File size = 47.6Kb (Revised to 10.8Kb)
Rick & Lin - Wire Sculpture at Dachau
File Size = 50.3Kb (Revised to 11.4Kb)
Photo collage of Dachau Images - there are too many
The Wire photo at the top is ours, the balance of these images are from a booklet purchased at the Memorial Site - "Concentration Camp Dachau 1933 - 1945" - which includes images and descriptions of the items displayed in the Memorial Site Museum.
Registered Arrivals in Dachau Concentration Camp - according to the findings of the International Tracing Service, Arolsen - first arrivals, 22 March 1933.
1933 - 4,821 | 1934 - 1,990 | 1935 - 2,111 | 1936 - 2,323 | 1937 - 2,015 | 1938 - 18,681
1939 - 3,932 | 1940 - 22,675 | 1941 - 6,135 | 1942 - 12,572 | 1943 - 19,358 | 1944 - 78,635
1945 - 30,958 -------- liberated 29 April 1945
Total = 206,206 prisoners --- THIS is in memory of THEM !!
File size = 94.9Kb (Revised to 27.2Kb)
This Memorial Site Wall & Sign says it all !!
File size = 45.8Kb (Revised to 10.6Kb)
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