Langdon / Plank

Surname frequency distribution in the United States
1850 - 1990

The information and map/graphic presentations below were obtained from Hammrick Software
The color of each state indicates how frequently you will find someone with this surname in each state.  For instance, if a state is colored red, then 1 in 100 people (or more) in that state have the surname.  Similarly yellow means approximately 1 in 300 have the surname, green means 1 in 1000, and blue means 1 in 10,000 (or less).

The source of this data is the 1850 census, 1880 census, 1920 census and 1990's phone books.  Note that the census data is a sampling of 1 in 100 names, so the 1990 data is (considered) the most accurate.  These map representations are presented "for general interest" and are often helpful when trying to determine a starting point for genealogy projects.

"Langdon" in the US
1:100 census sample
"Plank" in the US
1:100 census sample
"Langdon" in the US
1:100 census sample
"Plank" in the US
1:100 census sample
"Langdon" in the US
1:100 census sample
"Plank" in the US
1:100 census sample
"Langdon" in the US
phone book records

 - From the 1990 census -
from a sample set 
of 6,290,251 "valid records" 
out of a "total" US population of 248,709,873
representing 88,799 unique surnames
the SURNAME - "Langdon" is posessed by .003% 
of the US population and ranks 3,878th in terms of frequency
~7,500 "Langdon's"
"Plank" in the US
phone book records

 - From the 1990 census -
from a sample set 
of 6,290,251 "valid records" 
out of a "total" US population of 248,709,873
representing 88,799 unique surnames
the SURNAME - "Plank" is posessed by .002% 
of the US population and ranks 5,022nd in terms of frequency
~ 5,000 "Plank's"