4 MH(+2191) = 2195
MH To-Date
??? Cleaning - Final Cleaning (Inside), 1 lady x 5 hr = 5 MH(+2195)
= 2200 MH To-Date
Marble Connection - Replace tub pump, 1 man x 1 hr = 1 MH(+2200) =
2201 MH To-Date
Tuesday - 17 October 2000
~ 1030 & 1045 the Building Inspector and the Health Dept Inspector came by for the FINALS on the house and Sepic Tank/Drainfield - both passed. The Building Inspector said that provided everything was "squared away" by early this afternoon, the CO should be ready to pick up this afternoon.
~1100Mike D. came by with his trailer, looked over the consolidated completion punchlist that I'd put together last night (mumbled & grumbled again about some things that he wasn't going to do - left that alone again, we'll find out what he is and isn't going to do when we settle our account with him) worked off some of the items and called Fitzpatrick back to work off some more of theirs. Fitzpatrick now claims that wall wash trim is no longer made for our lights (I seriously doubt that, or, maybe they are not made for the undersized cans that they put in) but told them to get eyeball trims and lamps then. Asked Mike if the driveway final was also scheduled for today - and he responded that he still needed to "get a letter up to them" - re. the mailbox turnout. Damm - he's only know about that since the day they came out for the driveway prepour inspection, 25 September! Said that it would be "tomorrow". Mike loaded up his sign, the left over rebar, and a few drywall mud buckets and hauled them away.
Had Fitzpatrick terminate BOTH supply cables to the Garage subpanel. (They had pulled 2-#3 supply cables but had only terminated one at the lugs in the subpanel and "jumpered" across to the 2nd side, and had only terminated one side of the 60 Amp supply breaker in the main panel.).
DiFrancesco Const. - Punchlist work, 1 man x 3 hr = 3 MH(+2201) = 2204
MH To-Date
Fitzpatrick Elec. - Punchlist work, 2 men x 1 hr = 2 MH(+2204) = 2206
MH To-Date
Wednesday - 18 October 2000
Patty Carter (King-Carter Aluminium) came by with her bid for Hurricane Panels along with some Accordian Shutter alternates for the big openings on the Front Porch. While she was here, she sealed the interior of the screen and screen door frames on the Front Porch, Will give credit for the "time" but not as a Work Day".
By 1130, no inspector had come by for a final on the driveway and I called Mike D. to ask him if he'd gotten the letter he's owed them and scheduled the inspection so he can get the CO to us. He replied - "No, maybe he'd get to it tomorrow." I told him that there were no more "tomorrows" to get it up, get the final driveway inspection, and get the CO - the movers will be here tomorrow! He replied that we couldn't move things in that it wasn't all signed off and settled up yet and he didn't have all our Lein Releases yet" ..... I replied that was "punchlist" - the trucks are coming, and he has no more time left.
Left Dad at the new house - watering the grass, and came up for another load - ladders, tools, workbench & a few "boxes" - gonna be "Christmas" for the next month or two - opening boxes that have been "packed since Birmingham" - 15 Months ago.
We'll see what happens tomorrow. Everyone keep your fingers crossed
for us.
This will be the last update posted from Vero (hopefully).
Tomorrows update "should be" posted from OUR NEW HOUSE!
King-Carter Aluminium - Punchlist work, 1 lady x 1 hr = 1 MH(+2206) = 2207 MH To-Date
Thursday - 19 October 2000
At 2130 last night we called our Mayflower agent and cancelled the move for today. We've come to far and put up with to much to screw things up now .... and Mike D. is just enough of a SOB to make trouble for us .... so we'll see what happens tomorrow ..... getting Dammed sick of "tomorrows"!!! Have not rescheduled with Mayflower yet, today was already the third date that we'd scheduled .... we"ll wait now until we have the CO in hand.
Took my motorcycle down to Yamaha of Ft. Pierce to have them work up an estimate to get it back on the road again - most likely .... in order to sell it :-((
Went by the house and dropped off the bike's saddlebags. Checked thru the house and there does not appear that any punchlist work has been done. Checked the permit box and found the driveway permit - signed off - yesterday. The next call is Mike D's .... am not planning at this time to call him .... he can call and let us know that he has the CO and is ready to "settle up". The way we're looking at it now .... he's just paying for more and more of the hurricane shutter bill.
Called Community Development this morning ~ 0930 .... the CO is ready .... (Happy Birthday - Dad). Martha said that we could come pick it up any time ... which surprised me. But, said that I'd better let Mike pick it up and deliver it. She said that she'd call Mike and let him know it's ready .... maybe he's in processes of gathering up his final Lein Releases .... hasn't called yet - 1040.
1230 - Couldn't stand it any more - I called Mike. He's picked up the CO and was headed over to the house to work off a few more punchlist items. Asked him when we could get together to "settle up", and after determining that it wouldn't be today, and he "has his kids" this weekend and wouldn't be available, I asked him if it is "OK" now to reschedule our move for Monday and he said yes, and we'll get together Tuesday. Still does not have all his Lein Releases, claims that not everyone has gotten bills in to him yet - and I said that could be an item that we could allow some time for him to gather them all together. Called Mayflower and we're on for Monday - 0830!
Except for being all packed up - I guess we can "relax" this weekend .... and look forward to moving Monday.
DiFrancesco Const - Punchlist work, 1 man x 3 hr = 3 MH(+2207) = 2210 MH To-Date
Monday - 23 October 2000
3 (Local Link)
Wednesday - 25 October 2000
Ricky (the painter) came by Saturday and tried again to get the overspray up off the porches .... no luck. He then went up to Sunrise and brought back some sample chips of a concrete stain - one of which very closely matched the concrete tint and we decided to let them seal/stain the porches. They came by Tuesday and Wednesday and put on 2 coats and I must admit it looks a LOT better.
Tuesday, Mike (the Tile setter) came by and put up the hand towel bars in the Master bath.
Also Tuesday Gale Specialties came by and installed the MedCabs. I'm not overly happy with them - they are not as described in the American Pride catalog.
Have not seen or heard from Mike D. yet - to settle up with him - guess he's still gathering up his paperwork and giving us a chance to settle in a bit too. Good thing, I went up to Vero and gave Lief a final mowing job Tuesday and Lin & I went back up today to gather up some final things and do some inside cleaning ... will finish this up tomorrow.
Suncoast Painting - Punchlist work, 1 man x 1 hr = 1 MH(+2210) = 2211
MH To-Date
Suncoast Painting - Punchlist work, 2 man x 4 hr = 8 MH(+2211) = 2219
MH To-Date
Mike Johnson - Punchlist work, 1 man x 1 hr = 1 MH(+2219) = 2220 MH
Gale Specialties - Punchlist work, 1 man x 1 hr = 1 MH(+2220) = 2221
MH To-Date
Thursday - 26 October 2000
We're 100% moved now (again) ..... and now the "fun" begins, unpacking and sorting thru things that have been boxed up either for a "few days" ... or for 15 months! It's going to be "brutal" .... but we both plan on being "ruthless" and don't want or plan on keeping things .... just to put in "storage" ... in a box .... never to be seen again for "thirty years".
We've noticed a "wet spot" adjacent to the North wall in the Family room :-( ... thought at first that it may have been a "terriorital marking" accident by either Boz or Sammy from down the street ... but there was no tell tale odor. And, after three days of blowing on the spot with a fan - it did not dry. Then, remembering that the route of the "raw water" line to the hose bibb at the NE corner passed thru the thickened slab for this bearing wall at about the same point .... we cut off the raw water supply to see if it would dry up. It did. Guess that we (and Mike) really do have a problem and a bit of a mess to fix it!!
ADT is due in Monday to complete their security system installation, and Sears is also due in to check out the Fridge (fridge section not cooling correctly) and the Microhood (still not exhausting the way I think it should).
Have contacted Mike McLaughlin a couple of times ... but have not yet "gotten with him" to determine a break-down of his proposed "final survey" quote.
Saturday - 04 November 2000
12 (Local Link)
ADT's man was here from ~ 0900 'till 1900 installing the trim-out for the security system and will be back either tomorrow or Wednesday for just a little finish up work.
Sears sent out two different servicemen - one for the microhood - he ordered a frame piece which was bent during installation (should be delivered directly here) and is planning to be back next Monday - with a helper - to take the unit down and check-out the vent connection. The other for the fridge found a controls wire connection loose, plugged it in tight and it seems to be working correctly now - top & bottom.
Tryon Plumbing - Punchlist work, 2 man x 1 hr = 2 MH(+2221) = 2223 MH
ADT - Security System Trim-out, 1 man x 10 hr = 10 MH(+2223) = 2233
MH To-Date
Sears Appliance Service - Punchlist work, 1 man x 1 hr = 1 MH(+2233)
= 2234 MH To-Date
Sears Appliance Service - Punchlist work, 1 man x 2 hr = 2 MH(+2234)
= 2236 MH To-Date
Thru Friday, 20 October 2000 -
Design and Lot Preparation PhasePreliminary designs
Calendar Days 106 - In Preliminary planning & Lot Prep
Final Pre-Construction PhaseBid Preparation Phase 50 - 03 December 1999 thru 21 January 2000 (Contract Date)
Calendar Days 118 - In final pre-construction phase
Construction PhaseCalendar Days 206 - From 29 March 2000, The day the permit was available
Thru Monday, 06 November 2000 -
Thurman's Sheds, Shed del & erect 24 MH (DIRECT WORK)
Doyle Masonry, Stem Wall & Conc fill 32 MH
Treasure Coast Land Clearing, Fill
9 MH
DiFrancisco Const, Fill Compaction
4 MH
South Florida Conc, Floor Slab, pre-rough form 12 MH
Tyron Plumbing, Rough-in
8 MH
Paragon - final compaction pass & Termite trtmt 1 MH
South Florida Conc, floor slabs
69 MH (BF, Fine Grade, Form, Reinf, Place & Finish)
Big Johnson's Concrete Pumping
5 MH
Doyle Masonry - Exterior Walls
144 MH
Doyle Masonry - Bond Beam
28 MH
DiFrancisco Const - Truss Strap layout
3 MH
DiFrancisco Const - Remove Scabs
1 MH
DiFrancisco Const - Carpentry Work
362 MH (3 RAIN)
AJ Crane Svs - Setting Trusses
6 MH
D&H Air Conditioning - Duct work & Rough-in
31 MH
Tryon Plumbing - Top Out
15 MH
Fitzpatrick Electric - Rough in
131 MH
Cabinet & Marble Conn - MBa Tub
8 MH
South Fla. Conc. - Porches
10 MH
DiFrancisco Const - Conc Work (Porches)
16 MH
APT/ADT - Security System Rough in
Roofing by Steve - Roofing
56 MH
Gale Insulation - Insulation
20 MH
Keith Donahue Drywall - Drywall
207 MH
DiFrancesco Const - Interior Trim
36 MH
DiFrancesco Const - General finish
69 MH
Suncoast Painting - Interior painting
70 MH
King-Carter Aluminium - Misc metals
61 MH (soffit, facia, screens, entry porch railing)
D&H Air Conditioning - Trim out
16 MH
Mike Johnson - Tile Work
133 MH
Fitzpatrick Electric - Trim out
79 MH
Fitzpatrick Electric - Cable pull/term. to back 9 MH (DIRECT
Limberis Plastering - Stucco
178 MH
Gale Insulation - Blown-in Insulation
8 MH
Cabinet Connections - Cabinetry & Cul. Marble 36
Treasure Coast Land Clearing - Driveway Work
18 MH
Treasure Coast Land Clearing - Final Grading
4 MH
Ashton Septic Tank - Septic Tank & Drainfield 22
Gale - Specialties
18 MH
Tryon - Plumbing Trim
28 MH
Tryon - Repair Leak
2 MH
Treefeller Concrete - Driveway, Walk,& Steps 102
ABCo Doors - Garage door
Sunrise Paint & Carpet - Install Carpet
10 MH
??? Cleaning Svc. - Pre & Final Cleaning
12 MH
A-1 Water Systems - check & reprime well
Culligan - Final filter & restart primary
Suncoast Specialties/Barry Aluminium - Gutters 6 MH
B & S Sod - St. Augustine, Palmetto Sod
King-Carter Aluminium - Misc metals
2 MH (DIRECT WORK) (Railing @ Front Steps)
APT/ADT - Security System Trim out
Sears - Appliance installation "Check-out"
2237 MH To-Date
2234 MH To-Date (Work Time)
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