Rick & Linda's - Travelin' Partners ICQ List

03 January 2001  Monday, 21 January 2002, 18:10

Additions published (since 12/31/2000)

Additions & Revisions Pending

    Note:  thru 04/1999 the list count was 253.  At that time we decided to move to and build a new home in Florida and the maintenance of the list "took a bit of a backseat" to other concerns.  Thru 06/1999 the list count was 265. Submissions received between approximately 07/1999 and 10/1999 were "lost" in a reformat.  Additions and revisions received from approximately 10/1999 thru 12/2000 have been "held pending addition", and listmembers #266 thru 302 were added in January 2001.

On receiving an ADDITION or REVISION request email from our "Tripod - Form Submission" Page

1.  Verify the info submitted - Via ICQ's ADD MEMBER (by ICQ UIN) search   ...   If UIN was not furnished, try a search by email address - but - this is not very often successful!
        (If not specifically supplied with the submitted form data, look for -
        listed home town and country data ... also... look for a HomePage listing.)

2.  RENAME the ICQ Contact List addition as TP##-nickname (where ##=Country Code)

3.  Visit the new members Homepage (if submitted or listed).
    Capture their personal Photo, if one is available, and review their website for posible inclusion in one of our
        IN THE BUSINESS (Travel Professionals)

4.  ADD the List Members summary data to this Document,
      and FILE the email in Folder:  RLTP - List Additions Pending

RLTP - File Maintenance PROC
Each addition "triggers" the editing of (at least)five List files

1.  File:  RLicqList_#.htm ..... the individual listing page (EDIT with NETSCAPE COMPOSER)
                ( #=First Letter of the members LAST NAME)
        A.  UPDATE - the Page Revision Date

ADD (or UPDATE) - as necessary -
        B.  Real Name - (copy & paste)
                w/ Link to their Personal Homepage (if available)
                w/ Page Position Anchor = Lastname

        C.  Nickname - (copy & paste)
                w/ Link to the members Photo (if available)
                (If available, Photo name = members name as added to our contact list - TP##-nickname.jpg)
                w/ Page Position Anchor=Nickname

        D.  PAGE | ADD - with links to ICQ's Page and Add routines
                (copy & paste the ICQ UIN from their ICQ Info page)

        E.  Remarks - members submitted remarks (copy & paste from the email)

        F.  Language - members submitted remarks (copy & paste from email)

2.  File:  RLicqL2.htm ..... The WHO/WHERE Page (EDIT with NETSCAPE COMPOSER)
        A.  UPDATE - the Page revision date

        B.  UPDATE - the "Number Of Users: ### .... Number of Countries: ##" COUNTS

        C.  UPDATE - Add a new "Country Row" (if necessary) and create a new map image and page
                W/ Link to the new Country (or US State) Map Page

        D.  UPDATE - Add the new members "Nickname" to their country row-
                w/ Link to their "Nickname Anchor" / individual listing data position in File: RLicqList_#.htm

3.  File:  RLicqList.htm ..... The Main Entry Page (EDIT with WORDPAD)
        A. UPDATE - the page revision date

        B.  UPDATE - the "Number Of Users: ### .... Number of Countries: ###" COUNTS

        C.  UPDATE - the table of USER count by Last Name

        D.  UPDATE - the "pop-up" navigation section when pages are added to (or deleted from) the
                ICQ Pages section.  (At this point this is mainly on the ADDITION of a new Map Page)

4.  File(s):  RL2world.htm & RL2world.jpg ..... The World Map Page of RLTP List members
        A.  EDIT RL2world.jpg - with Paint Shop Pro - add a yellow DOT for the new list member

        B.  EDIT RL2world.htm - with Netscape Composer
        UPDATE - The page revision date
        UPDATE - The List Member count

5. File(s): RL2country.jpg & RL2country.htm (or RL2us_State.jpg & RL2us_State.htm)
                 ..... the particular "member locator" Map Page
        A.  EDIT RL2country.jpg
                w/ Paint Shop Pro - ADD a locator line to the new members home town and their Nickname
        B.  EDIT RL2country.htm
                w/ Netscape Composer UPDATE - the Page Revision Date

6.  File:  RLicqAdditionsPending.hth  .... THIS FILE
        A.  EDIT to mark the new member addition "DONE" - date

        B.  EDIT to move the "pending bar" down the list

6. FTP - the New and/or Revised files to our Tripod Website

7.  REPLY to the member submitted email and advise the member that their listing has been added (or revised).
            copy and paste from the last REPLY and correct the page links as necessary.

---------- List member additions (published - since 12/31/2000) ---------------

Mary Anne Tolentino        Maan       494971      TPPH- maan (added)
Manilla, The Philippines   266/49     12/31/99    DONE - 12/31/2000

Anayansi Mendoza        Isnayana   43446603    TPPA-Isnayana (added)
Panama City, Panama        267/50 *   03/31/2000  DONE - 01/02/2001

Liz Salisbury         piglet     34272745    TPGB-piglet (added)
Bedford, GB                268/50     11/11/1999  DONE - 01/03/2001

Chai Ah Sung         Hassan     29227792    TPMY-Hassan (waiting Auth)
Johor Baru, Malaysia       269/50     10/26/1999  DONE - 01/03/2001

Sheila Noah         MyLady     98366156    TPUS-MyLady (added)
Dahlonega, GA USA          270/50     12/09/2000  DONE - 01/03/2001

Masa Lakicevic         Mercury    51845174    TPAW-Mercury (waiting Auth)
?????, Aruba               271/51 *   01/16/2000  DONE - 01/03/2001

Pakawat Suphanakhan        Kong       1422414     TPGB-Kong (added)
Brighton, GB               272/51     11/02/1999  DONE - 01/05/2001

Bill Watson         Kiwi       43170097    TPNZ-Kiwi (added)
Auckland, New Zealand      273/51     11/02/1999  DONE - 01/06/2001

Elizabeth T Merrick        ElaT      39913640     TPPL-ElaT (waiting Auth)
?????, Poland              274/51     11/03/1999  DONE - 01/06/2001

Nick Firdy         Nije       16132107    TPTH-nije (added)
Bangkok, Thailand          275/51     11/15/1999  DONE - 01/06/2001

Pablo Leandro Ciocchini    Eco        30798022    TPAR-Eco (added)
La Plata, Argentina        276/51     11/27/1999  DONE - 01/06/2001

Andres Canton         OleToro    59395105    TPES-OleToro (added)
Andalucia, Spain           277/51     01/01/2000  DONE - 01/06/2001

Frank Hulsman         Frank      32221004    TPNL-Frank (added)
Nijverdal, Netherlands     278/51     01/08/2000  DONE - 01/06/2001

Vanessa Hellewell        Midnight   1111022     TPSG-Midnight (added)
?????, Singapore           279/51     01/14/2000  DONE - 01/07/2001

Wendy Tubbax         Wendy      37443747    TPBE-wendy (added)
Ramsel, Belgium            280/51     01/16/2000  DONE - 01/07/2001

Lis Woollard         Lis        2903484     TPGB-Lis (added)
Yorkshire, GB              281/51     03/26/2000  DONE - 01/07/2001

Sabari Sarkar         Berry      68633725    TPIN-Berry (added)
Mumbai, India              282/51     03/31/2000 DONE - 01/08/2001

Elisabete Almeida        Betty      19681030    TPBR-betty (added)
Sao Paulo, Brazil          283/51     04/21/2000  DONE - 01/08/2001

Suah Kim          Suah       71705169    TPKR-Suah (added)
Seoul, Korea               284/51     04/27/2000   DONE - 01/08/2001

Kenpo Lda         Ken        74824578    TPJP-Ken (waiting Auth)
Toyko, Japan               285/51     05/21/2000  DONE - 01/08/2001

John Cooper         holigost   69288419    TPGB-holigost (added)
Somerset, GB               286/51     05/27/2000  DONE - 01/08/2001

Krisina Klenina        Kristy     74309254    TPRU-Kristy (added)
Volgograd, Russia          287/51     06/04/2000   DONE - 01/08/2001

Gerrit Bezuidenhout    MeetAfrica    19841019    TPZA-MeetAfrica (added)
Ceres, South Africa        288/52 *   01/08/2001   DONE - 01/08/2001

Chandrakant Shah        c.k.       7899688     TPIN-c.k. (added)
Mumbai, India              289/52     06/11/2000  DONE - 01/09/2001

Mehmet  Cabuk        SessizGemi      57667539    TPTR-SessizGemi (added)
Izmir, Turkey              290/52     06/20/2000  DONE - 01/09/2001

Perucha Hutagaol        tranquil   68726206    TPID-tranquil (added)
Jakarta, Indonesia         291/52     06/20/2000  DONE - 01/09/2001

Mandy Kelly         mands      47749450    TPNZ-mands (???) (added)
Auckland, New Zealand      292/52     01/29/2000  (UIN= Kirsten kelly, Sparkle)
                                                    DONE - 01/09/2001

Onur Camurlu         urban0000  65019132    TPTR-urban0000 (added)
Ankara, Turkey             293/52     03/17/2000  DONE - 01/09/2001

MD Snyder         mcadoo     43586397    TPUS-McAdoo (waiting Auth)
????, LA USA               294/52     06/23/2000  DONE - 01/09/2001

Javier Gallego         Javier     9269081     TPES-Javier (added)
?????, Spain               295/52     06/27/2000  DONE - 01/09/2001

Michael Bigham         Wassir     83627750    TPUS-Wassir (added)
????, OR USA               296/52     08/01/2000  DONE - 01/09/2001

Mike Seleznev         Miha       64730451    TPCA-Miha (waiting Auth)
????, Canada               297/52     08/24/2000  DONE - 01/09/2001

John Fisher         Fisherking      89264559    TPUS-Fisherking (added)
Los Angeles, CA USA        298/52    09/08/2000   DONE - 01/10/2001

Louise Marie Neufeld    Sunshine      91253547    TPCA-Sunshine (added)
Morden, Manitoba, Canada   299/52     10/02/2000  DONE - 01/10/2001

Andrew Meyer         RoboticDolphin  31057591    TPUS-RobicDolphin (added)
South Fallsburg, NY USA    300/52     11/27/2000  DONE - 01/10/2001

Bill Boone         lukydude        98770495    TPUS-luckydude (added)
Tomball, TX USA            301/52     12/04/2000  DONE - 01/10/2001

Orlando Ferreira Jr.  Orlando Jr.     1719050     TPBR-OrlandoJr (added)
Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, Brazil 302/52    01/01/2001  DONE - 01/10/2001

Anil Leekha         anil         35465082    TPIN-anil (added)
Bangalore, India            303/52    01/10/2001  DONE - 01/10/2001

Sam Kelleher           simbolo               104346597         TPGB-simbolo (added)
Kent, GB                              304/52                01/12/2001         DONE - 01/14/2001

Dennis Mak                    king              14187888            TPMO-king (added)
Macau SAR                           305/53 *            01/27/2001         DONE - 01/28/2001

Lloyd Time Rich             Timeloyd    ICQ # ????            TPUS-Timeloyd (?????)
Carbondale, Illinois U.S.A.         306/53        02/28/2001            DONE - 04/26/2001

Sarjit Singh                       smile            103322128            TPMY-smile
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia            307/53            03/12/2001        DONE - 06/07/2001

Jitendra Agarwal                jack            84721973                TPAE-jack
United Arab Emirates                308/53            04/15/2001           DONE - 06/07/2001

María de los Angeles Montenegro     Patoja    115395915        TPGT-patoja
????, Guatemala                        309/54*        04/24/2001            DONE - 06/07/2001

Philippe Blasco                   Zygomar       117339133            TPNL-Zygomar
Utrecht, The Netherlands              310/54          05/25/2001            DONE - 06/07/2001

Gard E Abrahamsen            The Ugly       1672628               TPNO-TheUgly
Ålesund, Norway                       311/54           06/06/2001          DONE - 06/07/2001

Lisa Showkenik         Lisa        121136925    TPCA-Lisa
Ontario, Canada          312/54      06/14/2001   DONE - 06/17/2001

Lionel Harmsworth       Smaggydut   ICQ# ?????    TPUK-Smaggydut(?????)
Bournemouth, England     313/54     06/12/2001     DONE - 06/21/2001

Piotr Oszenda                          gutek                - opt out -             TPPL-gutek
Opole, Poland                          312/54             06/29/2001           DONE - 06/29/2001

Monique Cordero                     Mo                  - opt out -             TPSG-Mo
Singapore                                 311/54              07/26/2001              DONE - 08/05/2001

Burt Schneider                      aztravelman        123930224         TPUSVT-aztravelman
Tucson, AZ USA                      312/54               07/17/2001         DONE - 08/05/2001

Martine Verheyden               Tine                   48333323            TPBEVT-Tine
Hasselt, Belgium                        313/54               08/10/2001         DONE - 08/11/2001

Alonso Ibarra                       alonso                127898067          TPUS-alonso
Los Angeles, California  USA     314/54               08/21/2001       DONE - 08/23/2001

Maria Feraren                         Lia                     - opt out -                TPCH - Lia
Geneva, Switzerland                313/54                09/09/2001        DONE - 09/15/2001

Sedick Kahn                          dixon                  42040085              TPZA - dixon
Johannesburg, South Africa       314/54               09/23/2001            DONE - 10/18/2001

Sharon Anderson                    slomp                 131261108            TPUS-slomp
??, Colorado                             315/54               09/30/2001             DONE - 10/18/2001

Sumeet Chugh                         Sumeet               133791878            TPIN - Sumeet
??, India                                     316/54              10/13/2001            DONE - 10/18/2001

Laurainda Fan                           Angvil                   -opt out-              TPCA - Angvil
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada       315/54                12/05/01               DONE - 01/02/02

Jasmine Harrison                        Rianna                  -opt out-              TPUS - Rianna
New York, USA                       314/54                01/02/02               DONE - 01/02/02

Susan McCarthy                         Sue                    -email-                   TPCA - Sue
Vancouver, BC, Canada             315/54               01/20/02                DONE - 01/21/02

--- Pending in Folder "RLTP - List Additions Pending" ---------