File size = 14.4Kb
The Fortress of Hohen Salzburg
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From Hohen Salzburg - SW toward the Untersberg 1853m, Berchtesgaden & Konnigsee center -- The large building at the bottom is the Salzburg Municipal Home for Senior Citizens
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Zoom in on the Untersberg - note cable car to the left of the peak
(If you look closley, you can even see the cable!!!)
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Overlooking the "old town" area of Salzburg & the River Salzach.
This was the only smog or air pollution we saw on our trip.
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Konnigsee (635m) - about 10 km South of Berchtesgaden
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Zoom in on Hang Gliders "stepping off" Honer Goll (2523m) above Konigssee
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Zoom in - The Eagles Nest on the Kehlstein Ridge (1834m) - from Konigssee
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Hang Glider above the Eagles Nest - from Konigssee
File size = 4.5Kb
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