File size = 9.8Kb
Swans in flight near Hohenschwangau
File Size = 6.2Kb
Neuschwanstein Castle - approaching the village of Hohenschwangau
File size = 11.0Kb
Schloss Hohenschwangau - King Maximillan II
File size = 8.2Kb
"Fast" Eddie, Rick, & Lin - on the approach road to Neuschwanstein Castle - either Eddie just told us about the "nooky nooky barns" or Lin is telling him about the "easy, good for you, 20 minute walk from Hohenschwangau to Neuschwanstein"
File size = 11.6Kb
Schloss Neuschwanstein
File size = 8.4Kb & 7.3Kb
Lin at Schloss Neuschwanstein
File size = 10.5Kb
Schloss Neuschwanstein - from front & rear covers of the booklet "The King and his castle"
File size = 7.9Kb & 8.6Kb
Mural painting on "Geschenke - B. Heinzeller" the Gift Paradise in Oberammergau
File size = 19.9Kb
Another good dinner, some schnapps, some Bavarian Acordian - they all cap off 3 great days in Innsbruck
File Size = 16.9Kb
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