Rick's Korea "Trip" - Photos
Page 3 of 4
"A little "Touristy"
- 07 Sept 2001  - 18 February 2002

From Camp Edwards (East) looking toward Camp Edwards (West) & the Western Mountain Range
Rick's "Home" 1971 - 72
CO - Capt James L. McAllister
XO - 1Lt Richard E. Langdon
1Sgt - SFC Malcom L. Stewart

"Uncle Sam's" - All expenses paid .... "Trip" to Korea
- He just wanted a little work while I was there -

Please be paitient - 26 thumbnail images loading
each "clickable" to an image ~ 4x larger

One Sunday dawned particularily beautiful
So I asked "The Old Man" if he thought it'd be OK to take a hike in the hills behind Edwards (West)

A farmers "barn" in the paddy adjacent to Edwards (West)

Overlooking Edwards (West)
from the hillside behind it

"Papa-san" collecting wood
Twigs actually, the Japanese just about stripped Korea bare of trees during their occupation

A Korean cemetary on the hillside behind Edwards (West)

close up of a small stone buddha

Overlooking MSR 1 
from an OP in the hillside behind Edwards (West)

I don't read Korean
- Hangul -
...don't know what it said
but it put an end to my "hike".

After nearly 30 years, our VT friend Yisu - has provided a translation.


1)  This placeis subsidized from the national coffers. 
You don't entering a mountain area. 

2) Do not pasturage. 

3) Do not get forest products without permission. 

4)Violators of this law have to be punished. 

[the magistrate of a Paju city.] 

We (CO's & XO's from B Co 2nd Engr & C Co 702nd Maint ) were invited to dinner with the leaders from Kumchon 

Wish I could say these were mine ... but no.  "The old man" from C Co 702nd Maint ... somehow got permission to go hunting & brought back these two "Siki" Deer - no horns, but check out the tusks!

My "tanker crew" headed out to the range with our CEV

Rail station at Munanmi
Headed to Seoul - with my "turtle" - on the ONE weekend I got away prior to DEROS & ETS

From the rail station on arriving in Seoul

From the rail station on arriving in Seoul

A local market street near the Seoul train station

Eggs in the market
the carrier is made from rice straw, and note that it's 10 to the carrier - not a "dozen"

Cable car to the top of 
(The mountain in the center of Seoul)

Overlooking Seoul
from Nam-san

Overlooking Seoul
from Nam-san

My "TURTLE" !!
and for the world, I can't remember his name.

Korean children
headed to school...

I'm on my way to Seoul
and ...

Mt. Fuji
and ...

Ft. Lewis
and ...

and ...
- HOME -

to Lin

and "Sam - I am"
- HOME -

To Photo's Page 1 of  4 (works)

To Photo's Page 2 of  4 (more works)

To Photo's Page 4 of 4 (Camp Edwards East & "The Bravo Beast" thru the years)


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