- 09 January 98
January 98
Original (copyright free) maps courtesy of the University of Texas - Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
Maps obtained from the UT map library were modified for the locator maps used for our ICQ list as follows:
1. Select the desired map from those available - shaded relief maps were the preferred style, unfortunately they were not always available. Download and save the original map to D:\RL2maps\Orig Country Maps\ ... (with the file name being country-pol or country-sr ) and bookmark the map source address.
2. If the original map was in .GIF format, it was first converted to .JPG using Paint Shop Pro, and the .GIF format discarded.
3. Copy the map file to D:\RL2maps\Mod Cou Maps WN\ ... (or \Mod Cou Maps TP\) depending on the server that they are to be placed on ...then modify the name to Add RL2 to preceed the country name and delete the -sr or -pol from the file name.
4. Using ArcSoft's Photo Impression - Crop and resize the map to 540 pixel width and save as .jpg with 50% compression.
5. Using JASC's Paint Shop Pro - add a 100 pixel border (equal all around), and flood fill the border with white. Change to blue, and annotate the listmembers name in the border space with a 1 pixel leader line to their home location. (Font - VAG Round, bold, 12 pt) and save.
Map page - copy a finished map page to a temporary work space in with the modified map. Rename the page to RL2new country.htm and re work it as necessary.... edit the country name, revise the image link, goto bookmarks & copy the image source URL, and correct the link to the source map image and it's source image size --- then view/edit source to revise page title and save. Cut and paste the new page to "our web site" / copy and paste the new map image to "our web site" ........ and upload the page and image file to the correct server.
RLicqL2.htm - the WHO/WHERE page ... link the country name to the new country map page, identify the image size and server WN or TP ..... upload to Tripod.
LINKS from listmember name on WHO/WHERE page back to the ICQ List
LINKS from the listmember name on the appropriate WORLD OVERVIEW page back to the ICQ List
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