- 05 January 98
- Monday, 31 May 1999, 08:20:55
World overview MAPS
Courtesy of Brandon Plewe - Virtual Tourist & Kinesava Geographics
-------------------- US (by State) --------------------
To be Determined - Buster
Alabama (AL) - RickinBham & SwampQueen
Alaska (AK) - Aah Angel's
Arizona (AZ) -
Arkansas (AR) -
California (CA) - Twidget, LampMan, jboyle, carodiet, contradiction
Colorado (CO) - Akio, Dutch, Breezy
Connecticut (CT) -
Delaware (DE) -
Florida (FL) - Peppermint Patty, mosquito, brat, zip, Tony, ernie
Georgia (GA) - Joe-g, Joel, Lindy, Rolls Royce, Rabbit, caddy
Hawai (HA) - Roaddog
Idaho (ID) - Shan
Illinois (IL) - Pamieli, Gypsyfox, Kat
Indiana (IN) - Backpack, Flair, Speakeasy
Iowa (IA) - Brezh
Kansas (KA) -
Kentucky (KY) - GeorgeW
Louisiana (LA) - Panda
Maine (ME) - lee
Maryland (MD) -
Massachusetts (MA) - Traveling Man
Michigan (MI) - onlydutch
Minnesota (MN) - Jim
Mississippi (MS) -
Nebraska (NB) -
Nevada (NV) -
New Hampshire (NH) -
New Jersey (NJ) - Carole
New Mexico (NM) -
New York (NY) - RJ, Mariana, Jen, Mark, Rianna, mythOOX
North Carolina (NC) - BB, whitecrow8
North Dakota (ND) - Blondie
Ohio (OH) - Kraig, Trailblazer
Oklahoma (OK) - Sheba
Oregon (OR) - Jerry
Pennsylvania (PA) - Ruth
Rhode Island (RI) -
South Carolina (SC) - smokey
South Dakota (SD) -
Tennessee (TN) - nob63, LilBit, backpack joe
Texas (TX) - ClanWarrior, Tigger, Chris-Duchess, Dale, chicken_hawk
Utah (UT) -
Vermont (VT) -
Virginia (VA) -
West Virginia (WV) -
Wisconson (WI) - Eugene
Wyoming (WY) -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DC - The District of Colombia -
US External Territories:
Western Pacific, American Samoa (~ 11S - 14S & ~169W - 171W) -
Eastern Pacific, US Pacific Territories, Guam, Wake, The Northern Marianas, The Federated States of Micronesia ------------ (~0N - 21N & ~130E - 179E) -
US Virgin Islands - St. Thomas, St. John, St. Croix (~17N - 18N & 65W) -
Puerto Rico - (~18N - 19N & 65W - 67W) - Shadow
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